
anathema 咒逐,上帝憎恶的当灭之物

英语单词 anathema 来自希腊语 anathema ,由 ana ( up )+ thema ( to put, to place )构成,字面意思就是“上交给上帝(由其处置)”。这个希腊语实际上是古代希腊人在翻译希伯来语的《旧约》时对希伯来语 herem (或 cherem )的翻译。 herem 在希伯来语中最早指不符合犹太教信仰、上帝憎恶的“当灭之物”,如异教徒用来崇拜其他神灵的建筑、器具,以及其他与犹太 教义不符的财物。犹太人打败异教徒后捕获的这些物品不可拿回家私自享用,而应该献给上帝,由上帝来处置。“献给上帝”的方式一般是烧掉或砸碎。与 herem 对应的希腊语 anathema 也就含有“上帝憎恶之物、异教徒所用之物”的含义。

在宗教领域, anathema 表示一种非常严格的惩罚“革出教门”,仅仅适用于严重违反教规的信徒,相当于宣布你是“上帝憎恶之物”。在日常生活中, anathema 表示“非常讨厌的人或物”。

与 anathema 一样含有词根 thema 的单词有 theme (主题),字面意思就是“ something set down ”(写下的事)。


anathema (ah NATH eh ma) This noun comes to us from the Greek word that came to mean “doomed offering” or “accursed thing.” Today the meaning is roughly synonymous with a strong curse, a near wish for damnation. (Oddly, its original meaning was positive—a thing set apart as an offering to the gods—but the purely negative sense is all that’s left now.) The word can refer to either the curse itself or the person or thing that is cursed. In the latter case, it is not necessary to include an article when using it in a sentence.

  • To Dorothy, a confirmed luddite, the idea of spending hundreds of dollars on a laptop computer is anathema; she would rather use the money for a fountain pen, some fine stationery, and an antique writing desk.
  • In the opening act of Macbeth, the three witches gather on the heath and revel in the anathemas they have placed upon a sailor and his wife.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


anathema(ah NATH eh ma)这个名词来自希腊语,意思是“注定要失败的奉献”或“被诅咒的东西”。今天,这个意思大致与强烈的诅咒同义,一种近乎诅咒的愿望。(奇怪的是,它的原意是积极的——一种被视为向神献祭的东西,但现在只剩下纯粹的消极意义了。)这个词可以指诅咒本身,也可以指被诅咒的人或事。在后一种情况下,在句子中使用冠词时没有必要包含冠词。
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
