行 好吧 你被雇用了 但没有工资
OK, fine. You’re hired. Pays nothing.
-我接受 -好极了
-I’ll take it. -Nice!
-你吓不倒我的 朋友 -非常感谢
-You’re not gonna scare me, buddy. -Thank you so much.
You must’ve jumped on a plane as soon as we got off the phone.
哥们 当我听到你的声音
Dude, when I heard your voice,
I was like, “That’s what I wanna do.”
-很高兴你来了 -我也是 哥们
-I’m so happy you’re here. -Me too, man.
-我们要把这个搬上车 -是吗
-We’re trying to get this in the truck. -Yeah?
I need some sort of, like, lever and fulcrum.
用力 各位 大家一起来 用力
Come on, everybody. Everybody together. Come on.
他妈的 不 这样不行
Holy sh… No, we can’t do this.
不行 会弄伤我们的 不 不 不行
No way, not without one of us hurting ourselves. No, no, no, don’t.
停 停 住手 我来 我有办法
Stop. Stop. I got it, I got it.
凯尔 别急
Carl, easy.
-会说西班牙语真好 -那当然
-It’s good to know Spanish. -You gotta, man.
谢谢 谢谢各位
Thank you. Thank you, guys.
好 行了
OK, good.
-不错 -接着是油炸锅
-Nice. -Fryer next?
不 不 别管那个油炸锅
No, no, forget the freaking fryer, man.
I’m gonna fill up the propane tanks,
你去超♥市♥ 买♥♥西班牙啤酒 不要其它啤酒
you go to the market… get cerveza, not beer.
I can’t go to the market.
我们要安装油炸锅 把蒸汽池扔掉
We gotta hook up the fryer. Get rid of the steam pit.
不 在你回来之前 我会让所有东西一尘不染
No, by the time you get back, I’ll have this all spotless and cleaned up.
I got lots of marinating to do.
I promised these people the best sandwich of their lives.
-好 可以 那么 -给我点运气
-OK. Good. So… -Get me the mojo.
好 那你需要什么 橙汁 洋葱 大蒜
OK, so, what do you need? Oranges, onion, garlic.
没错 我们为什么不加点果汁呢
That’s right. Why don’t we juice it up a little bit, huh?
-青椒 -辣椒 香菜
-Tomatillo. -Some chillies, yeah. Cilantro.
-现在赶紧离开这里 -走吧
-Now get the hell outta here. -Let’s go.
好了 听着 关键在于你要找到原材料
OK, look, the key is, you gotta look for ingredients
and then that gives you ideas of what to cook.
比如说 这是丝兰 对吧
Like, this is yucca, right?
拿一些这个 那些看起来不错 看见没
Get some of that. Those look great. See that?
然后 到这儿来
And… Oh, come here.
You know what this is?
Uh, bananas?
这个叫大蕉 香蕉的一种
That’s called a plantain. Plátanos.
这些是熟的 摸起来软的
These are maduros. Feel, soft?
That’s the sweet kind.
但我们要绿色的这种 给你 拿着这个
But we want the green ones. Here. Hang onto this.
This is what you make tostones with.
That’s Martin’s favourite.
-我来拿 我来拿 -拿得动吗 太多吗
-I got it. I got it. -You got it? Too much?
-拿得动 -好
-I got it. -OK.
-小心狼蛛 过来 -什么
-Watch out for tarantulas. Come on. -What?
That’s good.
Oh, look at that.
都是我的杰作 宝贝
Oh, yeah. My masterpiece, baby.
-真漂亮 -迈阿密 我回来了
-That’s beautiful. -Miami, I am back. Pow!
你本可以直接在商店买♥♥这个 我觉得那里有得卖♥♥
You could have just bought this at the store. I think they sold it there.
-你确定这是你儿子吗 -不清楚
-You sure that’s your son, man? -I don’t know.
You’d better get a paternity test.
-看起来难以相 -我能尝点吗
-Oh, that looks incred… -Can I have some?
Oh, Martin.
-拜托 给我一点 -这不是商店买♥♥的
-Please, just gimme some. -It’s not from the store.
-你可能不喜欢 -这个肥而不腻 你知道吗
-You might not like it. -It’s fatty but not heavy, you know?
-你不想吃这个 -我想吃
-You don’t want any of this. -Yes, I do.
你很可能是素食主义者 你不能吃
You’re probably vegan. You can’t eat it.
I’m not vegan.
-这不是商店买♥♥的 -天啊
-It’s not from the store. -Oh, my God.
-马汀 拜托 我能尝尝吗 -稍等
-Martin, come on. Can I have some? -Hold on a second.
