鲍勃没偷车 你知道吗 他告诉我他要走
Bob didn’t steal the car. You know, he told me he was leaving.
He went back to help his brother.
迪格南 听着 抱歉没告诉你他要走
Dignan, look. I’m sorry that I didn’t tell you about Bob leaving.
你又同我一样的知情权 歉甚
You had just as much right to know as I did. I’m sorry.
谢谢 这正是我要的
Thank you. That’s all I needed.
我是说 谁说冒险必须有鲍勃参与了
I mean, who’s to say that you need Bob to have an adventure?
哪儿规定了 没什么表明必须有他
Where’s that rule written? There’s nothing that says that.
What are you working on?
素描而已 这是个…
Just a sketch. It’s…
这是个 你知道 只是匹马…
It’s, you know, just a little horse…
火花闪耀 有点像星尘
with little sparks comin’ off, kind of like stardust.
抱歉 只是…
Sorry. It’s just…
别跟我道歉 别对我这样
Don’t apologize to me. Don’t do that to me.
别把我当成是个妒忌的朋友 因为这不是重点
Don’t treat me like the jealous friend, because that’s not what this is about.
I’m as excited for you as anybody is.
真的 我得走了
Really? Then I gotta go.
回见 迪格南 房♥间里见
I’ll see you later, Dignan. See you back at the room.
太诡异了 整件事
It’s so weird, the way this happened.
It’s so good to be with you.
为什么你不来我们去的那个酒吧 迪格南
Why don’t you come over to this bar we’re going to, Dignan?
-在哪儿 -在城里
-Where? -It’s in the town.
不 我不想去
No, I don’t want to go.
Why don’t you just come with us?
Why don’t you just come over there with us?
All right.
I certainly can’t feel any worse than I do.
别担心 他只需要一杯酒
Don’t worry. All he needs is one drink.
Hello, my friend.
-你在当兵 是吗 -不 我只是剪断了头发
-You’re in the army, yes? -No. I just have short hair.
朋友 一起打台球吧
Amigo, let’s play pool!
老天 那家伙是个话痨 不是吗
Boy, that guy was a real chatterbox, wasn’t he?
我觉得她讲那故事讲得挺不住了 圣主
I didn’t think he was ever gonna stop with the story. Jesus!
That’s what I call a language barrier.
-我需要放松 -朋友 你出老千
-I need to take it easy. -Amigo, you just cheated!
好 我要叫我的哥们来
Okay! I’m calling my gang!
It’s just a little frustrating when you guys talk so easily.
神啊 你知道 我真不敢相信那家伙决定揍你
God, you know, I can’t believe the guy just decided to jump you like that.
-你能递一下薯条吗 -好的
-Can you pass me those french fries? -Yeah.
迪格南 当我和伊内兹在门口时
Dignan, you know I was right out in front of the place with Inez.
如果你不介意 我不想重温这个故事
If you don’t mind, I’d rather not relive it.
Don’t really feel much like talking about it.
事实上 我唯一想做的就是他妈的离开这个鬼地方
In fact, the only thing I feel like is getting the fuck out of this town.
是啊 我想我们需要一辆车
Yeah. We need a car, I think.
I have an idea for that.
伊内兹有能打开所有房♥间的钥匙 不是吗
Inez has a master key to all the rooms, doesn’t she?
Doesn’t she?
I don’t think we can do that.
我们可以 很简单
I know we can. It’s real simple.
我们进别人房♥间 拿把车钥匙…
We go into another room, take some car keys…
那不可能 懂吗
It’s not even a possibility, okay?
Then we’re gonna have to hot-wire a car…
and this idea I don’t back down from.
-打算…-伊内兹 我们出去吧
-This idea… -Inez, let’s go outside.
-你感觉怎么样 杰瑞
-Jerry’s not… -How are you, Jerry?
我很好 伊内兹
I feel great, Inez.
He’s under the weather a little bit.
-那 我…-Bye
-So, l… -Bye.
I kind of gotta take care of him for a few minutes.
I had a really great time.
伊内兹 抱歉打断你 但我灵光一闪
Inez, I’m sorry to interrupt you, but I think I’ve got it.
