Earl and Countess of Norfolk.
我看到马里奥特夫人了 – 你说谁?
I met Lady Marryot there. – Who did you say?
马里奥特 吉恩·马里奥特
Marryot… Jane Marryot.
哦 她丈夫刚刚被封为爵士
Oh, her husband’s just been knighted, you know.
马里奥特夫妇 我和他们很熟
Oh, those Marryots. I know them well.
他完全配得上这个称号♥ 是吗? – 是的
He thoroughly deserved his knighthood. – Yes.
His war record was splendid.
You don’t get a VC for nothing, you know.
Mrs. Harris and Captain Ronald James.
晚上好 – 你好
Good evening. – HOSTESS: How do you do.
你好 – 罗伯特爵士和马里奥特夫人
How do you do. – Sir Robert and Lady Marryot.
你好 – 见到你很高兴
How do you do. – Nice to see you.
你好 – 你好 罗伯特爵士
How do you do. – And you, Sir Robert.
见到你 我感到非常的荣幸 – 非常感谢
So glad you could be here. – Thank you very much.
Mr. and Mrs. Geoffrey Pellier.
How do you do.
Well, Sir Robert.
你好 夫人
Well, my lady.
这真好笑 – 我真想跑开躲起来
Isn’t this fun? – I think I want to run away and hide.
However, it may get me a little respect from your children.
哦 亲爱的 他们和我一样
Oh, darling, they’re wild with delight.
都为你感到骄傲 罗伯特
I’m so proud of you, Robert.
这就是你 亲爱的 和从前一样
It’s all you, darling. Always has been.
Is my hair all right?
I remember we was just near Pretoria with the old regulars…
Fusiliers and that lot.
They all seemed sort of helpless-like.
于是我走到指挥官面前 说 “你看这里…”
So I went up to the commanding officer, and I said, “Look here…”
布里吉斯先生 艾利可以喝一杯吗?
Mr. Bridges, is Harry good for a drink?
他到岁数了吗? – 到了
Has he had it? – Yes.
就给他吧 – 好的
He’s good for it.
怎么说 艾利? – 你好 阿尔弗雷德
What say, Harry? – Hello, Alf.
于是我走到指挥官面前 说 “你看…”
So I went to the commanding officer. I said, “Look here,” I says.
“这些小伙子没有积极性” 我说
“These lads ain’t got no initiative,” I says.
“好 布里吉斯 你下去告诉他们从我这里…”
“Righto, Bridges,” he says. “You go down and tell them from me…”
阿尔弗雷德 – 来了
Alfred! – Coming.
“下去 布里吉斯” 他说
“Go down, Bridges,” he says,
“告诉他们 指挥官…”
“And tell the commanding officer from me…”
阿尔弗雷德 请你过来一下 好吗?
Alfred, will you kindly come in here a minute?
等会 回来再跟你们说
I’ll tell you what he said when I come back.
Well, what is it?
嗯 进去再说
Oh, come in here.
阿尔弗雷德 你怎么可以天天都是这个样子呢?
Alfred, how can you go on like this day after day?
这又怎么了? – 我还以为你
What’s the matter? – I thought you was gonna pay
the rent to the brewers this afternoon.
那又怎么样? – 又怎么样?
Well, what about it? – What about it?
You ain’t never been on time with the rent yet.
Do you want to have us turned out of the place?
Well, I’ve got to look after me bar, I suppose.
You ain’t gotta go and drink up all the profits.
阿尔弗雷德 你就没有任何的自尊吗?
Oh, Alfred, ain’t you got no pride left?
You were so respectable when we was in service.
Well, you don’t have to snap a man’s head off
just ’cause he wants to be his own boss.
看你这副样子 穿得就像是个流浪汉
Fine boss you are. Dressed up like a public house loafer.
你给我听着 艾伦
Now look here, Ellen.
Don’t you make me have to speak to you severe.
我是这儿的老板 明白吗?
I’m the boss here, see?
And my clothes are my affair.
跟你说实话 我正准备去啤酒厂呢
Matter of fact, I was going along to the brewers now, see’?
But don’t you tell me what I gotta do.
他走了吗? – 是的 他走了
Has he gone? – Yes, he’s gone.
哦 弗兰妮 我的孩子呀 放学回来了?
Hello, Fanny, me girl. Been doing your lessons?
哦 过来 给爸爸一个亲吻
Yeah. Come on. Give your old dad a kiss.

Too proud to kiss your old dad, eh?
