fighting each other, killing each other?
好了 好了 孩子们 都上楼去
Now, run along up to the nursery, all of you.
And behave yourselves.
There’s no escape from that tune anywhere.
Well, shall I throw him something?
Yes, you could throw it at him.
你说哦 吉恩 亲爱的
Oh, Jane dear.
Hi! Hi! Will you go away?
Further down the street.
吉恩 亲爱的 你快坐下吧
Jane dear, do sit down.
You’ve been standing about all the afternoon.
我想我是再也见不到他们了 – 胡说
I don’t believe I shall ever see them again. – Nonsense.
Mafeking’s bound to be relieved in the next few days.
All the papers say so.
Everyone’s been saying that for months.
My brother’s still out there, dying by inches,
饥饿 疾病 恐怖
starvation, disease and horror.
And Robert…
我没法不想他们 没法不想这些
I can’t bear to think of it and I can’t stop thinking.
有消息了吗 艾伦
Oh, no news yet, Ellen.
喝杯热茶吧 夫人
Have a nice cup of tea, ma’am.
别这样担心了 夫人 他没事
Don’t fret about the master, ma’am. He’s all right.
You see, he’s got my Alfred with him.
要是出了什么事 他们会通知我们的
And we’d be bound to hear if anything happened.
可怜的艾伦 你想得真周到
Poor Ellen. It must be just as bad for you.
哦 没有消息就是好消息 该发生的事躲不了
Well, no news is good news, and what must be, must be.
我是这么看的 你别不相信
That’s what I say. You’d never believe how that cheers you up.
来 亲爱的 把这喝了吧
Now, come, darling. Drink this tea.
号♥外 战争最近消息 号♥外 战争最近消息
Extra! All about the war! Extra! Special, all about the war!
等一等 – 最新的 谢谢 夫人
Hi! Hi! – Latest from the front! Thank you, ma’am.
谢谢 小姐
Thank you, lady.
号♥外 战争最近消息
Extra! All about the war!
号♥外 战争最近消息 – 什么消息 艾伦?
Extra! All about the war! – What is it, Ellen?
What is it?
没什么消息 夫人 – 号♥外 战争最近消息
Nothing, ma’am. – Paper! All about the war!
请看号♥外啦啊 战争最近消息
Extra! Paper!
“没有消息就是好消息 该发生的事就躲不了”
“No news is good news and what must be, must be.”
好了 宝贝
Now, look here, Jane dear.
我得走了 六点四十五分我再回来
I’m going now, and I’m coming back at a quarter to 7:00.
Quarter to 7:00. Why?
We’re going out to dine at a restaurant
and we’re going to a theater.
饭馆?看戏?我们?哦 玛格丽特
Restaurant? Theater? By ourselves? Oh, Margaret.
哦 为什么不?
Well, why not?
在这个时候 我们得去散散心 不能总呆在家里
Now, there’s no sense in sitting at home fretting.
这对你没有好处 我们让珍妮丝陪我们去
And it doesn’t do any good. We’ll get Ronnie James to take us.
如果她不去 我们就自己去
And if he can’t, then we’ll go by ourselves.
I don’t care what people say.
谢谢你 玛格丽特 我不能去
It’s sweet of you, Margaret, but I simply can’t.
哦 亲爱的 吉恩
Now, Jane dear…
I’m going home to have a bath
and to put on my new Redfern model,
and I shall be back at a quarter to 7:00.
可是 玛格丽特 我…
But, Margaret, I…
哦 别跟我争了
Now, don’t argue.
Do just what you’re told.
Robert and Jim would hate to think of you
你在家里整天愁眉苦脸 哭哭啼啼的
sitting at home weeping and wailing.
他们很坚强 我们也很坚强
They’re being gallant enough. We must be gallant, too.
玛格丽特 你听我说 – 别争了
Margaret, honestly, I… – Now!
大声点 再大声点
Play louder! Play louder!
Soldiers of the Queen,
wounded and dying, suffering for their Queen.
Play louder!
Play louder!
♪ Heeey! Hey! ♪
跟我说点什么 艾达? – 说什么?
Tell me something, Ada. – What?
You’re not a dairymaid, are you?
Mr. Inquisitive!
Well, what are you?
我? – 嗯-哼
Me? – Uh-huh.
哦 我是米拉贝尔 第五公主的女仆
Oh, I’m lady’s maid to the Princess Mirabelle.
The princess? Then he wins his bet after all.
Who? What bet?
我们的厨师 船上所有的军官都和他打赌
Lieutenant Edgar. All the officers on the ship wagered him
that he would not win the hand of Princess Mirabelle.
他说哪怕公主是世界上最丑的姑娘 他也会娶她的
He said he would marry her if she was as ugly as sin.
哦 – 他需要钱
Oh! – He needs the money!
汤姆 你在这干什么? – 是 长官
Tom! What are you doing here? – Yes, sir.
只是随便聊聊哦 – 停下
Just coming, sir. – Stop!
♪ What gives? What gives? What happened here? ♪
♪ My friends, you heard my call And so I thank you all ♪
♪ But while you chatter here My heart has been betrayed ♪

