你好 多少钱? – 半克郎(英国硬币)
How much? – Half a crown.

我的宝贝呢?哦 你好厨娘
Where’s my love-a-duck? Hello, cook.
你好 妈妈
Hello, Ma.
我女儿呢? – 在那儿呢
Where’s my girl? – There she is.
你好 弗兰妮
Hello, Fanny.
哦 长大了 你把她喂得很好 妈
Ooh, ain’t you grown? You ain’t half been feedin’ her up, Ma.
哇 你看她笑得多开心哪 她认出她爸爸了
Look at her smile. She knows her old dad.
Here. Put it down there.
好运 朋友 – 再见
Good luck, old man. – Same to you, mate.
哦 我还以为它永远不会到头呢 我做到了
Ooh, I thought it would never come to an end, that I did.
大家都在为你高兴呢 亲爱的
And all the people yelling and screaming.
Here, Alfred.
把你的头从婴儿车拿开 你会吓着她的
Take your great head out of that pram or you’ll frighten her.
哦 她认识我了 她认识她老爸了
Oh, she’s knows me, that’s what. She knows her old dad.
你看她笑得多开心哪 还有…像我一样聪明的眼睛
Look at her, rosette and all. Smart as me eye.
哦 你好 这是谁?
Hello. Who’s this?
We haven’t had the pleasure.
那是安妮啊 – 你好 安妮
COOK: That’s Annie. – Hello, Annie.
欢迎你回来 布里吉斯先生
Oh, welcome home, Mr. Bridges.
妈妈 一切都好吗? – 哦 我没什么可抱怨的
Well, Ma, how’s everything? – Well, I mustn’t grumble.
我想也是 我给你带来礼物
I should just think not. I’ve got a surprise for you.
什么礼物? – 艾伦知道 我在马车上告诉她了
What is it? – Ellen knows. I told her in the cab.
你说 艾伦 – 不 你自己说
Tell her, Ellen. – No, you. Go on.
啊 妈妈…
Well, Ma…
You know I said in my letters about a lad named Herbert Smart?
是的 艾伦把你的信都念给我们听了
Yes. Ellen read your letters out loud.
哦 我希望不是所有的 – 得了吧 你这个蠢货
Not all of them, I hope. – Get on with you.
You never let yourself go further than a PS and a couple of crosses.
听我说 妈妈 那个人有个酒吧吧?
Well, listen, Ma. This chap’s got a pub.
酒吧? – 酒吧 就是啤酒屋
Pub? – A pub. A beer house.
别装着不知道什么是酒吧 你这老淘气
Oh, now, don’t pretend you don’t know what a pub is, you rascal.
总而…总而言之 他在伦敦有个酒吧
Well, anyhow, he’s got a pub in London here.
人去了非洲 所以我很便宜把它买♥♥下了
But he’s stayin’ in Africa, so I bought it from him cheap.
你现在可以和我们住在一起了 妈妈
Now, you can come and live with us, Ma.
What do you say?
Is it a respectable pub?
哦 那当然 要看你表现怎么样啦 妈
Oh, well, of course, it all depends how you behave, Ma.
You know what you’re like after you’ve had a couple of snifters.
哦 你感觉怎么样? – 那楼上的人怎么办哪?
Well, what do you think? – What about them upstairs?
哦 没关系 我把计划告诉了老爷
Oh, that’s all right. I took the master into me cnfidence.
He helped me with the money.
哦 简直不敢相信 我可以再也不用一个人生活了
Oh, I can hardly believe it, not having to live alone anymore.
好 开心点
Here, cheer up.
喝杯茶吧 大家都来喝杯茶吧 来吧
Have a cup of tea. Let’s all have a cup of tea! Come on.
还会做糕点呢 厨娘 你想不想当酒吧招待呀
Well, cookie, old girl, here, how would you like to be a barmaid?
非洲究竟在哪儿 布里吉斯先生?
Where is Africa, Mr. Bridges?
Well, I don’t rightly know where it is, but…
it’s bloody hot when you get there.
哦 欢迎你 爸爸 给我们讲讲 快点讲… – 噢
BOYS: We’re so glad you’re home, Daddy! – Ohh.
要是你们不这样捶我的胸膛 我会给你们讲的
I’ll be glad too when you stop pounding the breath out of me.
快下来 孩子们 – 你干掉了很多的布尔人吗?
Children, not quite so rough. – Did you see many Boers?
嗯?哦 很多 很多
Mmm? Oh, yes, lots of them.
