如果有人打我 我也反击
Now, if I’m attacked, I defend myself
especially when I’m all alone against a whole gang.
Well, you certainly perked up since you tossed your cookies.
Do you realize how crude that is?
我们都是文明人 四个都是
Look, we’re all decent people, all four of us.
我们怎么都会失控到这样 发脾气?
I don’t know how we got carried away, losing our tempers.
太没必要了 别说了 别再做和事佬了
-This is totally unnecessary. -Stop it. Stop mitigating.
我们只是表面公平 那根本就不要公平了
We’re only superficially fair-minded. Why should we be fair-minded at all?
No. No, I’m not gonna be led down that path.
What path?
两个小贱♥人♥把我拖下水的地步! 好了吗?
The path these two little shits led us down.
-我不认为佩恩是这么看的 -是佩内洛普
-Pen doesn’t see things that way. -“Penelope.”
-抱歉 -好吧 伊桑是贱♥人♥了
-Sorry. -So Ethan’s a shit now.
That really takes the cake.
够了 我真的要走了
Look, that’s it. I really have to leave now.
Yeah. So do I.
走吧 我放弃了
Go. Go. I give up.
-你好? -是我 米基
-Hello. -It’s me, Mikey.
-妈 你好 -打扰你了?
-Oh, hi, Ma. -Is this a bad time?
不 我这里有客人 不过说吧
No. No, we got some friends over, but go ahead.
外科医生告诉我 在手术前停止吃他开的药
The surgeon told me to stop taking my medication before the operation.
Yes. Yes, you just do whatever the doctors tell you to do.

The surgeon told me to stop all of them
but Dr. Perlstein said I could keep taking the Antril.
-什么药? -Antril
-The what? -The Antril.
Should I stop taking the Antril too?
Antril? 你在吃Antril
Antril? You’re taking Antril?
等一下 妈 Antril?
Wait, hold on a second, Ma. Antril?
就你们那个垃圾药 叫Antril?
That crap of yours is Antril?
-我妈在用! -成千上万的人都在用
-My mother’s taking it. -Thousands of people take it.
妈 你马上停止用那个药
Mom. You gotta stop taking that one right away.
-听到没有 马上 -怎么了?
-You hear me? Right now. -Why?
照我说的做 以后再解释
Just do what I tell you. All right? I’m gonna explain later.
不 珀尔斯坦医生叫我吃Antril
No. Dr. Perlstein said I could keep taking the Antril.
妈 你告诉珀尔斯坦医生我不让你吃
Mom, you tell Dr. Perlstein that I said you can’t take it.
I won’t touch it, Michael.

-为什么红的? -那样他们能看到我
-Why red? -So they can see me.
-谁能看见你? -汽车 他们开得很疯狂
-So who can see you? -The cars. They all drive like crazy.
妈 这太没道理了 妈
Mom, that’s ridiculous. Okay. Mom. Mom.
我给你打回去吧 我这还有客人
Mom. I have to call you back. I told you we have company.
-爱你 -希望是
-Okay. I love you. -I hope so.
-拜拜 -拜
-Bye-bye. -Bye.
她为了防止被车撞 买♥♥了红色的拐杖
She got red crutches in case she gets hit by a truck
because she wanders out in the street at night.
They’re giving her Antril for her blood pressure.
如果她用了那个药并什么事都没有 我找她代言
If she’s taking it and she looks normal, I’ll take her deposition.
Didn’t I have a scarf?
You know, I don’t like that attitude of yours.
If my mother shows even the slightest symptom
my name will be on the top of a class-action suit.
-反正也是有官司要打 -希望如此!
-We’ll have one anyway. -Well, I should hope so.
Doing the right thing is just futile. Honesty’s just stupidity.
开诚布公也显得愚蠢 只会让你显得弱 让你毫无防备
It just weakens you. You let your guard down.
好了 南希 我们走吧 今天上的课也够多了
Let’s go, Nancy. That’s enough sermons and lectures for one day.
走吧走吧 不过我必须说
Yeah, go ahead. But let me tell you this:
现在看到你们俩 那个谁 扎卡里是吧
Now that I know you two, I’m not surprised what’s-his-name
一点也不奇怪 他行为有问题
Zachary may have some behavioral issues.
-你杀了那只仓鼠的时候 -杀?
-When you killed that hamster -Killed?
-杀 -我杀了那只仓鼠?
-Killed. -I killed the hamster?
Yes. You do everything you can to make us feel guilty.
You stake out the moral high ground as your own
but you, yourself, are a murderer.
I definitely did not kill that hamster.
-没杀更差劲 -没杀更差劲
-Worse. -Worse!
