2014-12-22 14:19上传
2014-12-22 14:20:09 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)

#单曲循环# 前年某段时间天天听,我mp3里的这首歌至今不知道是哪来的,这些歌都是关于跑步的回忆。但老衲如今跑步听歌看电影看小说等好习惯一个不剩了,真是可惜。声音非常有感染力,纯属是情感宣泄。夜……

2014-12-22 14:20:26 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)
Cyndi Lauper《All Through The Night》歌词:

All through the night is only dead end
We run and hide and we just pretend.
We live the life, the lies of others
All through the night, the lies of others.
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.
We want a light but we don’t wanna play
Why were reward for we can just stay.
We want the life, the lies of others,
All through the night, the lies of others.
Are they gonna find us honey,
Are they gonna find us?
Are they gonna find us, honey,
Are they gonna find us?
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.
Oh, every time I look at you
I can’t find a single reason
Why I don’t believe in you,
There’s so much to believe in.
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.
Oh, you didn’t think so, honey,
Oh, you didn’t think so.

2016-02-08 12:08:18 泰德教育 (钢琴学习)
作者链接 http://mengqianxun.net/archives/127
