Quiet on the set.
第一场 第10次 场记准备
Scene one, take ten. Marker.
然后 开始
And action!
Joel Levison’s office.
抱歉 他还没有来 能帮您留个口讯吗
I’m sorry, he’s not in yet. May l take a message?
-好的李维先生 我会告诉他您来电了 -永远不要这么说
-Mr. Levy, l’ll tell him you called. -Never say that.
他不是在开会 就是在开会 总之他一直在
He’s either in conference, in a meeting. He’s always in.
-谁打来的 -拉里·李维
-Who was that? -Larry Levy.
Was there anything in the trades this morning?
-我不知道 邮递员似乎迟到了 -现在快去取呀
-I don’t know. The mail’s late. -Go get them. Now!
l want them back here before he arrives.
格里芬 嗨 我是亚当·赛门
Griffin, hi. Adam Simon.
我们其实本该下周再见面的 但是
We weren’t supposed to meet until next week, but…
-我也不知道什么时候见面 -我想先给你留个这样的印象
-l didn’t know we were. -l wanted to plant a seed in your head.
-我时间都约满了 -想象一下这个
-I’m booked up. -Picture this.
遥远的未来 有个星球 它有两个太阳
lt’s a planet in the far future with two suns.
-哦谁演儿子 -不不 是太阳 又大又圆的太阳
-Who plays the sons? -No, suns. Large solar disks.
Run this idea by Bonnie Sherow.
现在的电影都跟音乐录影带一样 拼命剪啊剪啊剪
The pictures they make these days are all MTV. Cut, cut, cut.
The opening shot of Touch of Evil was six and a half minutes long.
-有六分半 -那也有三四分钟吧
-Six and a half minutes? -Three or four, anyway.
He set up the whole picture with that one tracking shot.
My father was key grip on that shoot.
《初生之犊》怎么样 那个镜头真是太棒了
What about Absolute Beginners? That was an extraordinary shot.
-什么玩意 从没听说过 -朱利安·邓波的 是部英国电影
-Never heard of it. -lt’s an English film.
-请帮我拿一瓶佩里格里诺的水 -我有加里斯托加牌的
-A Peligrino, please. -l’ve got Calistoga.
-巴克 你好吗 -很好 你怎样
-Buck, how are you? -Good. How you doin’?
-好 你今天有什么点子给我 -嗯 是这样的
-Good. What have you got for me? -Okay, here it is.
-《毕业生》续集 -噢 赞
-The Graduate, Part ll. -Oh, good.
三个S原则 惊喜的开头 跌宕的发展 满意的结尾
Listen, the three principals are still with us.
达斯汀·霍夫曼 安妮·班克劳夫特 凯瑟琳·罗斯25年后重聚
Dustin Hoffman, Anne Bancroft, Katharine Ross, 25 years later.
当然这些角色们也是 本 伊莱恩和罗宾逊太太
And so are the characters, Ben, Elaine and Mrs. Robinson.
Ben and Elaine are married, still.
他们住在一幢很大很老像鬼屋的房♥子里 在加州北部之类的地方
They live in a big, spooky house up in northern California somewhere.
And Mrs. Robinson lives with them…
一位年迈的母亲 还中风
her aging mother who’s had a stroke…
so she can’t talk.
-会很搞笑 -当然 黑暗诡异又搞笑
-Will it be funny? -lt’ll be funny. Dark, weird and funny.
并且还是中风了哦 或许也不是中风
And with a stroke. Maybe it’s not a stroke.
我也不知道是什么 总之就是得了某种病
I don’t know what it is. lt’s a malady of some sort.
她就在楼上的卧室里 听着发生的一切
She’s up in the bedroom listening to everything that happens.
They’ve got a daughter who’s just graduated from college.
二十二三岁 比如茱莉亚·罗伯茨
Twenty-two, twenty-three-year-old, like a Julia Roberts.
打扰了 我要怎么处理这些剧本
Excuse me. What should l do with these scripts?
They go to Bonnie.
And find out from security how Adam Simon got on the lot.
