And now you’ve let the MacDougalls escape!
至少我还没炸掉这条船 我是说 像这样的事
Well, I didn’t blow up the ferry. I mean, that’s something.
我受够了 你根本就是朽木不可雕也
I’ve had it with you. You’re untrainable.
我会跟卢兄说 我是对的 你根本不可能成为探员的
I told Lou you didn’t have what it takes to be an agent, and I was right.
你的意思是? – 我告诉你可以回家了 迪格斯
What are you saying? – I’m saying go home, Diggs.
You’re off this team.
我是不太想打断你们 不过我想这个鸟不是还好好的吗?
I don’t wanna be rude, but the bird’s still all good, right?
来吧 谢默斯 我们还有工作要做
Come on, Seamus. We’ve got work to do.
What about you?
我会赶上你的 我得先跟猫底联♥系♥情况
I’ll catch up with you. I need to check in with MEOWS first.
Suit yourself.
祝你好运了 狗狗
Good luck, dog.
You don’t have to pretend to check in with MEOWS…
就直接说 谢谢我救了你的命
…just so you can thank me for saving your life.
嗯.. 其实我是真的要跟猫底联♥系♥的
Uh, I do have to check in with MEOWS.
噢 是吗
Oh, right.
不过 我还是要感谢你 救了我一命
But I, um, also want to thank you for saving my life.
嘿 你受伤了 – 噢 我没事
Hey, you’re hurt. – No, I’m fine.
噢 看起来不太好喔 硬汉 跟我来 我帮你包扎
Well, too bad, tough guy. You’re coming with me to get fixed up.
先生 你有看到这只狗吗? – 没有
Sir, you haven’t seen this dog, have you? – Sorry.
喂, 你好? – 嗨 甜心 是我
Hello? – Hi, sweetheart, it’s me.
嗨 亲爱的 – 怎么样了?你找到他了吗?
Hey, honey. – How’s it going? Did you find him?
不 还没有 我真的不敢相信会发生这种事
No, nothing yet. I can’t believe I let this happen.
这不是你的错 你已经尽力了
It wasn’t your fault. You’re doing everything you can.
是的 我知道 我只觉得 我好像一转头就能找到他一样
Yeah, I know. I just feel like I’m so close to finding him.
你先回家 然后我们一起找
Come home and we’ll look together.
他在哪?他在哪? – 嘿
Where is he? Where is he? – Hey!
嘿 – 我没时间了
Hey! – I’m running out of time.
那只傻鸽子在哪里? – 我不知道
Where is that stupid pigeon? – I don’t know.
嘿 这不是我的猫吗 你干嘛这么说呢 珍珠猫?
Hey, there’s my cat. What do you say there, Kitty?
And where have you been?
嘿 冷静点 我难道不能找尊铜像歇一会吗
Hey, calm down. Can’t a guy take a statue break?
太好了 我正好需要这最后一块电脑晶片
Excellent. This computer chip is the last piece I need.
Now no one can stand in my way.
那是啥玩意? – 那是我家的主人
What was that? – That, my dear?
那只是个小魔术 用来困住自己而已
That’s just a loose end that’s conveniently tied itself up.
我家的人今晚不在 所以可以轻松点 我先跟猫底联♥系♥
My humans are out tonight, so relax while I check in with MEOWS.
来吧 迪格斯 先过一支爪子 其他再跟进
Come on, Diggs. Just one paw after the other.
如果我侄女们来烦你的话… – 侄女们?
If my nieces give you any trouble… – Nieces?
大家快来看 凯瑟琳阿姨带了只狗朋友回家
Look, guys. Auntie Catherine brought home a friend. And he’s a doggy!
好吧 呃….
Okay. Um…
嘿 你好
Hi. Hello.
凯瑟琳,你能帮我离开这吗? 这口味对我来说实在是太可爱了
Catherine, could you help me out here? This is too adorable for my taste.
谣传狗狗肚子上都有个弱点 如果搔那里的话 你的脚就会跟着抖吗?
Is it true there’s a spot on your tummy, and if I tickle it, your foot will shake?
No, that’s just a myth.
被你发现了 噢 我的天啊
You found it! Oh, boy!
天啊 爽翻天了
Oh, boy, that’s it.
好了 闹够了喔 女孩们 – 我的天啊
All right, girls. That’s enough. – Man.
噢 – 给这只可怜狗狗一点空间吧
Leave the poor mutt alone.
玩的真不过瘾 – 再见 小狗狗
No fair. – Bye-bye, puppy.
现在 让我们来看看受伤的脚吧
Now, let’s have a look at that paw.
噢 只是被小碎片刺伤而已
Oh, it’s just a little splinter.
真的吗?我怎么感觉它大概有六尺长 好痛!
Really? It feels like a giant six-inch spike. Like a… Ouch!
少来了 – 我的侄女们可是比这更麻烦
Oh, come on. My nieces are tougher than that.
对啊 她们真是很离谱
Yeah, they’re unbelievable.
我的意思是 我是只狗 我真不敢相信她们居然不讨厌我
I mean, I’m a dog. I can’t believe they don’t hate me.
我想 她们还没被教坏吧
Well, I guess they haven’t learned to yet.
