You know what darth vader looks like inside his suit?
No. What?
不知道 什么样
He’s a skeleton. Just like the rest of us.
一具骷髅 和我们一样
Look at the water fountain. The fucking water fountain.
快看喷泉 他妈的喷泉
I was laying down, right,
and I seen these little fucking shadows on the fucking ceiling dancing, dog.
我瞧见天花板上有影子在跳舞 伙计
It’s called acid, bro.
这叫嗑嗨了 哥们
Look at this fountain. Look at this fountain.
看喷泉 看喷泉
Look at this fountain. Look at this fountain.
看这喷泉 看这喷泉
Holy shit. That’s big.
天啊 房♥子真大
This is a niceass neighborhood. Mission hills.
这街区太赞了 跟度假酒店似的
It’s not like you just get a couple of magazines…
Give me your money, bitch! You rich motherfuckers.
拿钱来 贱♥人♥ 你们这些有钱的王八蛋
These are, like, lawyers and shit.
住这里的 都是律师什么的吧
Yeah, we’re all gonna do very well today.
Yeah. Yeah.
Let’s go to that house first.
Dude, that fucking place is sick.
哥们 那房♥子太屌♥了
Oh, yeah, like, I was in del rio, Texas.
I was hunting Turkey with my stepdad.
That motherfucker was, like, chasing me for, like, 20 minutes,
like, pecking my ass while i was running and all that shit.
我逃跑的时候 追着我屁♥股♥啄
Man, my stepdad had to shoot the motherfucker off me, like, straight up.
我继父只能开枪打它 一枪毙命
Look at that horse. Shit, that’s tight.
看那匹马 操 太厉害了
Yeah, yeah. It’s badass.
是啊 酷毙了
Let me get your number. Let me get that number.
让我记下你的号♥码 记下那串号♥码
That is. That’s like a ten. That’s like a ten.
真是 感觉满分 完美
Yeah, it probably cost like a thousand.
Damn, look at that house down there.
该死 看那幢房♥子
The thing about it was, I wasn’t even hunting Turkey. I was hunting deer.
问题就是 我甚至不是来打火鸡的 我是来猎鹿的
to hunt the motherfucker.
You’ll see me with a skate park in the back,
要是我的房♥子 我就在后边弄个滑板公园
a skate park in the front.
A skate park through the house. I don’t give a fuck.
整个房♥子弄成滑板公园 我什么都不管
I’ll be skating all day. Fuck this place.
我能滑一整天 去他妈的这地方
Yeah. That’s what I got to say.
是啊 我也想说这句
Hey. All right, I’m calling out teams now.
嘿 好了 我要开始分组了
We’re going backwards from yesterday. Qt and Austin is team one.
和昨天的倒一倒 可爱和奥斯汀是一组
Kat and gay Ray’s team two.
Kal and Riley’s three.
Sean and shaunte again, four. Pagan, Billy, five.
肖恩和香缇是四组 佩根和比利五组
Corey, runt, six. Hell, yeah.
科里和伦特 六组 好的
Me and new girl.
I need my pad case and my cigarettes and my phone.
我需要我的工作套装 烟 和手♥机♥
I’m ready for this.
Let me get out of this car
before I slap the bitch out of her.
Good luck. Have fun.
祝你好运 玩得开心
回你那边好好待着 你个死基佬
Hey, you guys got phones? Hey, jj.
嘿 你们手♥机♥拿了吗 嘿 JJ
Yeah, I got ’em. Sell as many as you can, bro.
我拿了 能卖♥♥多少卖♥♥多少 哥们
Bitch. Dicks.
贱♥人♥ 混♥蛋♥
So it’s me and star next,
and then you’re gonna take pagan to the church,
and then we’ll just all hook up there. All right, cool, yeah.
之后我们都在那里集♥合♥ 行 挺好的
All right.
How do I look, death star?
我看起来怎么样 死星
Let’s see.
Hold up.
Like a smartass power agent. You know what I’m saying?
像个自以为是的金牌销♥售♥ 你知道我在说什么吗
Fuck, yeah, like a power agent.
是啊 像个金牌销♥售♥
Shut the fuck up.
Wanna see something crazy? Yeah.
想不想看点疯狂的 好
Yeah? Yeah.
想吗 想
Pow. That better not be real.
砰 最好别是真枪
Dude, are you fucking kidding me? You just put that shit in my face?
