不 要等他们批准…等一下
No, subject to their approval– Ah, hold on.
-靠 我忘了 抱歉 让我… -在这里签名
-Hey. Oh, shit, sorry. Let me, uh… -Uh, sign here.
你能拿一下吗 好重啊
Can you grab the thing? Oh my God, it’s heavy.
-再见 -谢谢
-Have a good one. -Thank you.
-What’s this?
我不知道 我还要接受CNN采访…就是现在
I don’t know. I’ve got the CNN thing in like… now.
艾米 过来 机灵点 帮我拿这个
Amy, come on. Look alive. Hold this, please.
倒数十秒 他正介绍你
On in ten. He’s leading you in now.

(爱你的迈尔斯 亲亲抱抱)
It’s from Miles!
跟我连线的是康涅狄格州州长 克莱尔狄贝拉
And with me now is Connecticut governor, Claire Debella,
whose Senate campaign is picking up steam
势头良好 因为她把自己定位为不同的候选人
as she has positioned herself as a very different kind of candidate.
谢谢州长跟我们连线 像大家一样正居家办公
Governor, thanks for joining us. Working from home like the rest of us, I can see.
是 欢迎来到 办公室 竞选中心兼幼儿园
Yes. Welcome to our office, campaign center, and kindergarten.
We are losing our minds.
亿万富翁慈善家迈尔斯布隆 在支持你的竞选
Your campaign is backed by billionaire philanthropist, Miles Bron,
他创办了无处不在的科技巨头阿尔法 它旗下有数十家公♥司♥
founder of the ubiquitous tech giant, Alpha, which now has dozens of companies
从阿尔法太空 阿尔法汽车 到阿尔法购物…
from Alpha Cosmos to Alpha Car, Alpha Shop…
我知道 但我能做什么
I know, I know, I know. But what can I do?
-你可以告诉他不行 -告诉他不行
-You can tell him no. -How about no!
莱昂内尔 你是科学家 不是公♥关♥人员
Lionel, you’re a scientist, not a publicist.
-没错 -不能迈尔斯布隆
You can’t keep making excuses
每想出一个疯狂的点子 你都为他找借口
for every one of Miles Bron’s insane whims.
Genius always looks like insanity at first, though, right?
他不就是这样才成为 迈尔斯布隆的吗 你们根本不懂
Isn’t that how he became Miles Bron? You guys have no idea.
The man faxes me in the middle of the night.
He loves his faxes.
他给我点子 想让我研究…
He sends me his ideas that I’m supposed to…
不如你们来说说 天才还是疯子
You know what, you tell me. Genius or insanity?
“Uber for biospheres.”
我不知道 也许能实现
I don’t know. Okay. Maybe?
“AI in dogs equals discourse.”
明白吗 整晚不停发…
Okay? I mean, all night long, they just keep…
But then…
Remember “child equals NFT”?
We all laughed,
但“加密货币孩子”应用赚来的钱 建起了这座大厦
but then the Crypto Kids app paid for this building.
-快递 -事实摆在眼前 你们怎么反驳
-Delivery. -I mean, how do you argue with that?
-我擦干净了 -我们都知道
-I wiped it down. -Yeah, we know.
永远不要看低布隆 我们知道
Never bet against Bron, we know it.
But he’s asking us to put a volatile substance on a manned flight.
他不听我的 他就说“想办法实现”
He won’t listen. He just says, “Make it work.”
And what if it works?
我们研究的是科学 不是宗教
This is science, not a religion.
记住这点 莱昂内尔
Remember that, Lionel.
因为如果你署名了 而项目失败
Because if your name is on this, and it fails,
it will sink you forever.
(爱你的迈尔斯 亲亲抱抱)
在气候变化议题上 我的立场坚定
I’m a hard line on climate change.
如果这吓到你了 你就装作没看见
If that scares you, go stick your head back in the sand.
-My constituents trust I’m gonna fight…
I’m so bored.
Here! Here.
Hey, please stop fire-spinning inside.
佩格 求你了 我好无聊
Peg, please, I’m so bored.
不行 不能用手♥机♥
No. No phones.
Why can’t she have her phone?
‘Cause she’s mean.
不 因为她怕我发的推文中有
No. Because she’s afraid that I will tweet
an ethnic slur.
没错 你也同意了 在这事还未平息时 不用手♥机♥
Yes. And you agreed no phone for the rest of the media cycle.
I didn’t even know that that word referred to Jewish people.
I thought it was a generic term for cheap.
现在什么都上纲上线 完全失控了
Everything is so woke these days, it’s out of control.
没错 爱你
Love you. Yes.
我怎么看就怎么说 不加修饰
And I say it like I see it, no filter.
