珍珠猫 我回家了喔
Kitty! I’m home!
Almost perfect.
喔 珍珠猫你看看 你以为那是真的鱼吗
Oh, look! Kitty! You think those are real fishies, don’t you?
That’s adorable.
Great news.
We are headliners!
真不敢相信 两个月前当我遇到了你
Would you believe it was only two months ago when I walked in here to find you…?

I see what you’re thinking.
一个新的开场 对不对?
A new opening, right?
Of course! That’s genius. Pure genius.
Now we…
你好兴奋对吧! 每个魔术师 都一定会有的!
You are excited! Every magician needs one of these. Oh, yes.
Oh, yes.
噢 珍珠猫
Oh, Kitty.
This is the rendezvous point.
那只鸽子 我们看着他飞进了那栋房♥子里
The pigeon we’re looking for flew into that building.
记住卢跟你说的 要听从我的指令
Now, remember what Lou said: Follow my lead.
如果我叫你摇尾 你就不要给我摆头
When I say “Wag your tail,” you ask “How hard?” Got it?
你肚子上绑的那包是啥? – 嘘!
What’s with the fanny pack? – Shh!
我可不想跟你玩游戏啊 小子 我知道你会怕我
We can stop playing games, boy. I know you don’t want none of this.
你不想现身 躲起来啊 因为你不想被我…
You don’t wanna come out. You hiding because you don’t want the:
看我表演 孩子
Now, watch this maneuver, kid.
I call it “Fetch a Stick.”
啥? – 快去 快去 快去捡
Hm? – Come on. Come on. Go get it.
Let’s go.
哈哈 笨蛋
Ha-ha. Sucker.
我不知道为什么 这栋大楼好像在呼唤我一样
I don’t know why, but this building appeals to me.
当然了 因为他长得跟消防栓一样
BUTCH: Of course it does. It looks like a giant fire hydrant.
没错 你说的对
Yep, that’s it.
如果你没看着我 我可以尿的快一点
This would go faster if you didn’t watch me.
拜托一下 快点啦
Come on, hurry up!
等你尿完 煮熟的鸽子都飞了
By the time you’re done, the bird will have flown.
Say hello to my little friend.
真安静 好像有点太安静了
It’s quiet. A little too quiet.
布奇 翻垃圾时间到了!
Butch, it’s time to take out the trash!
What are you doing?
你想跑去哪啊 小坏蛋
Where do you think you’re going, punk?
嘿!嘿!嘿! 温柔点 注意你的尖牙
Hey! Hey! Easy! Easy! Watch the teeth!
冷静点!这只鸟是我们的线人 他为我们工作
Stand down! That bird’s our informant. He works for us.
线人?工作? 我想不是这样喔
Informant? Work? I do neither of these things.
我什么时候答应要当线人了? – 你是谢默斯?
And when’s the last time you had a mint? – You Seamus?
这是不能说的秘密喔 你想知道吗?
That is privileged information. Who wants to know?
别搞笑了 狗党总部派我们来保护你的 现在快跟我们走
Are you kidding me? Dog HQ sent us to protect you. Now, let’s go.
好的 只好这样吧
Good. It’s about…
Wait a second!
How do I know you don’t work for the cats?
“The crow flies at midnight.”
什么?什么前进? 他在说什么?
What? What crow? What’s he talking about?
这就是暗号♥啦 而且你要回答 “老鹰…”
That’s the passphrase. And you answer with, “The eagle…”
“Owes me five bucks.”
嗯… 意思不太对 – 不不 等等 我快想起来了
Ugh. Close enough. – No, no, wait. Hang on, I’ll get it.
是不是跟企鹅有关? – 我刚刚提示你是老鹰!
Was it a penguin? – I just told you it was an eagle!
是跟芭蕾舞♥女♥演员有关啊 – 真是够了
“Is a ballerina.” – All right, enough.
为什么珍珠猫 想要封你的嘴?
Why does Kitty Galore have a price on your beak?
我不知道 我不认识他 这原本是我表哥尼奇的事
I don’t know! I never met her! That was my cousin Nicky’s business.
珍珠猫不会平白无故想干掉你 除非你知道什么
Kitty wouldn’t be after you if you didn’t know something.
尼奇有时候会来我家找我 但我不太记得
Nicky just crashed at my pad sometimes. I don’t know anything.
My brain is the size of a grape!
Or a raisin. A big raisin or a little grape.
够了够了 别再耍花招了
Don’t get your feathers all ruffled.
你现在安全了 可以跟我们走吧
You’re completely safe, now that we’re…
快闪啊! 一个杀手拿着卷起来的报纸
Look out! Assassin with a rolled-up newspaper!
