Home 传记电影 铁拳男人



Carnera’s height saved him.
He was knocked down 12 times.
对 他要是矮点会更糟
Exactly. Would’ve been worse if he was shorter.
贝尔必须抬头去攻击他 减弱了势头
Baer had to punch up to hit him. Took a little something off.
That’s Frankie Campbell.
坚强的拳手 知道怎么去躲开拳头
Stand-up fighter, knows how to take a punch.
熟悉他的风格 詹姆斯
His style familiar, Jim?
象看着一面镜子 啊 嘿 他没必要看这个
Like looking in a mirror, huh? Hey, he don’t need to see this.
他必须看 否则我取消比赛
He’ll see it or I’ll call off the fight.
You see that combination?
Campbell didn’t go down on the first punch.
He was a tough guy.
Second one killed him on the spot.
就关了 行吗
Just cut it off, will you?
The autopsy said that his brain was knocked loose…
from the connecting tissue.
你会没事的 好吗
Consider your ass fully covered, okay?
Run it again.
Remember Ernie Schaaf?
好小伙子 你在31年输给过他
Nice guy. You lost one to him in ’31.
Ernie took one of those on the chin from Baer.
He was dead and didn’t know it.
下一场 轻轻一拳让他长眠了
Next fight, first little nothing jab put him to sleep forever.
大脑脱离 他们说的
Detached brain, they said.
No snappy comeback?
It ain’t my skull the guy’s gonna try and stove in.
You want to think about it?
You think you’re telling me something?
象 拳击是危险的运动
What, like, boxing’s dangerous, something like that?
你不知道三班倒 高楼做业…
You don’t think triple shifts or working nights on the scaffolds…
is just as likely to get a guy killed?
How many guys died the other night living in cardboard shacks…
trying to save on rent money?
那些人只想养家糊口 因为象你这样的人…
Guys who were trying to feed their family. ‘Cause men like you…
have not yet quite figured out a way to make money…
out of watching that guy die.
我的职业 这就是我的职业…
In my profession, and it’s my profession…
I’m a little more fortunate.
那好吧 你们今晚一起吃饭
All righty then. You guys have dinner here tonight.
带上你们的太太 我做东
Take your wives. It’s on me.
在你们离开的时候 我们会拍几张照片
We’ll snap some pics on your way out.
If you change your mind tomorrow…
at least we got some good press out of it.
好 来
Good. Come on.
It’s gorgeous!
-詹姆斯 我们能用银器 -当然可以
– Jimmy, can we get silver faucets? – Of course.
-你想要多少 一打 -好
– How many you want? A dozen? – Right.
听着 有只小鸟告诉我看看晚报
Listen. A little bird told me to check the evening edition.
So let’s see what we got.
“Boxer Jim Braddock has come back from the dead…
to change the face of courage in our nation.”
喔 那太有意思了 是
Oh, that’s nice. Yeah.
斯博·路易丝写的 斯博·路易丝
Sporty Lewis wrote that. Sporty Lewis?
是啊 看这个
Yeah. And get this.
“ln a land that’s downtrodden…
“布洛克的回归给每一个美国人 带来了希望
“Braddock’s comeback is giving hope to every American.
“People who were ready to throw in the towel
“从他们新的英雄詹姆斯·布洛克 身上重新找回了希望
“are finding inspiration in their new hero, Jim Braddock.
“As Damon Runyon has already written…
he’s truly the Cinderella Man.”
-铁拳男人 -对
– Cinderella Man? – Yeah.
-喔 我喜欢 有点象女孩子气 -是 有点
– Oh, I like it. It’s kind of girly. – Yeah, kind of. Yeah.
喔 哥们 对 这回有意思了
Oh, brother. Yeah, this is gonna be fun.
-对不起 -詹姆斯
– Excuse me. – Jim.
我还没吃完呢 对不起 先生
I’m not quite finished yet. Beg your pardon, sir.
Thank you.
-你知道吗 -帐单在这里
– You know what? – I got the bill here. Yeah.
