Or noon on the 11 th?
你能不能选个固定的时间点 定个日子而已
Can you just settle on a time, please? Just pick a time.
Remember the yoga class.
Deep breath.
Breathe deeply.
好的 深呼吸
All right, deep breath.
如果你能深吸一口气 就可以闻到金银花香
If you take a deep breath, you can smell the honeysuckle.
-做香水很棒 -的确 我正有此意
-Make a great perfume. -It would.I had all the plans over that.
-你的球赛马很有型 -谢谢
-Your polo pony’s in great shape. -Thank you.
-我还没看过马球比赛 -真的吗
-No, I have never seen a polo match. -Really?
My husband’s a bit of fanatic.
而且他对这玩意很在行 所以经常忙得不可开交
Not to say he’s good at it, but it keeps him busy.
我们要抓紧了 还要赶飞机
We got be hurry. We got a flight to catch.
Hal’s taking Danny to Augusta for the Masters.
他们沉迷于高尔夫 我要一个人在家了
They’re golf degenerates. I’ll be home alone.
-去三天就回来 -对了 我有没有告诉你
-We’ll be back in three days. -Mm. Did we tell you?
-但你在哈佛拿了班上第一名 -没有
-Danny was first in his class at Harvard. -No.
-真的 -恭喜你
-Yes. -Congratulations.
-谢谢 -他是个数学天才
-Thanks. -He’s a math genius.
他才是天才 爸爸去商学院做了个客座演讲
He’s the genius. Dad came up did a guest lecture at the business school
and everyone said it was the best lecture all semester.
一般来说 我通常会马上成为学校的名人
Naturally, I became an instant celebrity on campus.
嘿 我需要你在这签名 宝贝
Hey, I need your signature on these, baby.

小心点 别被高尔夫球砸到了 瑞·贝克就这么死的
Be careful. Don’t get hit by a golf ball. That’s how Ray Becker died.
你知道的 他太阳穴那里有淤青
You know, a little blue bruise on his temple.
What are you always studying in your spare time?
Well, I’m trying to learn to use a computer.
I wanna study interior design online.
Oh, you wanna be a decorator?
是的 我在这方面有天赋
Yeah, it’s where my strongest gifts are.
You know, I have a natural flair for space and color
and an eye for choosing soft furnishings.
挺不错的 不过上班时间不可以学习
It’s very commendable, but I can’t really have you studying on work time
if it interferes with the business at hand.
是的 对不起 我保证不会发生了
Yes. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again.
拜托了 希望不会
Please, see that it doesn’t.
-我想问你一个问题 -什么事
-I was gonna ask you a question. -Yes?
Would you have a drink with me?
A drink?
要是你愿意 我会很高兴
I’d love it if you could.
Well, it would have to be a quick one
因为 我还要和男朋友吃晚餐
because, you know, I’m meeting my boyfriend for dinner.
I was just saying
当你看人们的口腔时 能看明白很多事
you can tell awful lot about people when you look in their mouths.
他是个认真的人吗 守规矩吗 自负吗
Are they conscientious? Are they disciplined? Are they vain?
或者粗心大意 你得知道你要避讳什么
Or careless? You have to know what to look for.
你知道现在几点了吗 我得留心点时间
Do you have the time? I have to keep an eye on it.
I’ve got homework.
This computer thing is proving a little more difficult than I imagined.
真搞笑 说实话 因为我在大学的时候是优等生
It’s funny, really, because I used to be a straight-A student in college.
You know, but they say every year, millions of brain cells just die off.
-你牙齿很好 -噢
-You have good teeth. -Oh.
I’m sure you get many compliments on them.
-谢谢 -嗯
-Well, thank you. -Yeah.
You know, you’re a very beautiful woman.
Are you serious with your boyfriend?

我不是有意打探 呃…
I don’t mean to pry. Heh. Uh…
天啊 生活很复杂
God, life is complicated.
Have you ever had any children?
我爸爸是贼 当他的真面目被揭穿的时候
How do you expect me to react when my father is unmasked
-你希望我有什么反应 -你不能从哈佛退学
-as a common thief? -You can’t just drop out of Harvard.
不 这太丢人了 我知道他做了什么 我都想死了
No, it’s too humiliating. I wanna die when I see what he’s done.
-他怎么欺骗 偷窃 毁掉别人 -我知道…
-How he lied, stole, ruined people. -I know…
He is a sleazy criminal.
你一旦退学了 宝贝 你的前途也跟着完蛋了
But if you drop out, sweetheart, you will be throwing away your whole future.
You think I could ever face anybody up at school?
My father, who I bragged to everyone about?
金融天才 慷慨的慈善家
The financial genius, generous, the philanthropist?