你♥他♥妈♥在逗我吗 你拿这玩意指着我的脸?
You’re fucking laughing.
You just put a real-ass gun in my face?
Yeah, but it wasn’t chambered. It’s not like…
子弹没入膛 我不是想…
What do you need a gun for anyhow?
I don’t trust many people, you know?
我不相信很多人 你懂吗
What the fuck? Let me see it.
他妈的怎么回事 我瞧瞧
Come on, give it here.
快点 给我
I got it. I just don’t know how to…
我会弄 只是不知道怎么…
What did you press?
What did you press?
You really put a fucking gun in my face, and you don’t even know how to use it?
你拿枪指着我的脸 却连用都不会用
I know how to use it. I didn’t know how to press the release.
我知道怎么用 我只是不知道怎么松保险
There’s nothing in it. Relax.
枪膛里什么都没有 放松点
You read the handbook last night
about the five sales steps? Yeah.
营销五大步 看了
That’s a bunch of shit, all that. You don’t gotta listen to that.
全都是放屁 不用听上面说的
See, ’cause in Jake’s book there’s one fucking step.
听着 要是我来写手册 就只有一步
Not five, just one. It just takes one step.
没有五步 就一步 只要一步就行
Once you get this one fucking step down, you’re the chief of the tribe.
你只要拿下这一步 就能称霸全场
And I’m gonna teach you that one step today.
You hear what I’m saying?
Basically, as soon as they open that door and look at you,
基本上 他们打开家门看到你的那一瞬间
that’s the critical moment, that’s the make-or-break moment.
就是最关键的时刻 成败在此一举
‘Cause in that second you gotta work them,
短短一秒钟 你要分♥析♥他们
you gotta read them, you gotta be able to scan them and figure them out,
你要读懂他们 扫描他们 摸清他们
figure what kind of person that person wants in their life.
他们是什么样的人 他们要什么样的人
Then you gotta be that person. You know?
然后你去扮演这个人 明白吗
So, like, a couple of the other agents are really rigid
about the five sales steps and all this shit.
So they’ll pick a spiel that’s, like, some sad shit, like…
他们编造一些可怜巴巴的故事 比方说
“Mama’s got cancer” or, “my fucking foot is falling off.”
“妈妈得了癌症” 或者 “我的腿要废了”
“I’m trying to get my life back together.”
You know, “i got a little lost there in my teens,
and now I’m really working on myself, man,” and,
“oh, you know, my dad, he died in Iraq.”
Any sad spiel, and they’ll just say it
各种悲惨套路 但他们只是在说
over and over and over again until it’s meaningless.
This person? This person doesn’t give a fuck about magazines, right?
这个人 住在这里的人 他才不鸟什么杂♥志♥
They want something from me, so if I’m a g,
他们想从我身上得到什么 所以要是我够聪明
I’m gonna figure out what that something is and I’m gonna work that.
我就要找出他们想要什么 然后利用起来
And that’s a power agent.
All right. Let’s go. You’re my good-luck charm. Here we go.
好了 走吧 你是我的幸运符 干活吧
The thing you gotta remember is, every Jones is different.
你要记住的是 每个人都是不同的

Every sale, right?

You gotta treat it like it’s a game. You know?
就把这个当游戏 明白吗
Hi. Hi.
嗨 嗨
No, we’ve never met. I’d remember a face like that. What’s your name?
我们没见过面 这么好看的脸我忘不了 你叫什么
Destiny. Destiny, I’m Jake. How are you?
黛斯特妮 黛斯特妮 我是杰克 你好吗
Nice to meet you. This is my younger sister, star.
很高兴见到你 这是我妹妹 小星
Uh, you want my mom? No, but can you do me a favor?
你找我妈妈吗 不 你能不能帮我个忙
One favor. Can you feel this material? Just feel it.
一个小忙 感受一下这个布料 就试一下
What does that material feel like to you?
I don’t know about that.
You know what kind of material it is?
Uhuh. That’s boyfriend material.
不知道 这是男朋友的材料
You know what I’m saying? Look right here.
明白我说什么了吧? 看这里
Who is it? Genuine boyfriend…
谁啊 纯种男朋友
Hi, there. Can I help you folks?
嗨 你好 有什么可以帮忙的吗
Hi, yeah, I was just explaining to your daughter,
嗨 我正在跟您女儿解释
we’re part of the three cs contest,
which is a collegiate communications competition.
