

covet 英 [ˈkʌvət] 美 [ˈkʌvət]


“You are hardly the first student to covet the diadem.” she said disdainfully.

出自英国作家J·K·罗琳的奇幻小说《哈利·波特》系列的第七本《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》(Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows)。《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》是整个小说系列的终结篇,交代了所有重要人物的最终命运。


[verb] yearn to possess or have (something)
[动词] 渴望拥有或占有(某物)


Covet 一词与小站上周五推送的 covert 形似,可能源自拉丁语 cupere (渴望、想要),13世纪中期进入英语时原指“过分地(inordinately)或不顾他人权利地渴望或想要”,现主要作为一个正式用语表示“贪求、觊觎、垂涎”,强调过分渴望别人的东西,比如:

She always coveted the power of veto but never quite achieved it.
She coveted his job so blatantly that conversations between them were tense.

除了作贬义用外, covet 也可以单纯地用来表示“渴望”,只是这种渴望程度非常之高,比如:

The Booker Prize is the most coveted British literary award.

另外,与 covet 相对应的形容词为 covetous (贪求的、垂涎的、渴望的),比如谚语有云:

The covetous man is good to none and worst to himself.


  • Western firms increasingly admire—and covet—Chinese technology.
  • And they couldn’t help coveting the apartment next door, a light-filled space with generous exposures on two sides and an owner who spent most of his time somewhere else.


covet” 通常表示强烈渴望、垂涎、贪图某物或渴望拥有某事。

以下是包含单词 “covet” 的 50 个短语及其中文解释:

  1. covet material possessions – 渴望物质财富
  2. covet a luxurious lifestyle – 渴望奢华生活
  3. covet wealth and power – 渴望财富和权力
  4. covet fame and recognition – 渴望名声和认可
  5. covet success and achievements – 渴望成功和成就
  6. covet expensive items – 渴望昂贵的物品
  7. covet designer clothing – 渴望名牌服装
  8. covet a prestigious job – 渴望有声望的工作
  9. covet a beautiful house – 渴望漂亮的房子
  10. covet a fancy car – 渴望豪华车
  11. covet a high-paying job – 渴望高薪工作
  12. covet a lavish lifestyle – 渴望奢华生活
  13. covet a successful career – 渴望成功的职业生涯
  14. covet a prominent position – 渴望显赫的地位
  15. covet a leadership role – 渴望领导角色
  16. covet a well-known reputation – 渴望知名声誉
  17. covet social status – 渴望社会地位
  18. covet professional recognition – 渴望专业认可
  19. covet academic excellence – 渴望学术卓越
  20. covet creative talents – 渴望创造才能
  21. covet artistic skills – 渴望艺术技能
  22. covet intellectual pursuits – 渴望知识追求
  23. covet physical beauty – 渴望身体美
  24. covet a slim figure – 渴望苗条身材
  25. covet athletic abilities – 渴望运动天赋
  26. covet musical talent – 渴望音乐才华
  27. covet academic achievements – 渴望学术成就
  28. covet professional success – 渴望职业成功
  29. covet personal growth – 渴望个人成长
  30. covet personal happiness – 渴望个人幸福
  31. covet a loving relationship – 渴望充满爱的关系
  32. covet emotional fulfillment – 渴望情感满足
  33. covet spiritual enlightenment – 渴望精神启示
  34. covet inner peace – 渴望内心平静
  35. covet a sense of purpose – 渴望有目标感
  36. covet meaningful experiences – 渴望有意义的经历
  37. covet quality time with loved ones – 渴望和亲人共度美好时光
  38. covet a balanced life – 渴望平衡的生活
  39. covet personal fulfillment – 渴望个人成就感
  40. covet a sense of belonging – 渴望归属感
  41. covet financial security – 渴望财务安全
  42. covet a comfortable retirement – 渴望舒适的退休生活
  43. covet travel opportunities – 渴望旅行机会
  44. covet new experiences – 渴望新的体验
  45. covet learning opportunities – 渴望学习机会
  46. covet personal growth – 渴望个人成长
  47. covet career advancement – 渴望职业发展
  48. covet a loving family – 渴望充满爱的家庭
  49. covet close friendships – 渴望亲密友谊
  50. covet a sense of fulfillment – 渴望成就感


  1. fancy: feel a desire or liking for
  2. desire: strongly wish for or want (something)
  3. crave: feel a powerful desire for (something)
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
