Home 悬疑电影 大卫·戈尔的一生



该死 该死 该死
Shit! Shit! Shit!
嘿 请停车
Hey! Stop, please!
另一则新闻 高等法♥院♥维持原判
In a related story, the high court had also refused…
哲学教授大卫·戈尔的死刑仍将在周五执行 不会推迟
to stay Friday’s execution of former philosophy professor David Gale.
-哦 天啊 -戈尔先前要求重审1994年对他的判决
-Oh, boy. -Gale had sought a review of his 1994 conviction…
for the rape and murder of his University of Austin colleague…
Constance Harraway.
该案已引起全国媒体的注意 因为戈尔和哈洛威
The case has received nation wide media attention because Gale and Harraway…
were activists for DeathWatch,
a nonprofit abolitionist organization.
你知道就为了处决一个人 德州的纳税人
Do you understand how much money the taxpayers pay in the state of Texas…
to put one person to death?
-我们的要求是什么 -废除死刑
-What do we want? -No more executions!
州长先生 难道我们就不能坦白承认 我国的死刑制度根本毫无用处吗
Governor, can’t we all just admit that the capital punishment system in this country is not working?
电视刚说了 戈尔的死刑不会延迟 听着
They’re not gonna stay Gale. It’s on TV right now. Listen.
Defense lawyers had hoped to argue…
that Gale’s former activism against capital punishment…
unduly prejudiced the Texas judicial system.
条件是如果延迟处决被拒绝 他就会接受贝西的采访
The deal was, Bitsey would get the interview if the stay was refused.
He’ll talk to her for two hours a day…
在星期二 三 四
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
星期五♥不♥行 星期五他就要被处死了
Can’t do Friday. No. ‘Cause Friday’s the day they execute him.
The lawyer said only Bitsey.
-戈尔没活的希望了 -只有贝西就是只有她可以
-Gale’s going down. -“Only Bitsey” means only Bitsey.
规则又不是我订的 我只是个胖女人
I don’t get to make the rules, Joe. Please, I’m a fat black woman.
-告诉他我 -我们需要做的就是给她准备去德州的机票
-Tell him I said… -What we need is to put her on a plane to Texas.
这是多好的新闻啊 等等 我们现在过去
Why do you get like that around legal? Hold on, Joe. We’re coming over.
只有我可以 是什么意思
So what’s this “Only Bitsey means only Bitsey” stuff?
-他们点名要你 其他人都不行 -他们是谁
-They asked for you and no substitutes. -Who’s “they” exactly?
戈尔的律师团 确切说只有一个律师 是他在奥斯丁的死党
Gale’s lawyers. More exactly, Gale’s lawyer, some good ol’ boy in Austin.
-为什么非得是我 -难道你不想去采访他
-Why do they want me? -You’re telling me you don’t want the assignment?
不不 我不是那意思
NO, no. I’m not saying that.
我就是不明白 为什么一个即将被处决的人会突然找上我
I just can’t see why a guy on death row about to be executed should suddenly ask for me.
也许因为你报道过青少年卖♥♥淫 而且因此入狱过
I think they like the kiddie porn piece you did and going to jail and stuff.
或许是看了你的照片 觉得你很靓
I don’t know. Maybe he saw your picture and thinks you’re cute.
-我能采访他几次 -三次 不能增加时间
-So how much access do I get? -Three interviews. No time for any more.
By Friday, the guy’s a goner.
-我们要报道什么 -强♥暴♥ 谋杀 死囚
-Okay. What exactly is our story? -Rape, murder, death row.
大学教授 或许他是无辜的也不说不定
Very intelligent guy. Hey, maybe he’s even innocent.
Yeah, right.
告诉他我会给他回电♥话♥ 谢谢
No, no. Tell him I’ll call him back. Thanks.
Okay, so what’s your problem?
嗨 芭芭拉 早 贝西 我的观点是这样的
Hi, Barbara. Good morning, Bitsey. Okay. Here’s my concern.
