这个失效的喷嘴可以用 许多小一点的喷嘴来顶替
The idling jets could be replaced with smaller jets that would compensate.
用上一个转速计 他就可以看着 每分钟的转速 以防转速过快
And with a tach, he could just watch his rpms so it didn’t over-rev.
Usually just backing off on the gas pedal…
就能够让他转到高速档 如果自动连接装置没有起作用的话
…causes it to upshift if the automatic linkage doesn’t.
What are you grease monkeys up to?
Bob’s got a bent choke shaft.
– 这辆“黑斑羚”有多重? – 大概1000多磅吧
-How much does this Impala weigh? -Weighs about 1000 pounds.
一千磅的车以每小时 80英里的时速行进 力量相当于
Thousand pounds traveling at 80 miles per hour builds up a force of–
That’s 1000 pounds with passengers in it and a full tank of gas.
– 你肯定?那好 – 多少乘客?
-For a fact? Okay. -How many passengers?
– 12个 – 六个坐前面 六个坐后面
-Twelve. -Six in the front, six in the back.
不 是11个坐后面 驾驶员一个人坐前面
No, that’s 11 in the back and the driver sitting alone in the front.
Extra weight on the rear wheels is to keep from fishtailing.
We talking about 12 50-pound passengers?
– 整一个儿童足球队 – 那么 这到底是金属还是塑料夹板
-Kids’ soccer team. -Now, is that metal or plastic cleats?
– 金属夹板更安全些 – 好吧 我的计算完成了
-Metal cleats for safety. -Okay, my computations are complete.
你爱钻牛角尖 你被虫子咬傻了
You are just heckle tweak, but you are bug-bite squared.
– 什么样的虫子? – “操♥你♥妈♥”虫
-What kind of bug? -About-to-get-fucked-up-bitch beetle.
– 嘿 好了好了 冷静点 伙计们 – 跟我来啊
-Hey, come on. Cool it, you guys. -Tell me–
退后退后 看左手看右手 艾涅现在要动手
Step back. Freck-and-frack, Ernie’s on the attack.
– 你这是搞什么东西? – 来啊
-What is this? -Come on.
– 我还真是害怕啊 – 我要把你的睾丸敲下来
-I’m desperately afraid. -I’m gonna knock your nads…
塞到你鼻孔里 让你说话清楚些
…up into your nostrils for talking to your betters that way.
好啊 我可是正牌技术员 你只是个无牌小贩
All right. I’m a technician, you’re an interloper.
You are constitutionally incapable of not shutting the fuck up.
– 动手啊! – 你♥他♥妈♥闭嘴!
-Bring it! -Shut the fuck up!
不 不 你这得痔疮的小子 我要逮住你
No, no, proctology boy, I’m coming after you.
闭嘴 嘿!嘿!
Shut it. Hey. Hey.
I have the perfect tool for this job.
– 我只不过跟他开玩笑而已 – 去你♥妈♥的♥
-I was only kidding him. -Fuck.
What if he goes in there and he gets his gun and his silencer?
我得走了 这个地方已经不安全了
I’m leaving. This place has become unsafe.
不用 喂 喂 福瑞克!不 得了! 你是我哥们 留下来
No, hey, hey, Freck. No, come on. You’re a bro, man. Stick around.
你拿锤子干什么 柏瑞斯?
What’s the hammer for, Barris?
没什么 我在里面看到这个 然后想 我应该把这东西拿出来
No, I just saw it inside and thought I, you know, should bring it along with me.
– 这也一样 – 你准备好了吗?
-Same with this. -You ready?
是啊 你想要干什么?
Yeah, what do you want?
– 来吧 你这铁块脑袋 – 闭上嘴
-Come on, hammerhead. -Shut up.
– 你要敢动一下 – 我不愿意
-Make a move. -Don’t like it.
好吧 要是你们这帮家伙喜欢 互相杀来杀去 我就跟你们分道扬镖
Okay. lf you guys are gonna kill each other, I’m splitting.
– 这里已经一团糟了 – 喂 福瑞克
-It’s getting very fucked up over here. -Hey, Freck.
最危险的人就是那些 害怕自己内心阴影的人
The most dangerous kind of person is the one who’s afraid of his own shadow.
– 那是什么意思? – 让我告诉你
-What is that supposed to mean? -I’ll tell you.
It means that if you take too much of that stuff…
…you not only start seeing bugs all over…
然后你就开始讲外星语言 没人能听得懂你
…but you start talking like…and no one can understand you.
你说什么 柏瑞斯? 我弄不懂
What’d you say, Barris? I didn’t understand.
看见了 你们这些家伙已经完了
See, you guys are fucked up.
不 不 是勒这家活已经玩了
No, no, it is y-uck-uck-ou that are fuck-ucked-ed up.
嘿 去搞你自己吧 福瑞克
Hey, go Freck yourself.
别开车了 你会送命的
Don’t take the car, you’ll kill yourself.
这个家伙到处说自己是 世界上最著名的伪装者
So this guy’s been going around claiming to be a world-famous impostor, right?
说他伪装成 有时候是 约翰·霍普金斯大学的外科医生
Says he’s posed, at one time or another, as a surgeon at John Hopkins…
有时候又是研究亚分子学说 做高速
…as a theoretical, submolecular, high-velocity…
粒子实验 受哈佛大学资助的物理学家
…particle-research physicist on a federal grant at Harvard…
或者是获得了 诺贝尔文学奖的芬兰作家
…as a Finnish novelist who won the Nobel Prize for literature…
…as a deposed Argentinean president…
…who was married to a go-go dancer from Chicago–
He got away with all that?
