You think white people go around calling each other honkies all day, man?
“嗨 白鬼 生意怎么样啊?”
“Hey, honky, how’s business?”
“进展不错 白鬼 我们正在进行多元化发展”
“Going great, cracker. We’re diversifying.”
这个怎么样? 听着 你喜欢吗? 这人唱的是诽谤黑鬼
How ’bout this, huh? Listen. You like that? Man’s singin’ about lynchin’ niggers.
你认为有什么不同吗? 嗯?
And you think there’s a difference, don’t you? Huh?
给我买♥♥条绳子 吊死个黑鬼
Gonna buy me a rope and lynch me a nigger
你绝对不知道hip-hop音乐的起源 对吧?
You have absolutely no idea where hip-hop music comes from, do you?
起初我本是要打死他们的 可我的扳机坏了
I’d shoot ’em dead first but I done broke my trigger
瞧 在60年代 有很多有教养的 有文化的黑人
See, back in the ’60s we had smart, articulate black men.
从床上拉起来 戴上头巾
Gonna get out my sheet Put my hood on my head
就像休伊·牛顿 鲍比·西尔 艾尔德瑞奇·克里弗 弗瑞德·汉普顿
Like Huey Newton, Bobby Seale, Eldridge Cleaver, Fred Hampton.
Gonna string ’em up good
These brothers were speaking out good, and people were listening!
Then they’ll be dead
然后联邦调查局的人说 不 我们不能那样做
Then the FBI said, “No, we can’t have that.”
勇敢者的家园 自♥由♥者的土地
Home of the brave and the land of the free
“Let’s give the niggers this music by a bunch of mumbling idiots
唱歌♥给黑鬼听 他们迟早会互相摹仿的
and sooner or later, they’ll all copy it, and nobody
will be able to understand a fucking word they say.
End of problem.”
What the fuck was that, dog?
他妈的 怎么了?
– Holy shit! – What?
Man, we done ran over a Chinaman.
You’re sayin’ there’s a Chinaman under this truck?
What part don’t you understand?
There’s a Chinaman stuck underneath the fucking truck.
帮帮我 啊哈 啊哈
– Help me. – Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
啊 天啊 他到底怎么搞的 蹦到车前面来了?
Ah, God. What the hell did he do, just leap out in front of the truck?
Man! This is so completely fucked up.
哦 真的?妈的
Oh, really? No shit!
好了 等等 等等 等等
Okay, hold up. Hold up, hold up, hold up.
回到车里去 什么?
– Get back in the truck. – What?
是的 回到车里去 你认为我们把他拖得还不够远吗?
– Yes, get back in the truck. – You think we didn’t drag him far enough?
不 我们得离开 他会松手的
No, we gonna drive away. And he gonna let go.
他不会松手的 安东尼
He’s not gonna let go, Anthony.
你知道为什么吗? 因为他卡在他妈的车底下呢
You know why? Because he’s stuck underneath the fucking truck!
如果他松手的话 他早在半条街前就放手了
Now, if he could’ve let go, he probably would’ve considered that option half a block back.
你和我要做的 就是抓着他的胳膊 把他从车底下拽出来
What you and I gotta do, just grab his arms and pull him from underneath.
你抓着他的胳膊 它会掉下来的
You grab his arm, it’s gonna fall off.
然后你就会站在街上 手里拿着一个中国佬的胳膊
Then you gonna be standing in the street holding a Chinaman’s arm.
你想怎么做? 嗯?
Then what your ass gonna do, huh?
如果我们把这个中国佬留在这儿 他会死的 那我们就犯了杀人罪
If we leave this man here, he dies. Then we’re up for murder charges.
只要抓着他的胳膊 就可以把他拉出来了
Just grab his arm. We’ll just pull him out.
我不想惹麻烦 队长 我只是想换个新搭档
I don’t wanna cause any problems, Lieutenant. I just want a new partner.
我明白 你的搭档是个混♥蛋♥种族主义者
I understand. Your partner’s a racist prick.
But you don’t wanna stir up any bad feelings with him.
He’s been on the force for a long time.
Seventeen years.
我还得在这儿工作 先生
And I do have to work here, sir.
So you don’t mind that there’s a racist prick on the force.
You just don’t want him to ride in your car.
如果你需要我把记录下来 先生 我愿意
If you need me to go on record about this, sir, I will.
那很好 写全面点
That’d be great. Write a full report.
因为我很想知道 一个显而易见的混♥蛋♥
Because I’m anxious to understand how an obvious bigot
could’ve gone undetected in this department for 17 years.
Eleven of which he was under my personal supervision.
Which doesn’t speak very highly of my managerial skills.
不过那不是你关心的事了 我等不及要看你的报告了
But that’s not your concern. I can’t wait to read it.
What if I said I wanted a new partner for personal reasons?
那你是说他不是个混♥蛋♥种族主义者了 你只是不喜欢他
So now you’re saying he’s not a racist prick, you just don’t like him.
是的 先生 理由不充分
– Yes, sir. – That’s not a good enough reason.
Then I guess I should think of a better one and get back to you.
So you think I’m asking you to make one up.
