♪ 也许因为当你闯入我视野时♪
♪ Chances are cos I wear a silly grin ♪
♪ 我正在傻笑♪
♪ The moment you come into view ♪
♪ 也许你会以为我爱上了你♪
♪ Chances are you think that I’m in love with you ♪
♪ 只因在我们亲吻时♪
♪ Just because my composure sorta slips ♪
♪ 我的镇静消匿无踪♪
♪ The moment that your lips meet mine ♪
♪ 也许你觉得我的心已属于你♪
♪ Chances are you think my heart’s your valentine ♪
♪ 在月光的蛊惑下♪
♪ In the magic of moonlight ♪
♪ 当我轻声说 亲爱的 抱紧我♪
♪ When I sigh hold me close, dear ♪
♪ 也许你以为满天的繁星♪
♪ Chances are you believe the stars that fill the skies ♪
♪ 都陷落在我眼中♪
♪ Are in my eyes ♪
♪ 或许你错觉自己会永远是♪
♪ Guess you feel you’ll always be ♪
♪ 我惟一的挚爱♪
♪ The one and only one for me ♪
♪ 如果你认为你能成为那个人♪
♪ And if you think you could ♪
♪ 那么 也许只是你的妄想♪
♪ Well, chances are Your chances are ♪
♪ 太过美好♪
♪ Awfully good ♪
路易 路易
Louie Louie…
There’s something I have to tell you.
I’m in love with Corinne.
I know.
亲爱的诸位 我们相聚在上帝面前
Dearly beloved, we are gathered together here in the sight of God
and in the face of this company
to join together this man and this woman in holy matrimony,
which is an honourable state, instituted of God…
Washington DC Enactment of the Civil Rights Bill
路易 路易
Louie Louie?
路易 路易
Louie Louie?
Happy anniversary!
你穿好衣服了 -是啊 我也可以脱掉
You’re dressed. -Yeah, but I don’t have to be.
把衣服脱了回床上来 我有东西给你
Well, get undressed and get back in bed. I have something for you.
在这不能给我吗 -不 我想在床上给你
Well, can’t you give it to me here? -No, I want to give it to you there.
Come on!

不 路易 这和我计划的不一样
No, Louie. That’s not the way I planned it.
So this is a planned thing.
是的 我想在床上给你结婚周年礼物
Yes. I wanted to be here in bed when I gave you your anniversary present, because
this is where it was made.
We’re having a baby?
A baby?!
菲利普 菲利普
Philip Philip!
想要生活美满 别娶漂亮太太
To be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife
Though from my personal point of view
菲利普 菲利普
Philip Philip
没等你们就开始了 结婚周年快乐
I started without you. Happy anniversary!
这是什么 -樱桃树 据说能结果子
What is this? -A cherry tree. And it promises to bear fruit.
这就是我能为你们做的 -你太客气了
Which is more than I can say for you two! -You shouldn’t have.
To my two favourite people.
菲利普 菲利普
Philip Philip?
We’re having a baby.
How are we going to break the news to Louie?
菲利普 菲利普
Philip Philip…!
(注 蕾蒂·波德是美国第36任总统林登·贝恩斯·约翰逊的夫人)
你们今天要工作吗 -蕾蒂·波德要新种个牵牛花的苗圃
Are you working today? -Lady Bird’s launching a new petunia bed.
我有幸可以去报导此事 这可不能错过
I’m the lucky stiff who gets to cover it. Not to be missed!
重要采访吗 -是啊 我要采访蕾蒂·波德的园丁
Big interview? -Yes, I’m interviewing Lady Bird’s gardener.
菲利普 我们就叫这棵树乔治吧
Philip, I think we’ll call the tree George.
菲利普 -晚上八点 别忘了
Philip! -Hey, now don’t forget. 8 o’clock.
记得我表妹安吗 她来参加过我婚礼
Remember my cousin Ann? She was at our wedding?
牙齿有问题的那个吗 -她已经在做整牙了
The one with the overbite? -She’s having them worked on!
She’s coming up from Charlottesville for the weekend.
也许我们四个可以一起 -路易
Maybe the four of us could get together. -Louie…!
好吧 只是随便问问 -别问
Well, OK. Just thought I’d ask. -Don’t ask.
Good time…
杰弗里斯先生 进来
Mr Jeffries! Come in.
进来 进来
Come in, come in!
She is going to love these.
An excellent choice.
带我向您太太问好 结婚纪念日快乐
Give my regards to your wife. And happy anniversary!