你把它留在外面 留它在危险的环境里瑟瑟发抖
You left it out there, trembling with fear in a hostile environment.
That poor critter was probably eaten by a dog or a rat.
-她是对的 -这是什么意思?
-She’s right. -What do you mean, “she’s right”?
我是说 拜托 迈克尔
I mean, come on. Michael.
It’s horrible what must have happened to that poor animal.
I thought the hamster would be happy.
I thought he’d go running around happy as a clam.
-不 他没有 -你只是把它丢外面了!
-Well, he didn’t. -And you just left him there.
我不能碰它 好么?
Because I can’t touch those things, okay?
这类东西我都不能碰 佩妮 你知道的
I can’t touch anything of that family. Penny, you know that.
-他害怕噬齿类动物 -是啊 我害怕噬齿类动物
-He’s afraid of rodents. -Yes. I have a fear of rodents.
我也怕爬行动物 地上走的东西 都不行
And a fear of reptiles. Anything down close to the ground.
就这样 好么?
That’s it. All right?
那你呢? 你怎么不下楼去把它找回来?
What about you? How come you didn’t go downstairs and get it?
Because I didn’t know.
迈克尔说 今天早上这只仓鼠逃跑了
Michael said this morning that the hamster ran away.
我就跑出去找 整个街区都找了
I went right out the door, I went right down the block.
I mean, I went to the basement!
佩内洛普 这突然就把矛头指向我
Penelope. It is completely unfair that all of a sudden
因为这仓鼠的事 太没道理了
I’m in the hot seat about this hamster that you had to tell them about.
That is a family issue that doesn’t concern anybody but us.
我们很上心 他们却一点都不管
It’s got nothing to do with this situation.
I can’t believe I’m being called a murderer in my own house.
What does your house have to do with tea in China?
我家 我开的门!
It’s my house. I opened the door.
我们敞开大门 想要和解
The door is wide open in a spirit of reconciliation
to a couple people who should be a little more grateful.
继续自我吹捧吧 说得太好了
Keep right on stroking your own ego. It’s beautiful.
-所以你一点都没悔恨之意? -没有
-So you have no remorse? -No. I have no remorse.
那动物恶心死了 没了真是太好了
That animal was disgusting, and I’m glad it’s gone.
-迈克尔 这太没道理了 -什么没道理?
-Michael, that’s ridiculous. -What’s ridiculous?
What, have you lost your mind now too?
Their son beats the shit out of Ethan,
你现在因为一只仓鼠 就和我对着干?
and you’re in my face over a hamster?
你这样处理那只仓鼠是错误的 不能否认
What you did was wrong. You can’t deny that.
I don’t give a shit about the hamster!
你女儿回家了 你就得管了
You’re gonna when your daughter gets home!
带她来! 一个9岁的小孩 还想教我怎么做事情吗!
Bring her on. I’m not gonna be told how to act by some 9-year-old brat.
这点 我百分百同意他了
I agree with him there 100 percent.
看到没? 太可悲了
And see? It’s pathetic.
佩内洛普 注意语气
Watch it, Penelope. Watch it!
我到目前为止都衣冠楚楚 但你们快要把我逼崩溃了
I’ve kept my shirt on till now, but you are pushing me over the line.
-那伊桑呢? -伊桑什么?
-And Ethan? -What about Ethan?
Well, is he sad too?
你要问我的话 伊桑有的是别的东西要忙
Ethan’s got other things on his plate if you ask me.
Ethan wasn’t attached to Nibbles.
What the hell kind of pussy-ass name is that anyway?
如果你毫无悔意 那我们儿子干嘛要
So if you feel no remorse, why should our son?
听着 所有这些狗屁谈话 和解
You know what? All this consultation and consideration shit
I’m sick to death of it.
我们够客气了 还买♥♥了郁金香
We were nice to you. We bought tulips.
My wife dressed me up as a liberal, but the fact of the matter is
I got no patience for this touchy-feely bullshit.
I am a short-tempered son of a bitch, okay?
We all are.
不好意思 我们不是
No, I’m sorry. We are not.
We are not all short-tempered sons of bitches.
-当然不包括你 -当然没有我 谢谢
-Not you, of course. -No, not me. Thank God.
亲爱的 你当然不是了
No, not you, Darjeeling. Not you.
你总是这么上心 从来不失态
You’re so evolved. You never go off half-cocked.
Why are you being so aggressive?
-我没看你不顺眼 我说实话 -你就是看我不顺眼!
-I’m not, I’m being honest. -No, you are. You’re being aggressive.
你说这说那 我都让你随便说我怎样怎样
Know what? You put this little bash together, and I let you recruit me
