So I’m just gonna tell you the truth.
I really want to be a part of this team…
and I’m the only one with a car.
That’s good.
‘Cause that hits me right here.
是这样 你能帮我…
Okay, can you do me a favor and take…
I want you to take these earrings and put them in Mom’s mahogany box.
-先放进你的背包里 -你拿耳环干嘛了
-Put them in your backpack. -What are you doing with these?
你能把它放回去吗 求你了 格雷斯
Could you just put them in the box, please, Grace?
You’ve really gotten into the bad habit of asking a huge amount of questions.
我得走了 好吗 伙计
I gotta go, okay, pal?
谁知道你会搞出什么事儿来 安东尼
What’s gonna happen to you, Anthony?
老天 格雷斯 你在问我什么问题
Geez, Grace, what the hell kind of question is that to ask me?
When are you coming home?
格雷斯 我不回家 我是大人了
Grace, I can’t come home. I’m an adult.
为什么这样看着我 啊
Why you looking at me like that? Huh?
我小时候 我想知道为什么会打雷…
When I was little, I wanted to know what caused thunder…
跟格雷斯聊得怎么样 还好吧
How’d it go with Grace? How’d it go?
-我们能出发了吗 鲍勃 -当然
-Can we leave, please, Bob? -Sure.
小孩子都很可爱 她真是可爱
Little kids are really cute. She is a cute little kid.
怎么了 我没头绪
What happened? I just have no idea.
我在想 格雷斯怎么会变成愤青
I mean, how did Grace get so cynical?
我现在没法儿回答 我唯一想的就是把你弄回车里
I can’t answer that now. My only concern is getting you back in the car.
-She’s come to this conclusion… -Get back in the car where you can…
-她觉得我是个失败者 -啥 她说你是失败者
-She thinks I’m a failure. -What? She said you were a failure?
What has she ever accomplished with her life?
-我该干嘛 -你什么都不必做
-What do I do? -You don’t have to do anything.
I’m not saying that she has to look up to me at all.
-别多想了 -或许她应该仰视我 为什么不呢
-Don’t worry about it. -Maybe she should. Why not?
-她跟她朋友说我是个飞行员 -别说了 看这儿
-She told her friend I was a pilot. -Stop for a second and look at this.
-不 -事实
-Oh, no. -Fact: I learned more…
in the two months I spent with Mr. Henry…
than I learned in 15 years of academic study.
事实 我可以向你保证
Fact I can guarantee you,
after Mr. Henry sees us pull this job…
he’s gonna take a personal interest in our future.
事实 亨利先生开的是美洲虎
Fact: Mr. Henry drives a Jaguar.
事实 这份表单现在对我没什么作用
Fact: The picture’s not doing it for me right now.
Well, does the fact that I’m trying to do it do it for you?
我不想打断你们 伙计们…
I hate to interrupt your conversation, guys…
but I think I know what you’ve been going through…
’cause I’ve been through some pretty heavy shit myself.
觉得孤独 仿佛这世上没人在乎你…
If you’re feeling alone, like nobody in the world cares…
在这该死的世上没人关心你 现在我沦落到这里
and nobody in the fucking world gives a shit, then I’m here.
That was a stop sign.
我准备好听你倾诉了 兄弟
I’m ready to listen, man.
如果你愿意 我可以先说我的
If you want, I’ll even open up first.
我哥哥…那光景 他总是狠狠揍我
My brother… That’s a shit situation. He beats the crap out of me always.
I don’t suppose either of you know why Bob’s car is parked out front.
是啊 他在这儿呢
Yeah, he’s here.
-He’s ins… -He’s here at the house.
Let me see if Bob’s keeping the pool clean.
-他不该在这儿 伙计 -我知道
-That’s Future Man. -Yeah, I know.
What the fuck is this?
不干不净的 鲍勃
Vamanos, Clay. Bob,
you were told to thoroughly clean the pool this morning.
-只是片叶子 -是一片叶子
-It’s a leaf. -It was one leaf!
你是安东尼 是吗
Your name’s Anthony, isn’t it?
是的 他是安东尼 我是 迪格南
Yeah, his name’s Anthony. My name’s Dignan.
我叫辛克莱·斯泰西 伊丽莎白的联谊会姐妹
I’m Stacy Sinclair, Elizabeth’s sorority sister.
I didn’t know she had a sister.
哦 老天 你真有幽默感
Oh, my God. You have the best sense of humor.
她会嫉妒死的 我见到你了
She is going to be so jealous I saw you here.
就是说 你在亚利桑那州上学 是吗
So, you go to school in Arizona, right?