-我得弄弄清楚 -亚当·赛门 好的
-l want to know. -Adam Simon? Okay.
茱莉亚·罗伯茨回家了 他们的女儿 毕业生
Julia Roberts comes home, their daughter, the graduate.
The new graduate.
格里芬很喜欢 他想让我跟你说说
Griffin loved it. He wanted me to run it by you.
-讲的是一帮人类幸存者 -给我写下来吧
-lt’s a band of human survivors. -Write this down for me.
我现在听不下去这么多 写下来吧
l can’t process this. Write it down for me.
这和写不写下来没有关系 你得想象一下
lt’s not about words. You have to visualize.
吉米 你还好吧 怎么回事
Jimmy, are you okay? What happened?
-没事吧 -我叫吉米·蔡司
-Are you all right? -My name’s Jimmy Chase.
他一下子窜出来 跑到推车前面 我真没看到他
He came out of nowhere, ran right in front of the cart. l never saw him.
-那是亚当·赛门啊 -最近如何
-That’s Adam Simon. -How you doin’, kid?
瑞贝卡·德莫内 你看上去倒是美多了
Rebecca DeMornay. Actually, you’re better looking.
-不 我不是瑞贝卡·德莫内 -那你真是太像她了
-No, I’m not Rebecca DeMornay. -You’re a dead ringer.
谢谢 非常感谢
Thank you very much.
Do you know where Joel Levison’s office is?
The head of the studio?
它是会动的 会把你们吓一跳
lt’s moving. lt’ll rip your heart out.
然后这里就是我们决定一部电影 开拍与否的地方
This is the area where we make decisions to give a green light to a picture.
我们会造一幢17层的楼 并且继续使用索尼的产品
We’re going to go 17 stories high. We’ll continue to use all Sony products.
Domo arigato to the Sony products.
如果你想找人一起去吃生鱼片 尽管给我打电♥话♥
lf you need someone to eat sashimi with you, give me a ring.
从马里布海滩回来路上 这交通真是太糟糕了
The traffic from Malibu was impossible.
-早上好 乔尔 -珊迪 请帮我把车停好
-Good morning, Joel. -Sandy, park the car, please.
早上好 马蒂 安妮
Good morning Marty, Annie.
What are the Japs doing here?
这次谈话主要关于什么 有什么麻烦了吗
What’s this talk about heads rolling?
银行在给我们施压 古德曼的儿子要从波士顿来了
The bank’s putting screws to us. Goldman’s son is coming out from Boston.
I don’t like it.
列吉·古德曼就是个小不点儿 你没开玩笑吧
Reggie Goldman’s a pipsqueak. You can’t be serious.
这里的情况要发生点改变了 事情总是这样
Some changes are going on here. That’s always the way.
lt happened at Paramount three years ago.
Columbia’s going through it now.
l hear we’re looking to replace Griffin.
格里芬 我不相信 找谁替他啊
Griffin? I don’t believe it. With whom?
伯克或者帕特里克 或许也可能是拉里·李维
Burke or Patrick. Maybe Larry Levy.
我想知道为什么保安 管得这么松
l want to know why the security is lax.
晚点再跟你说 我正在开会
l’ll talk to you later. I’m in the middle of a pitch.
好了 继续吧
Listen, go ahead.
-是一个电视明星的公路片 -让电视明星来演电影
-lt’s a TV star who goes on a safari. -A TV star in a motion picture?
-一个电视明星角色 由电影明星来扮演 -哦 电影明星演电视明星
-A TV star played by a movie star. -A movie star playing a TV star.
多莉·帕顿 美国歌♥手
-米雪 贝蒂 莉莉 等 -多莉·帕顿应该不错
-Michelle, Bette, Lily. -Dolly Parton would be good.
-我喜欢古蒂 -那太好了 因为我们还有点私交
-l like Goldie. -Great, because we have a relationship.
Goldie goes to Africa.
-她被一个部落发现了 -一群小矮人
-She’s found by this tribe. -Of small people.