Setting aside the cost, although half a million dollars in cash, I might add…
这不只违法 简直就是敲诈
for three days of interviews is not only illegal, it’s obscene.
现在都是这个价 那家伙从不开口
That’s market value. The guy’s never talked.
除此之外 我们对整个安排还是觉得不妥
Aside from that, I, we, are still uncomfortable with the arrangement.
-有何不妥 -众所皆知 你因为藐视法庭
-Why? -You just spent a very public seven days in jail…
for a very public contempt of court citation.
我是为了保护消息来源 如果你觉得那个故事不妥
For protecting sources. If you’re so goddamn uncomfortable with…
the story why did you slap it on both the domestic and the international covers?
让我觉得不妥的另一个原因是 一个强♥奸♥杀人犯
Look, what makes me,us uncomfortable is the fact that a rapist-slash-murderer…
为什么会在生命的最后三天 接受判刑后的第一次采访
has asked to spend the last three days of his life giving an interview…
而且采访他的记者 刚因为保护性变♥态♥而名声大噪
his very first… to a reporter who is now famous for protecting sexual deviants…
a reporter who’s also a very attractive woman.
拜托 根本就是两码事
Aw, come on! This is disparate treatment.
-算了吧 -如果我是个丑男就可以去了
-Oh, boy. -I could go if I were an ugly guy?
There’s an agenda issue here which would be defused with the presence of a man.
明早就等着看新闻吧 贝西控告她的老板性别歧视
I hear lawyers gleefully saying the words “Bloom vs. NEWS Magazine,Incorporated.”
先生 我终于明白了 原来我去采访与否完全取决于我的性别
Well, Your Honor, I started to notice my assignments being determined on the basis of my sex.
-不 -你必须让她去
-No. -You’ve gotta let her go now.
-我不是那个意思 -他必须让你去
-That’s not quite what I meant. -He’s gotta let you go.
够了 好吧 但是实习记者必须和你一起
All right, all right. Enough. But the intern will be with you at all times.
-好 -什么实习生 这不是开玩笑嘛
-Okay. -What? Intern? No. You gotta be kidding, Barbara.
-他就是那么说的 -他是个猪头
-That’s what he said. -He’s a jerk.
He’s the boss.
拜托 芭芭拉 不要实习生 我从来都是独来独往的
Come on, Barbara. Not an intern. I always work alone.
-这次不行 贝西 -我可不是保姆
-Not this time, Bitsey. -Look, I’m not baby-sitting.
戈尔的DNA到处都是 她体内有他的精♥液♥
Gale’s DNA was everywhere. His semen was inside her.
He was seen leaving her house.
厨房♥到处是他的指纹 包括闷死她的那个袋子上
His prints were all over the kitchen, including one on the bag.
-半个拇指的指纹 -好 是半个指纹 可以了吧
-Half a thumb print. -Okay, half a thumb print. That’s enough.
也许在它变成凶器前 他碰过那个袋子
He could’ve touched it before it was a murder weapon.
Do you fondle your friends’ garbage bags?
我喜欢摸家庭用塑胶制品 尤其是特百惠的保鲜膜
I get very touchy around household plastics. I’m particularly fond of Tupperware.
-保鲜膜 -我只是说
-Tupperware? -Look, I’m just saying…
the bag could’ve been sitting up on the counter or something.
-扎克 -嗯
-Zack? -Yeah.
他就是凶手 他就要被处死了
He did it. Now he’s gonna die.
你知道吗 他是罪有应得
And you know something? Maybe that’s exactly what he deserves.
但这桩凶杀案笨的离谱 他可是个非常聪明的人
But the murder’s way too fuckin’ clumsy. This guy is a major intellectual.
哈佛大学的第一名 罗德奖学金获得者 27岁成为大学教授 出版过两本书
Top of his Harvard class, Rhodes scholar, tenured at 27, two books published.
他简直就是学术精英 再看他太太 出身名门
He’s an academic stud. Look at his wife, a regular Grace Kelly…
窈窕名媛 他父亲是驻西班牙大使
old money svelte, father was ambassador to Spain.