-我能给他一点吗 马汀 -哥们 他不
-Can I give him a piece, Martin? -Nah, man, he’s not…
-好吧 让我想想 -就一点点 尝尝看
-Alright. Let me think about it. -Just a little piece. Let’s see.
-很好吃 -很好吃
-Pretty good. -Pretty good?
-很好吃 别骗我 -比商店的好吃
-Pretty good? Come on! -Better than the store?
再来一点 最后一点
One more. Just one more.
你这辈子尝过的最好吃的东西 说出来 小子
The best shit you ever had in your life. Come on, man.
再给我一点 要是你打算给他一点 也给我一点
Oh, give me another one. If you’re gonna give him some, give me some.
-别小气 -我还要
-Don’t be cheap. -I want more.
你忘了 我们做些三明治
You know what? Let’s make some sandwiches.
-没错 老大 我们开始吧 -好了 准备好了
-Yes, sir. Let’s get to it. -Alright. Ready to go?
小子 烤箱烫了吗
Hey, little man, is the plancha red-hot?

不 我在跟烤箱说话 没错 是你
No, I’m talking to the grill. Yeah, you.
-我去碰它吗 -你觉得呢
-Do I touch it? -Well, what do you think?
-不行 -没错 不行 天才
-No. -That’s right. No, genius.
听着 过来 听我说
Hey, look. Come over here, look.
See this water?
-烫了吗 -烫了
-Bang. Is it hot? -Yes.
-告诉他烫了 -烫了
-Tell him it’s hot. -It’s hot.
-好 -跟你♥爸♥爸的内♥裤♥一样烫吗
-OK. -Is it hot as your daddy’s underwear?
很好 现在看着 过来这里
Good. Now, watch. Come over here.
开始啦 很好 完美
Here we go, papi. Perfect. Perfecto.
现在看着我 看我在做什么
Now, watch me. Watch what I’m doing.
两片火腿 三片猪肉
Two slices of ham, three of pork.
-现在过来这里 -大♥师♥出场
-Now come over here. -Now the maestro.
两片芝士 一 二
Two slices of cheese… one, two.
-两片泡菜 -我能加泡菜吗
-Two pickles. -Can I do pickles?
大泡菜 很好 一 二
Big pickles. Nice. One, two.
现在看这个 加上 芥末酱 从头到尾
Now, watch this. Take this… mustard, from end to end.

从一边到另一边 现在从前到后
You go side to side, not forward and back.
现在 这是最重要的一步
Now, this is the most important part.
-这是古巴三明治的标志 -好了
-This is what makes it a Cubano. -OK.
-抹上黄油 看见没 -嗯
-Take the butter. See that? -Yeah.
在上面 加一点点
On top. Take a little bit.
Butter the grill.
放进去 就像这样
In. Just like that.
Now, watch.
I want you to watch for the bread to get golden.
I want you to watch for the cheese to melt.
等芝士融化了 面包成金色又没有焦的时候
When that cheese is melted and that bread’s golden, but not burnt,
你叫我 你告诉我完成了 我们再来检查 好吗
you call me, you tell me it’s done and we’ll check, OK?
-好 -盯着它
-OK. -Keep an eye on it.
我要你看看每个器具 每个人都在做什么
I want you to watch everything everybody’s doing,
因为等我们忙不过来的时候 你必须随时来打下手
because when we’re hopping, you’re gonna have to jump in on the line
and help out.
-我觉得好了 -你觉得好了
-I think it’s done. -You think it’s done?
-看看 -看见金色的程度没
-Oh, look at that. -See how golden that is?
-你每次都要做成这样 -干得好
-That’s how you want it every time. -Nice job.
等你加入进来的时候 你要像机器人一样
You gotta be like a robot when you’re on a line.
你很棒 孩子 你很棒
You’re the shit, baby. You’re the shit.
Mmm! Three equal pieces.
-看看我们做的 -好了 开吃吧
-Let’s see what we got. -Alright, here we go.
-好烫 -我尝尝
-Oh, hot. – Let me see.
Look at that cheese.
-天啊 大哥 -太棒了
-Oh, my God, man. -This is the shit.
This is it.
-就是这味道 -就是这味道
-This is it. -This is it.
-难以置信 -这就叫”真地道”
-It’s incredible. -This is empingao.
-真地道 -真地道 哥们
-Oh, empingao! -Empingao, man.
-好吃吗 -太棒了
-So, is it good? -It’s amazing.
Then I guess we’re open.
等等 等等 开张
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. We’re open?
I didn’t get to finish my sandwich.
-你们来了 -我做什么
-Here you go. -What do I do?
Cut the bread.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