你打死了几个? – 我们不谈这个
Did you kill any? – No, we won’t go into that.
Did you kill any lions?
四十四头狮子 一头斑马 两只鸵鸟
Forty-four lions, a zebra, two ostriches
还有 哦 对了 一只卡吉亚历鸟
and, uh… Oh, yes, a cockyolly bird.
What is a cockyolly bird?
哦 我… 我晚上再告诉你们吧
I’ll come up and tell you ntonight in the nursery.
哦 你们先出去吧 我要跟你妈妈说说话
Now, then, off with you both. I want to talk to your mother.
我可以戴你的帽子吗 爸爸? – 可以
Can I wear your hat, Daddy? – You may.
Off with you.
安静 安妮
Quiet, Annie.
号♥外… 快来看号♥外 – 他在喊什么?
Paper! Paper! – What’s he yelling about?
号♥外 来自王宫的消息
Paper! Extra special from the palace!
女王 号♥外 – 这是怎么了?怎么回事?
The Queen! Paper! – Well, what’s the matter? What’s up?
It ain’t nothing to concern us.
哦 艾伦 你怎么能这样?这跟整个国家有关
Oh, Ellen, how can you, when it concerns the whole country?
What concerns the whole country?
Alfred’s coming home is all that concerns me.
Well, what are you all looking so miserable about?
The Queen.
The Queen?
女王 报上说她病情加重了
The Queen. It says she’s sinking.
我说了 – 给我看看
There, I told you so. – Let’s have a look.
She’s very old, ain’t she?
别说话 安妮 这跟年纪有什么关系?
Oh, be quiet, Annie. What’s that got to do with it?
Well, I never seen her.
I have.
Driving along Birdcage Walk once…
Years ago.
要是没有女王 我们英国就会显得怪了
England won’t half seem funny without the Queen.
will Father be riding in the beginning part of the procession
or at the end’?
在前面 宝贝
At the beginning, darling.
He’ll be with the troops
that go in front of the gun carriage with the Queen’s coffin.
All these crowds of people.
They’ve been waiting for hours, so patient and quiet.
There’s hardly a sound.
我也坐立不安 很伤心
I feel listless and sad…
As though her death were a personal loss.
Mum! Mum! There’s a policeman on a lovely white horse!
哦 宝贝 别这么激动
Oh, darling, don’t jump about and get excited.
爱德华 让约安静点 – 好的 妈妈
Edward, keep Joey quiet. – Yes, Mum.
妈妈 我可以当警♥察♥吗?
Mum, could I ever be a policeman?
Perhaps, if you’re very good.
警♥察♥表现得都好? – 表现好极了
Are all policemen good? – Oh, as good as gold.
维多利亚女王为什么会死呢 妈妈?
Why did Queen Victoria die, Mum?
因为她年纪很大了 而且很累
Because she was a very old lady and very tired.
Could I have another piece of cake?
Only a tiny piece, then.

And a piece for Edith.
还有爱德华 – 对
And Edward. – Yes.
给 去吧 – 好的
There now, run along. – All right.
伊迪丝 这是你的 – 谢谢
Here, Edith. Here’s your piece. – Thank you.
哪只手? – 那一只
Which hand? – That one.
这块不是我的 – 是的
That’s not my piece. – Yes, it is.
It is not!
爱德华表现得还好 可是约…
Edward’s quite good, but Joey…
爱德华 你们表现还好吗? – 挺好的 妈妈
Well, Edward, are you all behaving? – Yes, Mum.
哦 他们来了 – 队伍过来了
Listen, they’re coming! – The procession’s in sight,
仆人们也都来了 – 都进来吧
and the servants are here. – Oh, come in, all of you.
你们去那个阳台 – 是 夫人
You’d better go out on that balcony. – Yes, ma’am.
看哪 看哪 爸爸过来了 – 安静点儿 约
Look! Look! There’s Father! – Joey, stand still. Be quiet.
That was Lord Roberts.
He held up his hand to stop them from cheering.
那是布里吉斯 妈妈?是布里吉斯吗?
Is that Bobs, Mum? Is that Bobs?
现在 孩子们 要站着纹丝不动
Now, children, stand absolutely still,
to attention as your father showed you.
你们看 后面还跟着五位国王呢
Five kings riding behind her.
妈妈 她身材一定非常的矮小
Mum, she must have been a very little lady.
Adjutant General of the forces.
Lord and Lady Cumberland.
Captain Sir Albert Montague and Lady Montague.
His Eminence, the Cardinal Humbolt de la Torre.
Maharajah of Rantoula.