如果人们受不了 那是他们的问题 这是什么
If people can’t handle it, that’s their problem. What’s this?
不知道 有人送来的
-Don’t know. Some guy just dropped it off.
好了 天才 怎么回事啊
All right, genius, what is this thing?
-这… -迈尔斯发来的邀请
-Well… -It’s a Miles invitation.
废话 我是说里面到底是什么
Well, duh! But I mean, what is it?
-就是一块木头 -总有办法打开
-It’s just like a block of wood. -There’s gotta be a way to open it.
严丝合缝 没有锁闩或明显的接缝
It’s solid. There’s no latches or even visible seams.
但这个木纹很奇怪 看起来很眼熟
The wood-grain pattern’s weird though. It’s like it’s familiar.
等一下 伯迪来电
Oh, wait. Hold on. It’s Birdie.
Okay, how do you open this thing?
-伯迪 莱昂内尔也在线 嗨 佩格 -嗨
-Hi, Birdie. Lionel’s on two. Hi, Peg! -Hi!
不 佩格在灭火 她马上就来
Oh no. Peg’s putting out a fire. She’ll be back.
又灭火 伯德 你又说什么了
Another fire? Bird. What’d you say this time?
-不是 -你得远离推特
-No. -You’ve got to stay off the Twitter.
不是你想的那样 没事 迈尔斯又来这套
It’s nothing like that. It’s fine. Now, is this a Miles thing?
你搞清楚怎么打开了吗 莱昂内尔
Have you figured out how to open it, Lionel?
莱昂内尔 快用你科学家的大脑
Lionel, use your science brain.
我正在研究 伯德 你现在开派对真的合适吗
I’m working on it. Bird, should you really be having a party?
他们都是我圈子的人 没事 有人收到杜克的消息了吗
No, they’re all in my pod. It’s fine. Has anyone heard from Duke?
-没有 -没有
-No. -No.
最近 我的情况引起了关注
So this has gotten some attention recently,
so obviously I would like to speak to this,
我的答案是不 吉米坎摩尔
and the answer is no, Jimmy Kimmel,
I do not hate boobs.
胸部给了我们很多有用的东西 给了我们牛奶 芝士
Boobs give us many useful things. Boobs give us milk, cheese.
胸部哺育我们的孩子 直到他们长到可以吃食物
Breasts nourish our young until the age where we can go out and hunt for them.
说实话 胸部乐趣多多 胸部没什么不对的 对吧 宝贝
Let’s be honest. Boobs are fun. There’s nothing wrong with that, right, babe?
我爱我的胸部 它们乐趣多多
I love my boobs. They’re so much fun.
-不好意思 女权主义者 -抱歉 女权主义者
-Oops! Sorry, feminists! -Sorry, feminists.
So when we’re talking about the breast-ification of America…
I mean, what that means is a breakdown in the natural order.
Evolutionary truths that go back billions of years.
当我们请年轻的美国男人慢点 等女人追上来…
to slow down so a woman can catch up… So when you’re asking a young man in America
几个世纪以来 西方的办公场所是由男人主导的
For centuries, the Western workplace has been dominated by men ’cause…
-杜克 -这是自然使然
-Dukey! -…that’s what nature made us to do.
杜克 我一直在喊你 我喊你时你得答应
Dukey! I’ve been calling you. You gotta answer me when I call!
老妈 你能闭嘴吗 我们已经谈过无数回了
Mom! Will you shut it? We’ve been over this a million times.
我们直播时 不要…
I told you. When me and Whiskey are live, you gotta let us–
You tell your mother to shut up?
-抱歉 但我们直播时… -怎么了
-Sorry. It’s just when we’re live– -What?
-当… -怎么了
-When we’re– -What?
天哪 老妈 对不起
Jeez, Mom. I’m sorry.
你有个包裹 就放在厨房♥里
You got a delivery. It’s in the kitchen.
Maybe it’s sensitive to heat.
等一下 杜克打来了 杜克
-Wait. It’s Duke. Hold on.
-Duke! -Hey, what is this thing?
-我妈已经打开了 -是立体图
-My mom already broke it. -It’s a stereogram.
她捣鼓了一下 我也不清楚 箱子就开了
She did something to it. It opened up. I don’t know. She broke it.
A stereogram!
A what-a-gram?
等等 立体图
Wait, a stereogram! Were those the things–
-是那种… -魔眼 我从来看不出
Magic eye things? I could never do those.
老妈 我之前不是让你 别碰我的东西吗
Ma! What did I tell you about touching my stuff?
是按颜色分类 还是…
Do you group them by color maybe or…
尺寸 重量 我该称它们吗