该死 警示灯又亮了
Shit. The light’s on again.
-别管它 反正是租来的 -你有没有闻到怪味
-Ignore it. It’s a rental. -Do you smell anything?
而且 他还是个充满激♥情♥的自♥由♥主义者
No. Besides, the guy’s a flaming liberal.
A person’s politics has nothing to do…
-跟是否会犯罪无关 -错
-with his propensity to commit a crime. -Wrong.
Aren’t we supposed to smell something if it’s overheating?
73%的连续杀人犯 都把票投给了共和党
Seventy-three percent of all serial killers vote Republican.
把你的烟扔出去 闻闻看是什么怪味
Look, throw your cigarette out so we can smell.
车子会被你熏臭的 扔出去
No. You’ll stink up the car. Throw it out.
-我才不会制♥造♥污染 -扎克
-I’m not gonna fuckin’ pollute. -Zack.
There is definitely something wrong with this car.
该死 真让人抓狂
Shit. This is so irritating.
-到亨茨维尔还有多远 -不行 我得停车
-How far to Huntsville? -Look. I’m gonna pull off.
NEWS Magazine reporters Bitsey Bloom and Zack Stemmons…
enter the rest area with car troubles.
他们浑然不知 不仅是车出了问题
Little did they know, it wasn’t just their car that was in trouble.
我是记者 你只是实习生
I’m a reporter. You’re an intern.
-烫吗 -靠 好烫 难道这东西一直这么热
-Is it hot? -Ow! Jesus! Yes. Isn’t it always?
-怎么办 -给办公室打电♥话♥ 要租车公♥司♥的电♥话♥号♥码
-What do I do? -Call the office and get the rental road service number.
-没有信♥号♥♥ -倒霉
-No signal. -Goddamn it.
I gotta pee.
-扎克 -怎么了
-Zack. -Yeah.
-早上好 -你好
-Good morning. -Hi.
A little early for that, isn’t it?
-无烟区在那边 -我指的是看书
-The nonsmoking section’s over there. -I meant the book.
噢 大卫·戈尔的《对话之枯竭》
Oh. Dialogical Exhaustion by David Gale.
-这家伙是个天才 -几点了
-The guy’s a genius. -What time is it?
9点15分 这一带有将近10所监狱
9:15. There are, like, 10 prisons around here.
死刑犯关在艾利斯监狱 但年底前要和特雷尔监狱合并
Death row’s in the Ellis unit, but they’re moving it to the Terrell unit end of the year.
服务员的男朋友在那工作 但他的前男友在亨茨维尔监狱工作
The waitress’s boyfriend works there, but her last boyfriend worked in the Huntsville unit.
再前两任都在沃克尔工作 埃斯特尔的男人最帅
The two before that in Walker. The Estelle unit has the cutest guys.
用她的话说就是”我的屁♥股♥太大 钓不到埃斯特尔的男人”
And I’m quoting, “My butt’s too big to get an Estelle guy.”
出镇后15分钟就能到艾利斯监狱 我们还有5个半小时没事做
Ellis is 15 minutes out of town, so we’ve got five and a half hours.
Never eat in a place where the menus have pictures of the food.
Maybe we should drive into Austin and check out the crime scene.
That could be some great stuff for our story, you know?
这不是我们的故事 甚至不能说是个故事 只是个采访
This isn’t “our story”. It’s not even a story. It’s an interview.
请你不要忘记 这是我的采访
Most importantly for you to remember… it’s my interview.
好吧 那接下来的5个钟头该干嘛
Okay. What do I do for the next five hours?
开车兜风 找家像样的餐厅吃饭
Drive around. Look for a decent restaurant.
你知道吗 贝西 你的名气 就跟迈克·华♥莱♥士♥的经前焦虑症一样
You know, Bitsey, your reputation as “Mike Wallace with PMS”…
doesn’t do you justice.
我的名气 让我们来到这
My reputation got us invited here.
我有我的行事风格 不管我的同事喜不喜欢 这叫作