♪ Not so, not so What foolish words you said to me ♪

♪ ‘Tis naught but your pride that’s hurt I’m very much afraid ♪
♪ Have you seen this? Have you seen this? It’s been all around ♪
♪ Who is this man who dares offend The Princess Mirabelle? ♪
♪ Lied to me and cheated me ♪
♪ My daughter, let it be Your poor heart’s breaking ♪
♪ Whatever future ♪
♪ You are mistaking ♪
♪ All my life I have been dreaming ♪
♪ Now my dream must die ♪
♪ Within my heart I hid the song away there ♪
♪ But now I find the melody will stay there ♪
女士们 先生们 玛斐津解围了
Ladies and gentlemen, Mafeking has been relieved!
烤一块面包居然会冒这么多烟 安妮
Come and hold this fork a minute, Annie,
我简直都要叫消防队了 真是的
or they’ll have to call a fire brigade to put my face out.
I once knew a woman
她烤面包的时候 真的把消防队招来了
whose front hair caught fire when she was making toast.
他们还没来得及动手 那整个房♥子就烧起来了
And before you could count ten, the whole room was ablaze.
They’d never have been able to recognize her remains
if it hadn’t been for her cameo brooch.
Fancy that now.
哦 我们的小姐今天怎么样?
And how’s our ladyship today?
哦 真是个好姑娘
Who’s a lovely girl?
别把面包烤糊了 安妮
Don’t burn that toast, Annie.
Kitchy, kitchy, kitchy, kitchy, kitchy.
宝贝 你♥爸♥爸今天就要回来了 平平安安的
Your dad’s comin’ home today, love, safe and sound.
Safe and sound.
I only hope he is safe and sound, I’m sure.
You’re a nice, cheerful body, I must say.
I’ve had experience.
When I was a girl,
a friend of mine’s husband come home unexpected-like
两条腿都没有了 太可怕了
from the Crimea with no legs at all.
别哭了 安妮
Stop it, Annie!
Now look what you’ve done.
快换一块面包 快点
Put another piece, quick! They’ll be here in a minute.
I do hope Ellen didn’t cry at the station.
It does make her nose so red.
Alfred will be that pleased to see her
that he won’t care whether it’s red or blue.
拿来 安妮 快点
Come on, Annie. Hurry up.
非洲在哪? – 非洲在哪什么意思?
Where is Africa? – What do you mean, where’s Africa?
Where is Africa?
别犯傻了 – 哦 它在什么地方?
Don’t be silly. – Well, where is it?
I never heard such an ignorant girl in all my life.
Haven’t you ever seen it on the map?
I seen it on the map.
But where is it, really?
你应该感到羞耻 居然会问这么愚蠢的问题
You ought to be ashamed of yourself asking such daft questions.
非洲在什么地方 斯奈普太太?
Well, do you know where it is, Mrs. Snapper?
哦 走开 安妮 你都快把我烦死了
Oh, get away, Annie. You’re getting on my nerves.
Well, I would like to know where it is.

I was dying and laughing at the time.
好了 艾伦 你付钱 我想尽快看到女儿
That’s right, Ellen, you pay. I want to see that baby of mine.
Cheers, old blowhard. Takes my kit in.