Okay stand by everyone.
5 4 3 2 …
Five, four, three, two…
At 52 minutes past the
已经过了52分钟 欢迎大家继续观看
hour on this Thursday morning, welcome back.
Joining me now is author Bill Bryson.
So, travel writing.
抱歉 你这是疑问句么 ?
-I’m sorry, is that a question?
诺埃尔·科沃德曾经说过 “为何错误的人能旅行”
Noel Coward once said, “Why do the wrong people travel,
“正确的人却要呆在家里 ?”
“And the right people stay at home?”
现在 跟我们说说这套合集收藏版吧
Now, tell us about this Collector’s Edition Box Set.
“An elegant reissue of old favorites.”
Riveting stuff.
在你的书里 你已经写了欧洲
Now, in your books, you’ve written about Europe,
澳大利亚 英伦三岛
Australia, the British Isles.
You actually lived there briefly.
嗯 总共10年左右
Briefly. 10 years.
呣 但从没写过美国
Mmm, but never America.
You’ve never written about your home country.
-这种说法其实并不准确… -为何呢 ? 有什么私人原因么 ?
-No, that’s not exactly right… -Why? Why nothing more personal?
我懂了 所以你搬了回来 还是说这也是一次暂居 ?
I see. So you’ve moved back, or is that just temporary?
不 是的 我的家人 已经搬了回来 住在新汉普夏
No. Yes. My family, we moved back. To New Hampshire.
二十年前 而且…而且我们现在依然还住在那
Twenty years ago. And… And we’re still here.
“依然” ? 真词用得很有意思
“Still”? Interesting choice of words.
哦 你现在有何打算么 ? 是否在写新的作品 ?
Uh, what else are you working on? Are you writing something new?
你不会是想退休了吧 ?
Not thinking of retiring on us, are you?
不 作家从不退休
No, writers don’t retire.
我们要么喝酒喝死 要么把自己的脑浆崩出来
We either drink ourselves to death or blow our brains out.
那你会选哪种呢 ?
And which will it be for you?
在这次访谈之后 或许两者都来
After this interview, maybe both.
-比尔·布莱森 非常感谢你能赏脸 – 谢谢
-Bill Bryson, pleasure to have you with us. -Ah. Thank you.

-哦 好啊 陌生人 -你也好啊
-Oh. Hello, stranger. – Hello, yourself.
还顺利吗 ?
How’d it go?
-你看了 ? -嗯
-You saw? -Mmm-hmm.
-挺不错的对吧 ? -嘿 外公
-That good, huh? -Hey, Gramps_
-嘿 -我也看了
-Hi. -I saw, too.
-哦真的 ? 我表现的怎么样 ? -你想听真话 ?
-Oh, yeah? How’d I look? -Do you want my honest answer?
Never mind.
-外公 我到达第六关了 – 第六关 ? 真厉害
-Gramps, I made it to level six. -Level six? Way to go.
你接到了我关于麦格雷戈伯爵的短♥信♥么 ?
Did you get my message about Earl McGregor?
Services are on Saturday morning.
不能送花过去就完事么 ?
Can’t we just send flowers?
We could.
你们俩快去洗手 晚饭马上就好了 快去
You two, hands washed, dinner’s nearly ready. Let’s go.
让人有种想要过安稳生活意愿 对吧 ?
Makes you think about slowing down, doesn’t it?
我很遗憾 请节哀顺变
I’m so, so sorry. My condolences.
黛博拉 我们深表遗憾
Deborah, we’re so sorry.
非常感谢你们能来 真的对我意义深重
Thank you so much for being here. It really means a lot to me.
It’s our pleasure.
呃 我是说 不是我们的…请原谅
Uh, I mean, not our… Pardon me.
我的意思是 呃 这确实不是个愉快的时刻
Uh, I mean, it’s, uh, not a pleasant time,
-也不是… – 没别的意思 我们只是太悲伤了
-and it’s not a time… -No, we’re just very sorry.
-我们深表遗憾 -我们深表遗憾
-We’re very sorry. -We’re very sorry.
-我去拿外套 -我们才到呢
-I’ll get my jacket. -We just got here.
什么 ? 我们已经致完敬意了
What? We’ve already paid our respects.
待在这还有啥可干的 ?
I mean, what else are we supposed to do?
跟大家说说话 那对你有好处
Talk to people. It’s good for you.