约翰斯顿 他大手大脚 给很多小费
Johnston. He’s a big spender. He’s gonna leave a big, big tip.
对 他很好
Yeah. He’s a real peach.
很喜欢他 对吗 宝贝
Gotta love the guy. Right, sweetie?
看这个 这是我
Look at this. This is me?
I know it is.
喔 好小子
Oh, boy.
-你认为是约翰斯顿策划的 -对 我想的 也许
– You think Johnston set that up? – Oh, yeah. I think. Maybe.
A few extra pics for the dailies.
From the gentleman who just arrived.
Mr. Baer said to wish you bon voyage.
不要开 我们打包带走
Don’t open it. Put it in a bag. We’ll take it with us.
-嘿 乔伊 -什么
– Hey, Joey? – Yeah?
-去拿衣服 -詹姆斯
– Get the coats. – Jim.
喔 这不是铁拳男人吗
Well, if it ain’t Cinderella Man.
多谢 你的香槟 贝尔先生
Thanks for the champagne, Mr. Baer.
你为宣传比赛做了很多工作 我很感激
You’re doing a great job publicizing the fight. I really appreciate it.
I hope it’s gonna be a very successful night for both of us.
你一直告诉人们 你将在拳台上杀死我
You keep telling people you’re gonna kill me in the ring.
I got three kids at home.
你在伤害我的家人 特别是我太太
You’re upsetting my family, particularly my wife.
听着 布洛克
Listen, Braddock.
I’m asking you sincerely not to take this fight.
现在 你是名人了 人们崇拜你
Now, you seem like a decent fellow. People admire you.
I really don’t want to hurt you.
这可不是开玩笑 伙计
It’s no joke, pal.
在传说里 英雄总是死去
People die in fairy tales all the time.
嘿 麦克斯 来张相片怎么样
Hey, Max, how about a picture?
嘿 詹姆斯 再来一张
Hey, Jim! How about a shot?
好 放松 微笑
There you go. Take it easy. Just smile.
One more!
好 我想你最好在台上摔到
Yeah. I think the smart thing would be for you to take a fall.
马戏团里的把戏 老头
Circus act’s over, old man.
就这里 麦克斯 好了
Right here, Max. There you go.
I think I’ll go a few rounds with the dancing Baer.
对 好的
Yeah, there you go.
来 詹姆斯 好的
Come on, Jim. Very good. Okay.
来 好的
Come on. Okay.
嘿 我们拳台上见 那怎么样 冠军
Hey, we’ll see you in the ring. How about that, champ?
来吧 我们走 詹姆斯
Come on. Let’s go, Jim.
麦克斯 我太太 玫
Max, my wife, Mae.
你应该和他谈谈 玫
You ought to talk to him, Mae.
You are far too pretty to be a widow.
你真没意思 麦克斯 没意思 嘿
That’s not nice, Max. Not nice. Come on.
回头一想 也许他死了 也许我可以去安慰你
On second thought, maybe I can comfort you after he’s gone.
嘿 我说你给我闭嘴 你个混♥蛋♥
Hey, I said shut your goddamn mouth, you punk!
对不起 把帐单寄给我
Sorry. Send me the cleaning bill.
看到了吗 伙计们
Get that, boys?
Now he’s got his wife doing his fighting for him.
对 她真厉害 不是吗
Yeah. Ain’t she something?
好吧 给我来一杯
All right. Get me a drink.
好的 三连击 好吗
All right. Three-punch combo, okay?
邦 邦 邦 来
Pop, pop, bang. Come on.
喔 太好了 再来一次
Oh, that’s good. One more time.
把你的拇指蜷进去 胳膊肘放下
Keep your thumbs tucked in. Keep your elbows in.
好的 够了 现在
All right. That’s enough, now.
There’s some sting in that.
That’s enough, please.
好的 对 太好了 邦
Good. Yeah, that’s good. Bang!
我想来一个勾拳 爸爸 好的
I want a turn, Dad. All right.
嘿 怎么不防守 来 举起手
Hey, where’s your defense? Come on, get your hand up.