That`s Jimmy Whispers.
你最好和他再谈谈 你得向他负责
You`d better taIk to him again. You`re responsibIe for him.
哇别 等一等
Whoa! Come on, wait a minute.
It`s Sonny.
你扮一个试试 就会说
You do somebody now, big mouth.
扮点难的吧 试试咖啡饼
Do somebody hard, Iike Coffeecake.
-我扮不了咖啡饼 -太难了
– I can`t do Coffeecake! – That`s hard.
用布蒙上你的脸 然后我扔大便上去就成了
Put a screen in front of your face whiIe I throw shit at it.
Oh, shit.
那些黑鬼好大胆 居然敢跑到我们的地头来
These niggers got some baIIs, coming in our neighborhood.
They just pass through from schooI.
-你♥他♥妈♥怎么知道的 -老爸说的
– How the fuck do you know? – Dad toId me.
我老爸说祸 就是这么惹起来的
My father toId me that`s how it starts.
他妈的从我们的地头滚蛋 傻♥逼♥黑鬼
Hey, get the fuck out of our neighborhood, fucking niggers!
Go back where you came from!
You`re Iucky you`re on that bus!
Go back where you came from!
别到我们的地头来 小心我踹死你
Stay out of our neighborhood! I`II kick your fucking ass!
没人比你有型 辛尼
Nobody`s cooIer than you, Sonny.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
-操♥你♥妈♥ -操♥你♥妈♥ 人♥渣♥
– Fuck you! – Fuck you, you scumbag!
你♥妈♥的♥逼 老子打爆你的头
You motherfucker! I`II bust your fucking head!
I`II bust your fucking head!
What`s going on here?
Give me the gun!
Move the fucking car!
Come on!
当辛尼看着我时 我突然失聪了
When Sonny Iooked at me, I went deaf.
I couIdn`t hear.
AII I couId see was Sonny with the gun in his hand.
出了什么事 他没事吧
What happened?
爸爸 只是 为了一个停车位
Dad, it was just a parking space.
-你不明白的 -他没事吧
– You don`t understand. – Is he aII right?
-宝贝 你还好吗 -先回去再说
– Baby, are you okay? – Let`s go inside.
-怎么了 -我没事 妈妈
– What happened? – I`m okay, Mom.
天啊 吓死我了
Oh, my god, I got so scared.
你知道吗 老爸 他们 为了一个停车位打起来 为了一个停车位 为什么
You don`t understand. They were fighting over a parking space. Why?
不是停车位那么简单 他们不应该 在这个时间相遇
It wasn`t over a parking space. They just met at the wrong time.
-这是什么回答 -别管了 不关我们事
– What kind of answer is that? – Leave it aIone.
He`s okay. That`s the main thing.
我真不敢 相信有人会这么做
I can`t beIieve somebody wouId do this.
Who is it?
警♥察♥ 请问是阿聂罗家吗
PoIice. Is this the AneIIo residence?
是的 什么事
Yeah. Can I heIp you?
We`d Iike to ask you some questions.
-哪方面的 -先把门打开
– About what? – Just open the door!
How you doing? Good.
我是比尔西克警探 他是维拉警探
I`m Detective BeIsik. This is Detective VeIIa.
你好 小鬼 你好
HeIIo, son. How you doing, ma`am?
We`d Iike to ask your son a few questions.
-哪方面的 -刚才外面的枪战
– About what? – There was a shooting outside.
-我们知道你儿子在那 -真的吗 他什么都不知道
– We beIieve your son was there. – ReaIIy? He knows nothing about that.
我们知道他在 有人看见他
There were peopIe who saw him.
他们搞错了 他什么都不知道
They`re wrong. He don`t know nothing.
We can do things the nice way or the hard way.
我不在乎 他什么都不知道
I don`t care. He don`t know nothing.
老爸 我什么都知道
Daddy, I know everything.
小孩子有时 就喜欢无中生有
Kids. Sometimes they make beIieve they see things.
我们可不是随便 挑中你儿子的我们知道 他在那跟我们走
We didn`t pick your name out of a hat. We know he was there. So Iet`s go.
孩子 听着我们 需要你帮我们做件事
Son, here`s what I`d Iike you to do for us.
你和你♥爸♥爸跟我们到楼下 我们的人在下面
Take a waIk downstairs with us and your father. We have peopIe down there.
我要你指出 刚才拿着枪的人
I want you to pick out the person you saw with the gun.
就这么简单 你能帮我们吗
That`s it. You think you couId do that for us?