哦 不是 先生 我只是想不出一个 现在想不起来了
Uh, no, sir. I just can’t think of one… right now.
You wanna know what I heard?
I heard it was a case of uncontrollable flatulence.
You want me to say he has flatulence?
不是他 是你 你无法控制自己放屁
Not him. You. You have uncontrollable flatulence.
你很尴尬 不愿意和其他人呆在一辆车里 因此你请求一个人出车执行任务
You’re too embarrassed to ride with anybody else so you’re requesting a one-man car.
我不喜欢这个理由 队长
I’m not… comfortable with that, Lieutenant.
我也不喜欢 所以我需要了解你的隐私
I wouldn’t be either. Which is why I understand your need for privacy.
Just like I’m sure you understand how hard a black man has to work to get to,
就像我呆的这个地方 充满种族主义的洛杉矶警局
say, where I am, in a racist fucking organization like the L.A.P.D.
And how easily that can be taken away.
我说过 这是你的决定
Now, that being said, it’s your decision.
你可以为了一个正当的理由 赌上你我的前途
You can put your career and mine on the line in pursuit of a just cause,
or you can admit to having an embarrassing problem
of a personal nature.
Excuse me.
打扰了 先生
Excuse me. Sir?
You finished?
我把锁换了 可那扇门真的有问题
I replaced the lock. But you got a real problem with that door.
You fix the lock?
不 我换了锁 可你得把门修好
Nah, I replaced the lock. But you gotta fix that door.
修好锁就行了 先生 听说说
– Just fix the lock! – Sir, listen to me.
What you need is a new door.
我需要新门? 是的
– I need new door? – Yeah.
好吧 多少钱?
Okay. How much?
我不知道 先生 你得问问卖♥♥门的人
I don’t… Sir, you’re gonna have to call somebody that sells doors.
你想骗我 对不对? 你有修门的朋友吗?
You try to cheat me, right? You have a friend that fix door?
不 我没有修门的朋友 老兄
Nah, I don’t have a friend that fix doors, bro.
那就去把他妈的锁子修好 你这个骗子
Then go and fix the fucking lock, you cheater.
你 你知道什么?
You… You know what?
你就付我的锁钱好了 工钱就不要了
Why don’t you just pay for the lock and I won’t charge you for the time.
你没有修好锁 我付钱 你以为我是傻子?
You don’t fix the lock! I pay! You think I’m stupid?
你给我修好他妈的锁 你这个骗子
You fix the fucking lock, you cheater!
如果你不那样称呼我 我会感激不尽的 那就修好他妈的锁子
– I’d appreciate if you’d stop calling me names. – Then fix the fucking lock!
我已经换过锁子了 你得修好他妈的门
I replaced the lock! You gotta fix the fucking door!
你这个骗子 你♥他♥妈♥的骗子
You cheat! You fucking cheater!
好 不用付了 什么?
– Fine. Don’t pay. – What?
祝你晚安 什么 不 等等
– Have a good night. – What? No. Wait!
等等 你给我回来 你把锁修好
Wait! You come back here! You fix the lock!
回来 你给我把锁子修好 修好他妈的锁
Come here! You fix my lock! Fix the fucking lock!
我明白了 你碾了一个中国佬 把他扔在后车箱里
I understand. You run over a Chinaman. Stuff him in the back.
然后把车开到这儿来 让我分担你的罪责
Then bring the truck here so I can share in the experience.
行了 伙计 只是有一点血迹而已 很容易洗掉的
Come on, man. It’s a little bit of blood. It’ll wash right off.
乔治 把这车烧掉 烧掉?
– Georgie, burn this thing. – Burn it?
这可是一辆全新的“领航员” 你只需要用点油漆喷一下就行了
It’s a brand-new Navigator. All you need is a little piece of carpet.
You watch the Discovery Channel?
看得不多 那个频道有些好东西
– Not a lot. – They got some good shit on that channel.
每晚都有一个节目 有人拿个蓝色的灯
Every night there is a show with somebody shining a blue light
寻找喷溅在地毯上 墙上 吊扇上
and finding tiny specks of blood splattered on carpets and walls and ceiling fans,
bathroom fixtures and special-edition plastic Burger King tray cups.
The next thing they show is some stupid redneck in handcuffs
who looks absolutely stunned that this is happening to him.
Sometimes the redneck is actually watching the Discovery Channel
when they break in to arrest him.
And he still can’t figure out how on earth they could’ve caught him!
Do I look like I wanna be on the Discovery Channel?
Then get the fuck outta my shop.
哦 不要忘了你的东西
Oh, yeah, make sure you get that.
没有他 今晚一切都会乱套了
Without him, things could’ve gone really fucking wrong tonight.
妈的 不要接 你敢接
– Fuck! – Don’t! Don’t you dare.
Graham Waters.
不不 他不在这儿 妈妈
No. No, he’s not here, Mom.
I’m not gonna go looking for him.
瞧 他会回家的 不要管他
Look, he’ll be home when… Just leave it alone.
妈妈 我现在不能跟你说了 好吗? 我正在和一个白种女人做♥爱♥