总之 非常的感谢你 帮我疗伤 我想我该回家了
Anyway, listen, thanks for fixing me up. I should be heading home now.
Home, huh? So where do you live?
Oh, uh, well, it was over at the…
你知道吗 我和家里现在可能有点那个… 所以我可能就是回…
You know, I’m kind of between homes right now, so I’ll probably just…
I’ll just head back to the kennel.
The kennel? That’s terrible.
不 那边还算不错的 真的
No, it’s fine. Really, it’s fine.
迪格斯 你这一生有多少时间是在铁笼里度过的?
Diggs, how much time have you spent in kennels?
我想 打从我一出生还在当小狗狗就开始了
I guess I was just a pup when I first got dropped off.
我的主人说他会马上回来接我 不过…
My owner said he’d be right back, but…
Well, how did you finally get out?
我的恩人 尚恩 他是个警♥察♥
My man, Shane. He’s a cop.
I guess he saw something in me nobody else did.
Made me his partner.
所以我发誓 我一定不要让他对我失望
And I swore I was never gonna let him down.
除非没办法 不然我再也不想回狗窝里了
There was no way I was ever gonna wind up in the kennel again.
And then what?
I wound up in the kennel again.
不管我多么努力认真 却还是不断把事情搞砸
No matter how hard I try, I just keep messing things up.
Or blowing things up.
呃 我想也许这一切
Uh, could all of this have something to do with…
可能跟你为了拯救生命 不顾自身安全而违抗命令有关
…not being able to follow an order to save your life?
But it’s not like I don’t wanna follow orders.
It’s just, I learned pretty early on…
体会到了 唯一能够相信的只有自己
…that the only one I could count on, the only one I could really trust, was me.
只有这样 才没有人会让我失望
That way, no one could ever let me down.
Yeah, but no one can help you either.
嘿 你家门铃真有趣
Hey, funky doorbell.
不 那是猫底 来吧 我们快走
No, it’s MEOWS. Come on, let’s go.
A room full of cats? Try and stop me!
噢天啊 又来了 我出生时装的盒子都比这个大
Oh, man, here we go again. I was born in a box bigger than this.
噢 你踩到我的尾巴了啦 等等
Will you get off my tail? Hang on.
喔 对 高速电梯我搭过一次了
Oh, right, the dropping-floor thing, I’ve seen one… Oh!
呃… 我需要一点帮忙
Uh… Little help here?
Welcome to MEOWS.
先生 你这不是紧急状况 你还剩7条命呢
This is not an emergency, sir. You still have seven lives left.
好了 迪格斯 不要叫 也不要流口水
Okay, Diggs, no barking, no drooling…
最重要的是 不准追赶我的同伴们
…and definitely no chasing my colleagues.
泰博 探员47向您报告
Tab, Agent 47 reporting for duty.
警告!警告! 这里已经被渗透
Alert! Alert! The perimeter has been breached.
大家不要跑啊 我正努力的克制不要去追赶你们
Guys, please, can you stop running? I’m fighting the urge to chase you.
不不 泰博 他没问题的 他是我们一伙的
No, no, Tab, he’s cool. He’s with me.
噢 凯瑟琳 我突然觉得我跟傻瓜一样的跳上这里
Oh, Catherine. I feel like an idiot up here.
先退下 旅长 饶他条狗命
Stand down, brigadier. The dog lives.
噢 真是的 这玩意到底要几时才能派上用场
Oh, man! I never get to use this thing!
We’re outsourcing?
他看起来是不是有狂犬病? 他看起来好像真的有
Does he look rabid to you? He looks rabid to me.
我们已经从上次发现的威胁影片中 截取一段录音
We’ve isolated a voice on Kitty Galore’s threat recording.
I will enslave all mankind!
珍珠猫 我到家了
Kitty! I’m home!
是人类 那绝对是人类的声音
A human. Definitely human.
倒个带 – 好的
Back up. – Right.
Now zoom in.
我瞧瞧 没想到被叮当说中了
Well, I’ll be. Tinkles was right.
在猫眼里 你将看透一切
A cat’s eye does reveal everything.
泰博 把画面左右反转
Tab, flip the image.
“Chuck the Magnificent.”
好的 让我们来看看
Okay, let’s see.
啊哈 找到了
Aha. Here we are.
Playland, huh?
So who’s up for a corn dog?
Can I ask you something?
别问怪问题就好 你知道的 你听过 “舌头被猫偷走” 这句话吗?
Don’t take this wrong. You know that saying, “Cat got your tongue”?
Yeah, yeah, yeah!
You’re not gonna steal my tongue, are you?
那只是个形容词而已 迪格斯
It’s an expression, Diggs.
老兄 你开车像个女生
Man, you drive like a girl.
不 迪格斯 你错了 我开车像只猫
No, Diggs, I drive like a cat.
好了 现在快当只好狗狗 把头伸出车窗外吧
Now, be a good dog and stick your head out the window.
停车 停车 欢迎来到游乐园 请付停车费五元
Brake, brake, brake. – Welcome to Playland. Parking is $5.
玩的开心点啊 先生
Enjoy the park, sir.
