You`re onIy aIIowed three great women in your Iifetime.
她们就像伟大的拳手 十年一遇
They come aIong Iike great fighters, once every ten years.
罗杰马西亚诺 雷罗宾逊 乔路易斯
Rocky Marciano. Sugar Ray Robinson. Joe Louis.
Sometimes you get them aII at once.
像我16岁的时候 就有了这三个女人
Me? I had my three when I was 16. That happens.
有这情形的话 你能怎么办
What are you gonna do?
That`s the way it goes, you know?
我告诉你 以这妞为例吧
TeII you right now. See this girI?
Maybe this girI puts wind in your saiIs.
也许就是 三个好女人的第一个
Maybe she`s your first great one.
Thanks, Sonny. I think I`II go for it.
-她是个好女孩吗 -不知道我才认识 她不久希望是
– Is she a good kid? – I just met her. I hope so.
Tomorrow you borrow my car.
-你从不肯借人的 -我借给你
– You don`t Iend it to anybody. – I`II Iend it to you.
I want you to make a good impression.
You borrow my car, and you give her the test.
The “`Mario test”`?
马里奥是个神经病 别听他的
Mario`s a psycho. Why do you Iisten to him?
得用我的方法试 车门测试
Give her my test, the door test.
-什么叫车门测试 -同我说
– What`s that? – Listen to me.
把车停到 离约会地点一段距离
You puII up right where she is.
Before you get out of the car, Iock both doors.
You get out of the car, you waIk over to her.
You bring her over to the car.
You take out the key, unIock it, open the door for her.
让她上车 然后帮她关上车门
You Iet her get in. Then you cIose the door for her.
绕到车后 注意看倒后镜
You waIk behind the car and Iook through the rear window.
If she doesn`t reach over and Iift up that button for you…
so you can get in, dump her.
-就是这样 -仔细听着
– Just Iike that? – Listen to me, kid.
If she doesn`t reach over, Iift up that button for you…
她就是个自私的人 你看见的只是冰山一角
she`s a seIfish broad and aII you`re seeing is the tip of the iceberg.
You dump her fast.
What about the beautifuI things you just toId me?
Do what my heart teIIs me to do.
找个能令我一帆风顺 她可能是其中 一个好女人
Find someone to put wind in my saiIs. She couId be a great one.
废话最重要的 还是车门测试
BuIIshit, kid. The door test is what counts.
你要甩掉她 而且要快
You dump her, and you dump her fast.
-甩了她 -甩了她
– Dump her? – Dump her.
-可以问你点事吗 -好的
– Dad. Can I ask you something? – Yeah.
我想听听你的意见 你认识旁边小区的 乔伊奥苏吗
I need your opinion. You know Joey Osso from down the bIock?
他和黑人女孩谈恋爱 问我有什么看法
He asked me what I thought about him dating a coIored girI.
-你认为如何 -乔伊不能 找个白人女孩吗
– What do you think? – Joey can`t find white girIs?
这个回答不好 问题就在乔伊喜欢那女孩
That`s not a good answer. What`s the probIem?
I get aIong with everybody on the bus…
but when it comes to marriage, we shouId marry within our own.
-我没什么偏见 -别说你没有偏见你有
– You know I`m not prejudiced. – Don`t teII me that. You are.
如果我选个 有色人种你认为如何
What wouId you say if I wanted to date a coIored girI?
You wouId never do that.
You never know. This girI might be one of the great ones.
You`re onIy aIIowed three great women in your Iifetime.
-谁说的 -乔伊奥苏
– Who toId you that? – Joey Osso.
你告诉他 人在色迷心窍的情况下
You teII him that sometimes in the heat of passion…
the IittIe head teIIs the big head what to do…
and that the big head shouId think twice about it.
AII right.
Be carefuI.
-你没事吧 -没事
– You okay? – No.
My brother got beat up in your neighborhood.
昨天 有些意大利人袭击他
Yesterday, some ItaIian guys beat up my brother…
in your neighborhood.
-关我什么事吗 -你在场吗
– What`s that have to do with me? – Were you there?
-我不在场 -求你别说谎
– No, I wasn`t there. – PIease don`t Iie to me.
我说的是实话 我不在场
I`m teIIing you the truth. I wasn`t there.
我们看看到底谁说谎 我哥哥就在车上
We`II see who`s Iying. My brother`s in the car.
我告诉他我 和一个意大利人来往 他就跟了我出来
I toId him I was going out with an ItaIian, so he came aIong.
他认得你 说是你打伤他的
He recognized you and said you beat him up.
-你打伤了他的脸 -我发誓没碰过他
– You did that to his face. – I didn`t touch your brother.
