A nice offer should be considered,
if that’s, you know, what you’re considering.
所以… -米娅 你能去后面补货吗?
That’s the thing about– – Uh, Mia, will you go stock the back?
好的 -谢谢
Oh. Sure. – Thanks.
你好 我能帮你吗?
Uh, hi. Can I help you?
嘿 我喜欢这家店
Hey. I love the store.
谢谢 有什么我能帮你的吗? -对 确实有件事
Thank you. Anything I can help you with? – Yes, actually.
Does a Kayla Lexington work here?
不在 我从没听说过她
No. No, I’ve never heard of her.
好奇怪 因为我…我之前…
It’s funny ’cause I– I was, um–
I just, uh–
抱歉浪费你的时间了 -没关系 祝你今天愉快
Sorry for wasting your time. – It’s all right. Have a nice day.
嘿 你能推荐一种多肉植物
Hey, could you recommend a succulent
那种不需要光照 耐旱的…
that, like, don’t need no light, little water–?
给你 拿走吧 送你的
Here, take this, on the house.
真的吗?我不知道该说什么 -对
Seriously? I don’t know what to say. – Yeah.
你什么都不需要说 今天开心就好
You don’t have to say anything. Just have a great day.
艾米 你得来看看这些新到的虎尾兰
Amy, you wanna take a look at these new sansevieria.
凯拉 是我 -什么?
Kayla. It’s me. – What?
先生 你必须走了 -她是你的混♥蛋♥老板吗?
Sir, you have to leave. – Is this your asshole boss?
保罗 到这边来
Paul, come here.
她的名字不是凯拉 是米娅
Her name is not Kayla. It’s Mia.
我只是截图了她的照片 然后发给了你
And I just screen-grabbed her photos and sent them to you.
好吧 所以你在捉弄我吗?
Okay. So you were catfishing me?
不是 我…
No. It–
我不知道 好吧?我…
I don’t know. Okay? I–
I’m a mess.
I guess I didn’t want you to know who I really am.
但我确实喜欢和你聊天 真的 你…
I did really like talking to you, though. I did, you know. You–
You’re gonna make someone very happy one day.
I know this isn’t what you expected.
I know I’m no fucking Kayla,
with her perky tits and her taut ass.
She’s probably sopping wet–
♪ 有时候 我感到恐惧 ♪
♪ Sometimes, I feel the fear ♪
♪ 若有似无的恐惧刺痛着我 ♪
♪ – Of uncertainty stinging clear – ♪
♪ 我还要扪心自问 ♪
♪ And I still have to ask myself ♪
♪ 我还要让恐惧 控制我多久 ♪
♪ How much I let the fear Take the wheel and steer
I think you’re hotter than Kayla.
♪ 我已被纠缠许久 ♪
♪ It’s driven me before ♪
♪ 恍惚间就如同 ♪
♪ And it seems to have a vague
♪ 索饶心间的诱惑 ♪
♪ Haunting mass appeal ♪
♪ 但最近我开始发现 ♪
♪ But lately I’m beginning to find that I ♪
♪ 我才应该是掌握一切的存在 ♪
♪ Should be the one behind the wheel ♪
♪ Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there ♪
♪ With open arms and open eyes, yeah ♪
♪ Whatever tomorrow brings I’ll be there ♪
♪ I’ll be there ♪
♪ So, if I ♪
♪ Decide to waiver my ♪
♪ Chance to be one of The hive ♪
♪ Will I choose water over wine ♪
♪ And hold my own and drive? ♪
♪ Aah, ah, ooh ♪
♪ It’s driven me before And it seems to be the way ♪
♪ That everyone else gets around ♪
♪ But lately I’m Beginning to find that when ♪
♪ I drive myself my light is found ♪
