是啊 惊喜 惊喜 是吗
Yeah, surprise, surprise, huh?
这位是奥吉 这位是德怀特
This is Augie. Dwight.
德怀特 你好 过得怎样
Dwight. Hi. How you doing?
I was married to her sister.
好吧 很多年前 很多年前
Okay. Years ago. Years.
其实也没那么久 她说得好像是在古代了
Wasn’t that many years. She makes it sound ancient.
恭喜 金洁说你在阿♥拉♥斯加找到了新工作
Congratulations. Ginger said you got a new job up in Alaska.
I could’ve had my own contract company
if it wasn’t for you and that crook you married.
I really don’t think it’s the time and place to get into this.
是吗 你认为我很想在阿♥拉♥斯加铺油管
Oh, really? You think I wanna lay oil pipe way the hell up there in Alaska?
I got no money.
天啊 奥吉 你就不能放下这些开始新生活吗
Christ, Augie. Can’t you put this behind you and move on?
I’ve moved on.
放松点 我不知道你是谁…
Take it easy. I don’t know who you are…
对 你不知道 所以别来插手
Right, you don’t, so stay out of it.
I saw your son.
对 是的 丹尼 还记得他吗
Yeah, that’s right, Danny. Remember him?
住在桥对面的奥克兰 在一家叫安东尼奥的乐器行里工作
Lives across the bridge in Oakland, works at a music store. Antonio’s.
他干得很不错 他结婚了
He’s doing pretty good. He’s married.
I think he’s finally over Hal’s suicide.
Danny’s in Oakland?
我来告诉你些事情 金妮特或是茉莉
Let me tell you something, Jeanette, Jasmine,
whatever it is you call yourself these days.
Some people,
they don’t put things behind so easily.
You have a son?
是的 我有个儿子 他不是…
Yes, I have a son. He’s not…
他不是我的亲生儿子 他是我的继…
Biologically he’s not my son. He’s my step…
-豪尔是自杀的 -我等下都可以解释
-Hal’s suicide? -I can explain it all later.
Why don’t we just…?
Oh I am not going in there until you tell me what’s going on.
-不能再街上说 -我想知道发生了什么
-Not in the street. -I want to know what’s going on.
我知道 我们得去个安静适合谈话的地方
I know. We’ll go somewhere quiet where we can talk.
好吧 好吧 我们上车
All right,right. Let’s get in the car.
Please don’t talk to me in that tone of voice.
我们当然不能结婚 你几乎所有事都骗了我
Of course we can’t get married. You lied to me up and down the line!
-不 不 我想过要告诉你真♥相♥ -你有妄想症吗
-No, no, no, I wanted to tell you truth. -Are you delusional?
Didn’t you think I’d eventually find out?
-你在想什么 -我不知道我在想什么
-What were you thinking? -I don’t know what I was thinking.
I don’t know… That everything happened in the past.
You and I loved each other…
然后呢 这些就消失了
And what? And what? That it would just vanish?
Didn’t you think I would find out,
如果不是今天 很快我还是会发现
if not today, or immediately, eventually?
Like after we were married?
你想要的就是这个 等到一切都来不及挽回了
Is that what you wanted, to wait until it was too late?
挽回什么 你未来规划里的合适妻子
Too late for what? Your future plans where you needed the appropriate wife?
我不是说那不重要 但那可以等等
I’m not saying that it wouldn’t be an issue, but that you could stand by,
deceive me until I married you…
不 不 不 你的意思是等我套牢你
Oh, no, no, no, you mean till I trapped you.
Your ethical behavior is equal to your ex.
我不是在欺骗你 我爱你
I wasn’t deceiving you. I loved you.
我是碰巧发现的 小小的偶然
I found out by chance, by sheer chance.
好吧 如果那结束了 那就结束吧
Okay, if it’s over, it’s over.
我明白了 你不会和我结婚 我自己过自己的
I get it. You’re not marrying me. I brought everything on myself.
我只能怪自己 我又自作自受了 又一次
I’ve only got myself to blame. I did it to myself again, as usual, as usual.
You and your stupid little French whore.
-我不知道你在说什么 -让我下车
-I have no idea what you’re talking about. -Let me out of the car.
-让我下车 -你要怎么回家
-Let me out of the car. -How are you gonna get home?
我不回家 让我出去 让我下车
I’m not going home. Let me out. Let me out of the car!
等她回来记得告诉她 好吗
Hey, remember to tell her when she gets here, okay?
相信我 她不会在意的
Believe me, she won’t care.