-不 我在医院 -哦 为啥
-No, I was in the hospital. -Oh, what for?
I went nuts.
他说笑呢 他没疯
He’s kidding. He didn’t go nuts.
你这可怜的小东西 怎么回事儿啊
You poor thing. How’d it happen?
-你真想知道 -我确实想
-Do you really wanna know? -Yes, I really do.
一个早上 在伊丽莎白的海边小屋…
One morning over at Elizabeth’s beach house…
she asked me if I’d rather go water skiing or lay out.
然后我意识到 我不但不想回答这问题…
And I realized that not only did I not want to answer that question…
but I never wanted to answer another water-sports question…
or see any of these people again for the rest of my life.
三天后我动身去沙漠了 就是这样
Three days later I was on my way out to the desert, and that was that.
Bullying son of a bitch!
我捡软柿子捏 我就是这么捡软柿子捏的
You’re calling me a bully? Here’s a bully for ya!
等等 鲍勃 你只是在延长受折磨的时间
Hold on, Bob! You’re only gonna make this take longer!
你真邪门儿 不是吗
You’re really complicated, aren’t you?
-我的耳朵 -我也不想这样
-My ear! -I try not to be.
好吧 逃亡路线很关键…
Okay, escape route is crucial…
in case somebody is tailing us or even chasing us,
as the case may be.
We can’t be sure how it is gonna happen.
Do you think we’re gonna be chased?
问得好 不 我不认为
That’s a good question. No, I don’t think we’re gonna be chased.
我只是有此怀疑 然而 我要说的是…
I’m just being hypocritical here. However, I will say…
鲍勃 别打断我 伙计 因为我在集中注意力
Bob, please don’t interrupt me, man, ’cause I’m trying to stay focused.
你负责意外情况 街道逃亡
You’re responsible for the external situation, streets and the getaway.
等等 有必要搞炸♥药♥吗
Excuse me. Are the explosives really necessary here?
I think it would be a lot more simple if I just walked up to the door alone.
-I think that would be… -Why are you undermining me?
这玩意儿要装多少子弹 嘿 我正在集中注意力
How many bullets does this thing take? Look, I’m paying attention.
妈了个巴子 玩枪时得集中注意力
Goddamn it! You’re not paying attention if you’re messing around with the gun!
现在 停下…安东尼 把枪放桌上
Now, quit… Anthony, keep the gun on the table.
嘿 迪格南 放轻松些
Look, Dignan, relax.
I can’t focus unless the gun is on the table.
-枪是我买♥♥的 -闭嘴 贱♥人♥
-I paid for it. -Shut up, man!
我警告你 肃静
I’m warning you now. Be quiet, please.
-这是事实 枪是我买♥♥的 -再说一遍
-It’s true. I paid for the gun. -Say it one more time.
再说一遍 说啊
Say it again. Repeat what you just said.
I paid for the gun.
不要他了 也不要你了
He’s out. You’re out too.
-也没我了 -别激动
-And I don’t think I’m in, either. -Calm down.
不打劫了 你俩根本不重视这事儿
No gang! You two just don’t give a shit.
正进行得顺畅 你们不重视了
When it comes right down to it, you don’t care.
How does an asshole like Bob get such a great kitchen?
我道歉 我没领导好大家
I apologize. That was poor leadership.
I’m under a lot of pressure right now, and…
I don’t feel like the team is gelling the way…
if I can even use that word, ’cause I don’t even know if we are a team.
嘿 我们是一个队伍
Hey, we are a team.
没错 队伍
Yeah, a team.
这儿 你看 星星是我 我在这儿
There. You see, the star is me. Right there. I’ll be in there.
安东尼是叉叉 鲍勃 你是车里这个圈圈
The X is Anthony. Bob, you’re the zero out here in the car.
What are you putting that tape on your nose for?
Let’s get lucky.
你 去开门
Yo, you open the door.
-好 在这儿等着 -快 上
-Okay, wait right here. -Come on, let’s go.
别害怕 让他开门
Don’t panic. Get him to open the door.
-别怕 -我把毛衣拉在里面了
-Don’t panic. -I left my sweater inside.
I know. Do you have a lost and found?
-他来了 -失物招领
-Here he comes. -A lost and found?
对不起 我们打烊了 先生
I’m sorry. We’re closed, sir.
I left my sweater in…
What’s that on your nose?
我弄伤了 在鼻梁上弄了个口子 你有失物招领吗
I cut it. I got a cut across the bridge. Do you have a lost and found?
-你能明天来吗 -不能 我今晚就要
-Can you come back tomorrow? -I can’t. I gotta get it tonight.