I don’t like talking to people.
Go on.
-你好么 ? 真高兴看到你
-How are you? How good to see you.
I’m gonna go for a walk.
搞什么鬼 ?
What On earth?
– 你想徒步走过去 ? – 嗯
-You want to hike it? -Yes.
Two thousand miles.
2118, actually.
得了 你做不到的
No. You can’t.
为啥 ?
Why not?
说真的比尔 即便从你嘴里说出来也够荒唐了
Seriously, Bill. Even for you this is ridiculous.
为啥 ? 你觉得我太老了 ?
Why? Because you think I’m too old?
不 不是因为我觉得你太老
No, it’s not because I think you’re too old,
it’s because you are too old.
天 这么做是因为那场葬礼吧 ?
Oh, God, is this because of the funeral?
– 不是 – 那是什么 ?
-No. -What then?
听着 我解释不了
Listen, I can’t explain it.
Have a go.
It’s just something I feel I have to do.
我想探索自然 我想寻回我的根
I want to explore nature. I want to get back to my roots.
– 根 ? – 对 鞭策下自己
-Roots? -Yeah. You know, push myself.
I mean, really, really hike.
远足 ? 你都30年没远足了
Hike? You haven’t hiked in 30 years.
– 确实 – 你就不能开你的沃尔沃去么 ?
– Exactly. -Can’t you just do this in the Volvo?
要是我不让你走呢 ?
What if I say you can’t go?
如果你确定的话 我们能聊聊
Well, if you felt that way then we would discuss it.
你的意思是我会大哭大嚎 然后你会摇头离去
You mean I’ll yammer on and you’ll nod away,
and then you’ll go ahead
and do whatever you were going to do anyway
without having heard a word I’ve said.
啥 ?
Am I just supposed to stand here
对你这种要疯的征兆点头同意啊 ?
and accept these obvious signs that you have gone mad?
这是我以前的小帐篷 你觉得搭的咋样 ?
It’s my old pup tent. What do you think?
嗯 我觉得你今晚很适合睡在这帐篷里
Well, I think it’s the perfect place for you to spend the night.
您该知道我们大家都觉得这主意烂透了 是吧 ?
You realize we all think this is a terrible idea, right?
It’s certainly been brought to my attention.
– 但您依然还是要去 ? – 对
– But you’re still going to do it? -Yes.
这根本就是发疯 爸爸 想想您都什么年纪了 ?
It’s just kinda insane, Dad. The whole thing, at your age?
不少20岁的健康小伙子都做不到 爸爸
Fit people in their 20’s can’t do it, Dad.
要花五个月 五百万步呢
It takes five months and five millions steps.
– 用走的 – 对
-Of walking. -Yes.
I’ve been doing it for a while, you know.
爸爸 远足可不是散步
Dad, hiking is not walking.
每年都有两千多人尝试远足 可只有10%的人能成功
Two thousand people a year try to do this. Less than 10% make it.
You ought to see the statistics
on how many people finish writing a book.
我想让您见个人 成么 ?
There’s somebody I want you to meet. All right?
嘿 戴夫
Hey, Dave.
最近如何 ?
How’s it going?
This is Dave.
– 戴夫 -你好
-Dave. -Hello.
He has hiked everywhere
He can answer any question you have about anything.
他能告诉我为何被关起来的鸟儿会叫吗 ?
Okay. Can he tell me why the caged bird sings?
请稍等一会儿 ? 借一步 ?
Can you give us just a second? And can I?
我们别老乱开玩笑 好么 ?
Can we keep a lid on the jokes, please?
Pay attention while he’s talking,
and don’t say, “You’ve got to be shitting me”
别说 “你肯定是在逗我吧”
when he tells you the price of something.
山姆 你搞得像是我以前没露过营一样
Sam, you act like I’ve never camped before.
A tent is a tent.
这顶也是70旦的高密度帐篷 防磨防虫
This also has a 70 denier, high-density, abrasion-resistant fly
with that same rip stop weave.
And just look at these seams.
全用密线搭叠 整个帐篷没有一根错缝
All lap-felled. No bias taping on the whole tent.
还有撑杆 特地用彩色标出 DAC铝制♥造♥
And the poles. Color-coded, DAC aluminum.
It’s the finest craftsmanship.
嗯 我曾经背着这个
Yeah, I’ve carried this
one on several sections of the trail myself.