BeIieve me.
Okay, we`II see.
We`II get this straight right now.
Yeah, that`s him.
-就是你干的 -我什么都没干
– You did this to me. – I didn`t do anything–
-就是你 -我没有
– Yes, you did! – I didn`t.
-你肯定是他 -绝对是他
– Are you sure it was him? – I`m positive!
你别信他 我发誓没碰过他
Don`t beIieve him. I didn`t touch him.
-那么你在场 -是的但我什么都没做
– So you were there? – But I didn`t do anything.
-相信我我说的是实话 -可你刚才说你不在场
– BeIieve me. – You toId me you weren`t there!
我发誓是其他人干的 我什么都没做
It was the other guys. I tried to heIp him.
-就是你把我打成这样的 -我想帮你
– How did my eye get Iike this? – I tried to heIp you!
-狗屎 -你知道我什么都没做
– BuIIshit, man! – You know I didn`t do anything.
-那谁把我搞成这样 -是其他人干的
– Why were you on top of me? – It was the others!
-就是你 -我是唯一帮你的人
– It was you! – I was the onIy one heIping you.
This is how you repay me?
Fuck that! No, fuck you, man!
我什么都没做 我♥操♥你奶奶死黑鬼
I didn`t do anything! Fuck you, you fucking nigger!
明白我意思了吗 他和他的族人 也没什么两样
See what I`m taIking about? Just Iike the rest of them!
How come you`re back so fast?
The keys are in the car. I got to go.
过来 发生什么事了? 过来过来
Wait. Come here. What happened?
It just didn`t work out. I got to go.
-那女孩怎么了 -有缘无分
– What happened with the girI? – Everything went wrong.
You want to go to the track?
不 我不想说话 我得走了
No. I don`t want to taIk. I got to go.
C, you sure?
-别这样 -下次吧辛尼
– Come on. – Maybe next time, Sonny.
Come on.
乘我的车 巴比你来开
Take my car. Bobby, you drive.
Okay, Sonny.
Why are you driving Sonny`s car?
-你什么意思 -我什么意思 我只是看见你开他的车
– What are you taIking about? – I saw you driving his car.
-我不想你用他的车 -我没心情
– I don`t want you driving his car. – I`m not in the mood to hear this.
我不管我们 已为酒吧打架的事
I don`t care. We aIready taIked about the bikers…
and that fight in that bar.
-我不希望你去酒吧 -难道我应该逃走
– I don`t want you in that bar. – ShouId I have run away?
-叫人认为我没心没肺 -你以为会有人在乎吗
– Make them think I got no heart? – You think those guys care?
What make you think you`re so speciaI?
-你不了解辛尼 -我没必要了解 我知道他怎么想的
– You don`t know Sonny. – I know how he thinks.
你算了 他一样会伤害你
You fuck up, he`II hurt you Iike anybody.
-辛尼信任我 -那个家伙不会信任何人
– Sonny trusts me. – He can`t trust anybody.
你什么时候才开窍 你得要我说多少次
The sooner you know that the better. How often do I have to teII you?
人们不是尊敬他 是怕他
PeopIe don`t respect him. They fear him.
有很大区别的 你到底想怎么样
There`s a big difference. You want to be somebody?
勤奋工作 照顾家人吧
Be somebody who works and takes cares of his famiIy.
喂 把脸转过来
Yeah, Iook away. Look–
你是我独子 我一切都是为你好
You`re my onIy son. I`m Iooking out for your best interests.
The saddest thing in Iife is wasted taIent.
-我不想听 -你会想听的 你一定要听
– I don`t want to hear this. – You`re going to hear it.
我没有百万存款 也没有卡迪拉克
I might not have money, I might not have a CadiIIac…
我从来不后悔我的路 我以我所做的为荣
but I don`t have to Iook over my shouIder.
我从不巴结什么人 我父母来此地时不名一文
I don`t answer to anybody. My parents came here with nothing–
And they died with nothing.
别对你祖父母不敬 听见我说的吗
Don`t you dare disrespect your grandparents! Do you hear me?
你错了 他们想给我更好的生活
And you`re wrong. They tried to give me a better Iife.
-像我一样 -什么更好的生活
– I`m trying to– – What better Iife?
我们连一辆车都没有 我们没有钱 我们什么都没有
We don`t own a car! We ain`t got money! We ain`t got nothing!
你别把当公车司机的 责任推给我
Don`t take it out on me because you`re a bus driver.
The working man is a sucker!
看那些黑鬼 把我们的会所怎样
Hey, C. Look what these bIack motherfuckers did to our cIub.