In view of the testimony of the witness and the arguments of counsel,
我同意被告的请求 废止此项证据
I have decided to grant the defendant’s motion to suppress the evidence.
芬维奇法官 我请求上前一步说话
Permission to approach the bench, Judge Fenwick.
Your Honour, I won’t have a case.
如果没有这项证据 对托尼·博尼诺的指控就没戏了
Without that evidence, the counts against Tony Bonino are out the window.
我必须遵循取证的章程 路易
I have to follow the rules of evidence, Louie.
依我的判断 搜查证是必须的
In my judgement a search warrant was required,
therefore the evidence is inadmissible.
但他会回到街头 我们都知道博尼诺是
But he’ll be back on the streets. We know Bonino is one of the most
cunning and powerful individuals in organised crime.
Are you quite through?
Court is adjourned.
听着 我得到点消息
Listen, I’ve got something here.
内♥幕♥消息 -是吗 是什么
It’s a tip or something -Yeah? What is it?
是关于博尼诺的 -博尼诺
Something on Bonino. -Bonino?
感兴趣啦 -哦是的 我很感兴趣
Interested huh? -Oh, yes, I’m interested!
The beach, Roosevelt lsland. 6.30.
芬威克法官 上帝啊
Judge Fenwick! My God!
打扰一下 -你好
Excuse me. -Yes? Hi.
我得离开这 我怎么才能回去
I have to get out of here. How do I get back?
你刚来 亲爱的 还没经过审核呢
You just got here, hon. You haven’t been processed.
你会回去的 不过要过一段时间
You’ll get back. It just takes a little while.
请到队尾排队 -听着 你不明白
Wait at the end of the line, please. -Uh, look, you don’t understand.
我必须回去 我太太怀孕了
I have to get back to my wife. She’s pregnant.
我最好的朋友菲利普 我不在他会担心的
And my best friend, Philip -he’ll be lost without me.
我会弄丢工作 还有预定的晚餐 和我的整个人生
And my job. I’ll lose my job, my dinner reservations, my life.
我们理解这些 真的
We understand those things here. We really do.
跟我来 -谢谢 我最近一直感觉挺奇怪
Come with me. -Thanks. I’ve been feeling very strange lately.
不然呢 你的身体像一滩烂泥一样
What do you expect? Your body’s a cream sauce
all over Wisconsin Avenue!
到了 排队吧 非常感谢你 请耐心等待
Here it is, end of the line. Thank you very much, and please wait.
你怎么样 还好吗
How are you doing? Fine?
别这样 你在引发事端 -科琳娜
No, no, no. You’re making a scene. -Cori…!
好吧 好吧
All right, all right!
Come with me.
很好 还有一件事
Good. Just one more thing…
轮到你打♥针♥了 别动
Here’s your shot. Hold still.
奥马尔 奥马尔
Omar? Omar!
Hopeless case of attachment.
他们会从这接管你 -非常感谢
They’ll take care of you here. -Thanks. Thanks a lot.
我得去华盛顿特区 那是在北美洲
I need to go to Washington DC. That’s in North America.
我知道华盛顿在哪 男孩还是女孩
I know where Washington is, thank you. Boy or a girl?
啥 -你想投胎为男孩还是女孩
What’s that? -You want to be reborn a boy or a girl?
我不想投胎 我想现在回家 就作为我自己
I don’t want to be reborn at all. I want to go home now, just as I am.
这是不可能的 你如今正游离于肉身
That’s impossible. You’re between bodies right now.
你现在是灵魂 想要回去只有经过投胎
Look, you’re a soul, a spirit. The only way to get back is to be reborn. 124
有问题吗 -大概没有
You got a problem with that? -I guess not.
那你想成为男孩还是女孩 -男孩
As I was saying, boy or girl? -Boy.
好的 有个爱斯基摩人就要生了
OK, there’s an Eskimo woman giving birth…
不 我不想当爱斯基摩人
No, I don’t want to be an Eskimo.
非洲酋长的儿子 你将在16岁时继承10位夫人
Son of an African chief. You’ll inherit ten wives on your 16th…
不 不 我有老婆的
No! No, I have a wife.
哦 这儿有个有趣的
OK. Uh, here’s an interesting situation. 130
罗迪欧大道 在比佛利山庄
Rodeo Drive, Beverly Hills.
地点不错 -不 能在东海岸吗
Great location. -No. East coast, OK? East coast. 132
有存款或信托基金的吗 你能在三个月后去那里