她被发现 并被供奉朝拜起来
She’s found and they worship her.
那就像《上帝也疯狂》一样 只不过可乐瓶子换成了女演员
lt’s like The Gods Must Be Crazy except the coke bottle is an actress.
对 就是《走出非洲》版的《漂亮女人》
Right. lt’s Out of Africa meets Pretty Woman.
她必须作出决定 是要继续留在这个电视节目
She has to decide whether to stay with the TV show…
or save the tribe.
-格里芬·米尔的办公室在哪 -就在这
-Where’s Griffin Mill’s office? -Right here.
斯科塞西 《出租车司机》《穷街陋巷》演员
-你是马丁·斯科塞西啊 -不是 不过我认识哈维·肯特尔
-You’re Martin Scorsese! -No, but l know Harvey Keitel.
我知道你肯定认识啊 我真喜欢《恐怖角》
l know you do. l loved Cape Fear.
My old man worked for Hitchcock.
Rope. lt was a masterpiece.
故事倒一般般 但他没有怎么剪辑就拍成了此片
The story wasn’t any good. He shot the whole thing without cuts.
l hate all this ‘Cut, cut, cut!’
那贝托鲁奇呢 在《遮蔽的天空》中拍德博拉·温格的镜头
What about Bertolucci, the great shot with Winger in Sheltering Sky?
l didn’t see it.
-我8点就到这里了 -我会试着让你得到这份工作的
-l’ve been here since 8:00. -l took a chance getting you this job.
-你刚才和谁在一起 -和阿兰·鲁道夫
-Who were you with? -l was with Alan Rudolph.
-你跟他在一起干嘛 -他请我去喝咖啡
-What were you doing with him? -He asked me to have coffee.
你是我的助理 你不应该跟编剧有什么联♥系♥
You’re my assistant. You don’t get involved with writers.
我没有什么联♥系♥ 只是听一听他有些非常不错的想法
l wasn’t getting involved. l was listening to this amazing idea he had.
有意思 你有什么提议
That’s interesting. What’s your pitch?
-政♥治♥会吓到你吗 -政♥治♥才不会吓到我
-Does political scare you? -Political doesn’t scare me.
激进的政♥治♥才会吓到我 太政♥治♥化的政♥治♥才会吓到我
Radical political scares me. Political political scares me.
这属于彬彬有礼的激进政♥治♥ 但很有趣
This is politely politically radical, but it’s funny.
-很有趣的政♥治♥故事 -同时也是惊悚片 有以上所有特点
-lt’s a funny political thing. -And it’s a thriller, too, all at once.
-故事是怎样的 -我想让布鲁斯·威利斯演 我可以跟他聊聊
-What’s the story? -l want Bruce Willis. l can talk to him.
lt’s a story about a bad-guy senator.
约翰·苏努努 美国政客 曾任州长和白宫参谋长
他用国家的银子周游全国 就跟苏努努一样
He’s traveling around the country on the country’s dime, like Sununu did.
lt’s a cynical, political thriller comedy.
但它的内核是正确的 啊总之 然后他出了一起事故
But it’s got heart in the right spot. Anyway, he has an accident.
然后他就有了通晓未知信息的能力 类似于灵媒
And he becomes clairvoyant, like a psychic.
所以就是个算命的政♥治♥惊悚喜剧 并且还是有内核的
So it’s a psychic, political, thriller comedy with a heart.
有内核的 也并不是不像 《人鬼情未了》加《满洲候选人》
With a heart, not unlike Ghost meets Manchurian Candidate.
-继续 我在听 -总之他开始对别人实施读心术
-Go on, I’m listening. -He starts reading people’s minds.
明信片 你的好莱坞生涯结束了
然后当他对总统进行读心时 结果一片空白
And when he gets to the President’s mind it’s completely blank.
-需要点什么吗 -请给我来杯啤酒
-Can l get you anything? -I’d like a beer, please.
明信片 我恨你这贱♥人♥胆小鬼
-我们没有啤酒 -那就红酒吧