那只是只小小猫啦 谢默斯
No sweat. It’s just a little kitty cat.
Hand over the bird.
呜呼 女喵喵啊
Ooh. A girl kitty cat.
I’m gonna enjoy this.
Hey, hey!
What the…?
呃 这可是你自找的 毛球 – 迪格斯
Oh, now it is on, furball! – Diggs!
保护鸽子 我来应付这只猫 – 你保护鸽子 这只猫是我的
Protect the bird. I’ll take the cat. – You protect the bird. That cat’s all mine.
你们俩慢慢玩 我要先溜了
You can both have the cat. I’m out of here!
I told you to watch the bird!
后会有期 女士们 我要飞了
See you, ladies. I gotta fly!
你老是用你那一套 这下可好了 大人物
You always do it your way, don’t you, hotshot?
最好是这样 我怎么会知道有只会飞的猫 这个是…
You’re right, I should have seen a flying cat coming. What the…?
No way! Did your backpack just turn into a jet?
迪格斯!没时间了 我去找那只鸟
Diggs! Hang tight! I’m going after that bird!
不 等等我啊
Not without me!
啊,不 – 嘿!现在怎样
Oh, no! – Hey! What the…?
别这样我看不到路了 – 前有看板 前有看板
Stop it! I can’t see! – Billboard, billboard, billboard!
I’m too old for this poop!
别追了 我家里还有一打蛋等着我回家
Wait! I have a dozen eggs waiting for me at home.
我送你半打 别再追我了
You can have six of them.
噢 不
Oh, no!
Follow me through this, cat!
Careful what you wish for.
我不是说让你真的跟着我 我只是开玩笑
I didn’t mean follow me for real, I was playing.
飞的像蝴蝶般优雅 冲的像是…
Float like a butterfly, sting like a pi… Ah!
Mayday, mayday!
I’ve got you, bird.
拜托 戴西小姐 这玩意不能再快点吗?
Come on, Miss Daisy, can’t this thing go any faster?
这东西限乘一人好吗 菜鸟
This is only built for one, rookie!
掩护我 弟兄们
Hide me, my brothers!
You’re not gonna lose me that easy.
你想干嘛 – 这是你最后一次飞翔了!
What you doing? – It’s the end of the line, bird!
我差点要追上她了 – 没有 我才是
I’m almost on top of her! – No, I got her!
Hey! Are you crazy?
嘿 有松鼠
Hey, a squirrel.
奥 老天 这听起来不太好
Oh, boy. This is not good.
翅膀坏了 你还能飞吗
Can’t fly too well with a broken wing, can you?
噢 我的翅膀 看起来不太好
Oh, my wing. Oh, that doesn’t look right.
Collar: Net!
你弄伤了我最爱的翅膀 准备上法♥院♥吧 女士
You busted my favorite wing. Get ready for a lawsuit, lady. Ha!
妈妈 看我
Mom, Mom, look at me.
You’re going really fast, kiddo.
We’ve been at this all night.
再问你最后一次 珍珠猫在哪里?
Now, for the last time, where’s Kitty Galore?
I don’t know!
No! No!
Don’t like the water, huh?
不要用水! 我求你了
Anything but water! I beg you.
迪格斯 这不是正常的逼供方式
Diggs, that is not a valid interrogation technique.
退开点 布奇 这才是真正的手段
Back off, Butch. This is how we do things downtown.
你以为 扮”白脸黑脸”这样我就会招了吗?
Think I’m gonna fall for your “good dog, bad dog” routine?
有人! – 躲起来 躲起来
Human! – Hide. Hide. Hide.
嘿 狗狗耶
Hey, doggies.
噢 恶心
Ew. Ugh, yuck.
老兄 为什么狗老是爱把互闻屁♥股♥当作掩护
Guys, question: Why is butt-sniffing always your fallback position?
嘿 别想岔开话题 试过这招你就知道它的厉害 现在快说
Hey, don’t knock it till you’ve sniffed it. Now, talk!
不 不要再用水 不要啦
No, no more water! No more…
探员47号♥ – 项圈..
Agent 47? – Tab?
收到讯号♥ – 听到请回答
We’re getting… – Can you hear me?
Have you been compromised?
哇 你是从哪弄来这个时髦的颈圈啊
Aw, man. Where’d you get one of those fancy collars?
探员?等等 如果你不是珍珠猫的手下 那你是谁?
“Agent”? Wait. If you’re not working for Kitty Galore, who are you?
我叫凯瑟琳 我是个猫底
Name’s Catherine. I’m with MEOWS.
猫底? 发射激光
Collar: Laser.
等等 等等 什么是猫底?
Wait! Hold on, hold on. What’s MEOWS?