快点 要你怎么做就怎么做
Come on, now. You’ll do as you’re told.
好了 进去吧
Go on. Get inside.
Don’t stay out here playing on the streets.
Freedom ain’t for everybody.
这样会毁了我们大家的 听到了吗
There’s some that it’s better for them to have a firm hand over them.
哦 妈妈 天哪 你怎么回来晚了
Oh, Mother. My, you are late.
Here, put your books down.
到楼上去把那件白衣服换上 快点
And go upstairs and put on your white dress. Go on, hurry!
你好 阿尔弗雷德 – 你好
Hello, Alf. – Hello.
你好 阿尔弗雷德 – 你好 你好 伙计
Hello, Alf. – Hello there. Hello, mate.
你好 阿尔弗雷德 我们去喝一杯吧
Hello, Alf. How ’bout one?
哦 不行… 不能喝
No, nothing to drink.
我有重要的事情哦 明白吗?
Just going to the brewery. Business, see?
哦 就喝一杯走吧…
Oh, one won’t hurt ya.
All right.
就一杯 记住
Only one, mind you.
That’s all we’re going to have, just one.
哦 艾伦 她跳得真好
Why, Ellen, she dances beautifully.
过来 宝贝
Come here, dear.
你还是娃娃的时候 我就认识你了
I knew you when you were a little tiny baby.
The child’s a born dancer,
请允许我这么说 她很有天才
if you ask me. Highly talented.
On the go, you know, from morning till night.
你有孩子了吗 安妮?
Have you any children, Annie?
我还没有 你明白我的意思
Well, I haven’t exactly, if you know what I mean.
乔治不想要孩子 这不是他的行当
George don’t believe in families. Not in the retail business.
Now, what I mean,
you’ve got enough to do to look after the shop.
Oh, I see.
是这样的 我的表弟乔治有间食品杂货店
You see, my cousin George is a greengrocer, milady.
啊 是这样
I see.
您要不要再来杯茶 夫人?
Can I press you to another cup, my ladyship?
哦 不了 谢谢 真的 我们…
Oh, no, thank you, really. We’ve…
天色已经不早了 – 哦 是的 妈妈
it’s getting very late. – Yes, Mother.
你近来还好吗 爱德华少爷?
And how was Cambridge when you left it, Master Edward?
哦 还可以吧 我在牛津大学读书呢
Oh, awfully nice, I suppose. I’m at Oxford, you know.
哦 牛津大学 我可从来没去过
Oh, Oxford. I’ve never been to Oxford.
我丈夫去过 是吗 乔治?
But my husband has. Haven’t you, George?
是的 非常美丽 牛津
Yes. Nice place, Oxford.
很有古典风味 这是我的感觉
Very antique, if you know what I mean.
罗伯特爵士听到布里吉斯先生生病会感到不安的 艾伦
Sir Robert will be so sorry to hear of Bridges’s illness, Ellen.
Ill? Alf ill? What’s the matter with him?
在你和安妮赶来之前 乔治…
Before you and Annie come, George…
我就告诉了夫人 阿尔弗雷德的腿被摔伤了
I was explaining to her ladyship about poor Alfred’s bad leg.
他摔伤了腿? – 是的 很严重
Bad leg? – Yes, very bad.
He’s been in horrible agony since Sunday.
You would laugh at someone being hurt.
他在哪儿? – 在楼上躺着
Where is he? – Upstairs in bed.
哦 我上去看看他
I’ll pop up and have a look at him.
哦 千万别上去 别打扰他
No, he mustn’t be disturbed.
And how did he come to have the accident?
哦… 骑自行车摔的
Eh… Cycling, Annie.
He was cycling and he fell off.
I didn’t know he had a cycle.
He hasn’t anymore.
请转告他 我们很难过
Well, please tell him how sorry we are.
爱德华 我们真要走了
Come, Edward. We really must be going now.
给 亲爱的
Here you are, dear.
哦 亲爱的夫人 你这么远来看我们
It was ever so kind of you, milady, to come all this way to see us
还给我们弗兰妮买♥♥了漂亮的娃娃 这真是太好了
and to give Fanny that lovely doll and everything.
跟夫人说再见 弗兰妮
Say good-bye to her ladyship, Fanny.
再见 夫人 – 再见 宝贝 再见
Good-bye, milady. – Good-bye, dear. Good-bye.
再见 安妮 真高兴你们有了新的生活
Good-bye, Annie. I’m so glad you settled down so happily.