我得跟你谈谈 伊内兹 我有很多话对你说
I’ve gotta talk to you, Inez. I got a lot I need to tell you.
30秒前 我还很茫然 然后雾中…
Thirty seconds ago, I was lost, just in a total fog
惊现好点子 有如闪电掠过
and then it hit me like a bolt of lightning.
为了完美澄清我的心迹 不要打断我
Perfect clarity. Don’t slow me down.
I gotta get this out while it’s fresh.
Um, this could get a little tough to communicate.
那小孩儿呢 罗基在哪儿
Where’s the kid? Where’s Rocky?
-嘿 罗基 -嗯
-Hey, Rocky. -Yeah?
-能帮我个忙吗 -你想咋的
-Can you help me out? -What do you need?
I just need you to translate some stuff.
我不能 忙在呢 我有太多工作要做
I can’t. I’m busy. I got too much work.
就一会儿 就三分钟
It’ll take two seconds. Just give me three minutes.
来吧 求你了 我待会儿帮你洗盘子
Come on. Please. I’ll help you finish the dishes later.
好 以下是我要说的 我的视角
Okay, this is what I want to say. This is how I see it.
Beautiful, intelligent girl from Paraguay…
by chance happens to be workin’ at a motel in the middle of nowhere.
迷茫又疑惑 迷失了自我
Lost and confused. Totally lost.
Incredibly unhappy person…
accidentally wanders in off the highway…
and they meet and they fall in love…
and it’s perfect.
I mean, it is perfect.
And I can only hope…
她能感到我感觉到的 哪怕一点点
that she feels a tenth of the way that I feel.
我要说的是 伊内兹 当我们下午做♥爱♥时…
I mean, Inez, when we had sex this afternoon, it was…
很愉快 你知道吗
It was fun, you know?
呃…说啊 罗基
So… Come on, Rocky.
Okay, so to make a long story short…
明天离开时 我想要你跟我们一起走
when we leave here tomorrow, I want you to come with us.
我想让我们 无论怎样…
And I want us, no matter what…
Where are you going?
-嗯 -你要上那儿去
-What? -Where are you going?
Where are we going?
你想要去哦怎么回答 你要我跟你和杰瑞一起生活
What do you want me to say? You want me to live with you and Jerry?
-我不能走 -为什么不
-I can’t go. -Why not?
-我告诉你了 -那不是理由 伊内兹
-I just told you why not. -That’s no reason, Inez.
I’m trying to explain to you why I want you to come with us.
听着 等等
Look. Wait, wait.
我们呆在这儿 好吗 我不知道 但是…
We’ll stay here, all right? I don’t understand it, but…
I’m just gonna follow my instincts on this one.
你就像纸片 你知道吗 你像垃圾
You’re like paper. You know, you’re trash.
Like trash?
You know, you’re like paper flying by.
It doesn’t sound that bad in Spanish.
怎么了 罗基
Well, what, Rocky?
She… She doesn’t want you to stay.
She doesn’t?
You have to understand. She’s an organized person.
-她不能离开 -她没这么说 罗基
-She can’t just leave. -She didn’t say that, did she, Rocky?
没说 我只是想告诉你 她是个脚踏实地的人
No, but I’m just telling you, she’s a serious person.
拜托 别这样…
Please, just do the…
Excuse me.
安东尼 让我把这个信封给你
Mi amigo Anthony asked me to give you this envelope.
拿去 我们在这里过得很愉快
There you go. We certainly enjoyed our stay here.
We’d recommend this motel to any of our friends that might…
Take care of Anthony.
-伤好些了吗 -我觉得好多了
-Is okay? -Yeah, I feel a lot better.
So long.
-告诉 安东尼我爱他 -什么
-Tell Anthony I love him. -Do what?
告诉 安东尼我爱他
Tell Anthony I love him.
好的 伙计
All right, man. Okay.
操 破车
Shit, man. What a lemon!
我不明白 刚刚还跑得飞快…
I don’t know, man. One minute it’s running like a top…
and the next minute it’s broken down on the side of the road.
我修不了这车 我没有工具
I can’t fix a car like this. I don’t have the tools to do it, man!
就算我有工具 也不能保证就能修好这种车
Even if I did, I can’t promise you I’d know how to fix a car like that!