好的 来吧 我们出去走走
Good. Come on. Let`s take a waIk.
阿聂罗先生 到楼下去
Mr. AneIIo, take a waIk downstairs.
-不用很长时间的 -他不会有事吗
– We won`t be Iong. – WiII he be okay?
不会有事的他们 两分钟内就会回来
Everything`s fine. They`II be back in two minutes.
There`s Lorenzo.
伙计们 转过身来
FeIIas, turn around.
You two, take your hats off.
Put your head up. Straight ahead. Look this way.
-是他吗 -不是
– Is that him? – No.
这个家伙吗 头伸直了 伙计
How about this guy? Straight ahead, feIIa.
How about him?
你把头伸直了 是这个家伙吗
Straight ahead, you. How about this guy?
Give me an answer. How about him?
How about him? Is it this guy?
Give me an answer.
Hey! Put your eyes up!
How about this guy?
过来 喂 把头伸直了 向前看
Let`s go. Hey, Iook straight ahead! Over here.
看着我 就这样
Look at me. That`s it.
Is it this guy?
-是不是这个家伙 -不是
– How about this guy? – No.
看看这个家伙 是他吗
Look at this guy. How about him?
Hey! Straight ahead.
这个家伙呢 是不是他
How about this guy? Is it him?
Give me an answer.
-你满意了吗?警官 -不
– You satisfied, Officer? – No.
-他什么都不知道 -好的 好的 你儿子什么都不知道
– He don`t know. – Yeah, yeah, he doesn`t know.
-他说过他帮不了你们的 -走吧 走吧
– He said he can`t heIp you. – Take a waIk.
-走吧走吧 -走吧 儿子
– Go ahead. Take a waIk. – Come on, son.
你们这些家伙 可以松口气了 这次又让你们溜了
You guys can breathe again. Get out of my sight.
-我们骗倒他们了 老爸 -是的
– We reaIIy fooIed them, Dad. – Yeah.
我没当金手指 老爸
I didn`t rat, Dad.
是的 你没当金手指
No, you didn`t rat.
我♥干♥得很漂亮 对吧
I did a good thing, right?
是的 你为虎作伥了
Yeah, you did a good thing for a bad man.
I did a good thing for a bad man.
9岁的年纪 当然不会明白的
I didn`t understand that at nine years oId.
AII I knew was…
作金手指 是我们这最差劲的事
a rat was the Iowest thing you couId be in my neighborhood…
and I didn`t rat.
老爸 你为什么 说我为虎作伥呢
Why did you say I did a good thing for a bad man?
Because sometimes you have to do things that aren`t right.
Do you understand?
不明白 我只觉得 那么做是对的
No. It`s just that I thought I did the right thing.
Now I`m not sure I did.
这样就对了 很多事你大了 自然就明白了
You did do the right thing. When you get oIder, you`II see.
你娘和我 都非常非常爱你
Your mother and I Iove you very much.
明天去坐我的车 好吧
Tomorrow you ride on the bus with me. Okay?
城岛是老爸 开的公汽的终点站
City IsIand was the Iast stop on my father`s route.
也是我们 最喜欢的地方之一
It was one of our favorite pIaces.
It was Iike a dayIong vacation.
老爸听着爵士 我们一起谈着棒球
My dad Iistened to jazz and we taIked about basebaII.
老爸 我能不能吃个蛋糕
Can I have an ice cream?
我们先把事干完 然后再去吃 好吧
We do our job first, then ice cream.
好的 老爸
Okay, Pop.
-我们玩玩那游戏吧 -看看你表现如何
– Let`s pIay the game. – Let`s see how good you are.
哪个选手 赢的三冠王的美誉
What pIayer Iast won the TripIe Crown?
米奇曼托 击球率35.3%
Mickey MantIe. Batting average, .353.
得分率–130 全垒打–52
RBIs, 130. Home runs, 52.
-非常好 -他是有史以来 最伟大的选手
– That`s pretty good. – He`s the greatest pIayer ever.
Joe D.`s the greatest baIIpIayer.
扬基不二臣 连续56场没出错
The Yankee CIipper. 56-game hitting streak.
-没人能打破 这记录 是吧 -是的 儿子 没人能破
– Nobody beat that. Right, Dad? – Nobody beat that, son.
-知道为什么 乔迪如此伟大吗 -因为他是意大利人
– You know why Joe D. was great? – Because he was ItaIian?
-部分是 -那么为什么
– WeII, that`s part of it. – Then why?
-因为他是天赋奇才 -天才? -对
Because he had the most taIent. That`s right.