– 他从没有被抓住过? – 唉 我被你打断了
-He never got caught? -Okay, you broke my flow…
…so now I guess I’ll just have to segue down to the near.
就是这样 你看 他根本没有假扮成其中任何一种身份
That’s just it. You see, he didn’t pose as any of those.
他只是假扮成世界上 最著名的伪装者 就这样
He just posed as a world-famous impostor. Yeah.
It came out later in the L.A. Times.
他们查过 他只不过是 在迪斯尼乐园拿扫帚的
They checked up, and he was pushing a broom at Disneyland or something.
He saw that old DiCaprio movie.
你知道的 就是那部他在里面 演世界知名的伪装者的电影
You know, the one where he plays a world-famous impostor…
…before Leonardo hit his Elvis stage.
And his first thought was:
“嘿 我可以扮成那些希奇古怪的家伙 同时还不被人抓住”
揌ey, I could pose as all those exotic guys and get away with it. ?
不过 他马上又想到 “嗨 干吗那么烦呢
But then, his next thought was, 揌ell, why bother?
我可以只扮演伪装者 这可容易多了。”
I could just pose as an impostor, and it’d be a lot easier. ?
They say that he made more money than the actual impostor…
当然 我不是很肯定 他们是不是把通货膨胀率也算进去了
…although I’m not sure if they’d adjust for inflation.
嗯 你知道的 我们总不时地可以看见伪装者
Well, you know, we all see impostors now and then…
不过不是伪装成 亚分子方面的物理学家
…but not posing as subatomic physicists.
喔 伪装成缉毒刑♥警♥ 你是这个意思吧?
Oh, as a narc, you mean.
What’s a narc look like?
That’s like asking, 揥hat’s an impostor look like??/i>
I talked to this dealer who ‘d been busted.
我问他逮住他的那个 缉毒警♥察♥长什么样
I asked him what the narc who busted him looked like.
What did he say, he looked just like us?
More so.
So I guess the moral of that is…
…stay away from guys looking the same as us.
喂 还有女缉毒刑♥警♥呢
Well, there are female narcs.
哦 那我真想见她一个两个
Oh, hey, I’d like to meet one of those.
不 我不是说女人 我是说 就是缉毒的警♥察♥ 你知道很可能是的
No, I don ‘t mean a female. I mean just the narc, knowingly, like, positive.
当然 你几乎可以肯定的 而且你一定会认出来
Sure. So you could positively know. And you will.
当他把手铐扣在你手上 你就知道了 当然 等到那一天到来
When he slaps the cuffs on, you’ll know for sure, when that day comes.
How could a guy do that?
Pose as a narc?
– 什么? – 什么什么?
-What? -What?
Pose as a narc?
– 不 你说了 呵呵 – 扮成缉毒警♥察♥?
-No, you said it. So yeah. -Pose as a narc.
哦 该死 我弄混了
Oh, sh– Shit, I’m spaced.
Pose as a narc, wow.
Pose as a narc.
My brains are scrambled today.
天啊 柏瑞斯在搞什么飞机?
Christ, Barris, what the fuck?
嗯 喂 你好
Yes, hi. How are you?
I have something somewhat emergent to report.
我不太清楚 是该叫一个人工呼吸小组来
I don ‘t know if I should be summoning the inhalator squad…
…or the resuscitation squad.
嗯 这位女士?
Yes, ma ‘am?
我不知道 我不想说它不是心脏停跳
I don ‘t know. I don ‘t want to say it’s not cardiac arrest…
不过要么是这个 要么就是因为小药丸卡住而窒息
…but it’s either that or an involuntary asphyxiation of a bolus within the–
地址 是的 地址很简单
The address, yes. The address is simple…
…although I’ve never sent myself a piece of mail here.
7 7 709号♥ 街道?街道名也要么?
Seven– Seven– Seven-zero-niner. Street? Is the street relevant?
– 快点 – 这么告诉你好了 这是个死胡同
-Come on. -Tell you this much, it is a cul-de-sac.
Does that technically qualify as a street?
我很高兴向你汇报 我们终于不需要你们的帮助了
I’m pleased to report we won ‘t be needing your assistance after all.
谢谢你 祝你今天过得好
Thank you. Have a nice day.
你还在啊 自己小心点
There you go. Took care of itself.
– 好的 – 哦 上帝啊
-Okay. -Oh, Jesus.
You all right? There you go.
I must’ve passed out.
– 是的 – 那么 你 我刚才在做梦
-Yeah. -Well, you– I was dreaming.
– 一定是差点就死掉了 – 是啊
-Must have almost died. -Yeah.
你刚才又在做什么? 正当我被死掉的亲戚们护送
And what were you doing while I was being escorted by dead relatives…
… to the bright light? Jacking off?
不 不 不 你也看到了 我在通电♥话♥
No, no, no. You saw me. I was on the phone.
I summoned the paramedics.
– 我毫不迟疑地跳起来行动 – 狗屁 你是在擦烟斗
-I sprung into action without delay. -Bullshit. You were cleaning your pipe.
我是把烟斗包起来 你当时失去意识了
I was wrapping my pipe. You were unconscious.
难道你是世界上唯一一个 从来没听过人工呼吸法的人?
You the only person in the universe who never heard of the Heimlich maneuver?
好吧 我是打算给你一点关注
All right, I’m gonna give you a little feedback…