-她都快搬出去了 -好吧…
-She is half out the door. -Yeah, well…
I didn’t start out not liking her.
I think she had it in for me from the moment she met me.
Well, I like you.
现在 那才是关键 她怎样看你不重要
Now, that’s what counts, not how she feels about you.
你知道 我讨厌透了她叫你废物
You know, I… I’m sick of her calling you a loser,
or always pushing me to find a better man.
你知道 在我眼里 你不是废物
You know, in my book, you’re no loser.
You… you’re twice the guy I met at the party she dragged me to.
-是吗 -是
-Oh, yeah? -Yeah.
-我爱你 -我知道
-Well, I love you. -I know.
-我爱你的儿子们 我想你的儿子们也爱我 -当然
-I love the boys,and the boys, I think they love me too. -They do.
-当我以为我失去了你…-你没有失去我 宝贝
-When I thought I lost you… -You didn’t lose me, baby.
I almost lost you.
Is this what you gave up everything for?
To sell secondhand musical instruments?
I asked Augie not to tell you where I was.
What happened?
你为什么就这样消失了 再也没有联♥系♥我
Why did you disappear like that and never contact me?
I couldn’t find you when I needed you.
我知道整件事 我发现了 所以别表现得那么惊讶
I know the whole story, I found it out, so don’t act so surprised.
Are you having an affair with Lisette Boudreau?
天啊 茉莉 只要我没醉就不可能
Oh, God. Jasmine, I can’t do this without a drink.
不 不 别敷衍我 你没去芝加哥
No, no, don’t tap dance. You never went to Chicago.
You took the Jordans’ au pair to Paris.
I know what’s been going on.
-我们能谈谈吗 -是 你以为我们还能谈谈
-Can we talk about this, please? -Yes, you bet we can talk about it.
Can you do it calmly?
我想告诉你发生了什么 但你总是那么…
I mean I wanna talk to you about what’s going on, but you know, you’re always so…
How do you expect me to react?
You’ve been sleeping with other women for years.
我说的是 瑞琳恩 你的秘书 我们的健身教练
I mean, Raylene, your secretary, our trainer.
-艾米 -那不一样
-Amy. -This is different.
This is serious.
Lisette and I are in love.
Wha…? What?
Are you crazy?
很抱歉 但我我需要你听清我在说什么
I’m sorry, but I need you to hear what I’m saying.
Lisette and I are in love.
那是什么意思 那该死的到底是什么意思
What does that mean? What does that stupidity even mean?
It means that we are making plans for the future together.
抱歉 我无法理解
I’m sorry. I’m having trouble understanding.
我知道太突然了 但我必须向你坦白
I know this comes as a shock, but I have to be honest with you.
你想坦白 这是我听过最荒谬的玩笑
You wanna be honest. That’s the biggest joke of all.
I’ve had casual flirtations in the past,
但这到现在为止都没什么 这不一样
but they didn’t mean anything to me until now, this is different.
你疯了 她还是个孩子 看在老天的份上
Are you out of your mind? She is a teenager, for chrissake.
她是个互惠工 我是说哦 你真的疯了
She’s an au pair. I mean, are you crazy?
-天啊 告诉你对我来说不容易 -你不容易 那我呢
-Christ, this is hard for me to tell you! -It’s hard for you? What about me?
This is so humiliating for me.
我是说 让所有人知道你的不忠已经够糟了
I mean, it is bad enough that everyone knows you’ve been unfaithful.
但抛弃我 就为了那个一脸蠢相的法国小…
But to throw me away for this stupid-looking little French…
-我会照顾好你的 -对不起
-I will take very good care of you. -I’m sorry.
我不能呼吸了 我不能呼吸了
I can’t breathe. I can’t breathe.
I don’t know what I’m… What am I doing here?
天啊 我无法接受 这种事不会发生
Oh, God, this is unacceptable. This is not gonna happen.
你不会离开 我无法接受
You’re not going anywhere. This is unacceptable.
-茉莉 你在发脾气 -别碰我
-Jasmine, you’re having a tantrum. -Don’t you touch me!
-别碰我 -你在发脾气
-Don’t you touch me! -You are having a tantrum.
停下 停下
Stop, stop.
-我在这里干什么 -冷静 振作起来
-What am I doing here? -Calm down to pull yourself together.
-I can’t… -Jasmine.
冷静下来 我们用文明的成年人的方式谈话
When you calm down, we can talk like two civilized adults
about the arrangements we have to make.
Until then I’m gonna check into a hotel.
我在做什么 我在做什么
What am I doing here? What am I doing here?