全是假的 他是个卑鄙的骗子
He’s such a phony! He’s a cheap crook.
His charitable contributions with stolen money.
想想他的感受 他在大街上被抓了
Well, just think how he feels. He was arrested in the street.
-所有的报纸都在报道 -你怎么还能用过去的眼光看他
-It’s in all the papers. -How can you even look at him the same?
是你一点都不怀疑 还是你毫不关心
Did you not suspect anything or did you not care?
-你什么意思 -回答你这么多问题又没钱
-What does that mean? -It didn’t pay for you to ask many questions.
想想 如果我知道 还会让他用我的名字注册公♥司♥吗
Think of it. I would have allowed him to set up corporations under my name?
开设账户 这对我也不容易 丹尼
Sign accounts? This is no cakewalk for me, Danny.
I could get indicted.
他这几年什么都没做 光是骗我了
He’s done nothing but lie to me over the years.
他是个骗子 伪君子
He is a con man and a hypocrite.
你一定要这样 毁了自己的生活来报复他
This is how you respond, by squandering your life to get even with him?
别想找到我 因为你找不到
Don’t try to find me, because you won’t.
他是个该死的流浪汉 上啊
He’s a fucking bum. Let’s go.
打啊 用力 别僵着不动
Let’s go, let’s go! Get out of the clinch!
-嘿 嘿 -就这样 用力出拳
-Hey. Hey. -That’s it, pop the jab.
嘿 伙计们 小点声 我姐姐在学习
Hey, guys, keep it down. My sister’s trying to study.
-什么时候我们得偷偷摸摸了 -小点声
-When can we stop tiptoeing around? -Shh.
-上啊 用力出拳 -她会听见的
-Let’s go! Pop the jab! -She’ll hear you.
我才不管呢 我♥干♥了一周的活 我想放松下
Well, I don’t care. I work hard all week. I wanna relax.
-上啊 快 -我们继续 使点劲啊
-Let’s go, come on. -Let’s go. Work the body.
-那家伙站着不动 -瞧瞧
-The guy’s just standing. -Look.
这对布鲁诺来说很容易 因为他只是一个劲向前
And Bruno makes it easy, because he just pushes himself forward.
她姐姐本来是百万富翁 结果到头来她嫁的是个骗子
Her sister, she had millions. Turned out she married a crook.
听着 她那时候在哪 她腰缠万贯的时候
Look, where was she? When she was loaded
and you were tending bar, waiting tables?
-现在倒是一家人了 -噢
-Now family’s family? -Oh!
-好的 -不错 你赢了
-Yeah. -Nice. You can see the money.
-我知道 -他说得没错
-I know. -He’s right.
有没有可能 在不扫你们兴致的情况下
Is it possible, without ruining any of your fun,
that you could lower the TV a bit?
嘿 茉莉 你就不能稍微休息一会儿吗 一起喝杯啤酒
Hey, Jasmine, why don’t you stop working for a bit? Have a beer.
相信我 我也想
Believe me, I wish I could.
What kind of work are you doing?
I’m trying to, um, work a computer,
but it seems I have no aptitude for it.
嘿 听着 我只是…想告诉你
Hey, listen, I just… I want you to know,
我觉得成年人继续学习 而不是整天无所事事 这很好
it’s great when a grown-up continues with their education. Not for nothing.
Well, my goal is to study interior decorating online.
Why don’t you just go to decorator school?
我白天得上班 挣钱养活自己
Well, I have to use my days to work and pay my way.
就像豪尔说的 “钱非万能 但没钱却万万不能”
As Hal said, “It’s not the money, it’s the money.”
没错 不过生活不是光学不玩的 对不对
Yeah, okay, but, you know, life ain’t all work and no play, right?
金洁说除了工作就是上课 你都快崩溃了
Ginger says between work and school, you’re cracking up.
-嘿 你闭嘴行不行 -不 不
-Hey, why don’t you shut up? -No, no.
我承认 这的确很难
I’ll admit it, it’s been very trying,
but I’m determined to make something of myself.
-你不喜欢和牙医一起工作 -不 我不喜欢
-You don’t like working with the dentist? -No, I do not.
Well, Ginger said you’re not used to working a job.
那是过去 我那会很有钱
Well, in that respect, I was very fortunate.
He was a handsome guy with money.
他嘴上抹了蜜似地讨好她 宠她
He was a smooth talker and pampered her.
她还能说什么 难道拒绝吗
What’s she gonna say, no?
I got it.
为什么一定要做设计师呢 为什么不干点别的
Why does it have to be a decorator? Why can’t you pick something else?
What would you want me to do?
你想让我当服务员 打包购物袋
Do you want me to wait tables? Bag groceries?
