

英语单词 despot 来自希腊语的 despotes ,本意是“一家之主、领主”。该词的前一半来自 domestic (家庭的、国内的),后一半来自 potent (有力的)。古希腊的一家之主对于家中成员和奴隶拥有绝对权威,因此 despot 一词含有“独裁、暴虐”的含义。在拜占庭帝国, despot 曾被用于宫廷贵族的称号、诸侯国亲王的称号,甚至被用作拜占庭帝国皇帝的称号。现在, despot 常用来表示那些独裁、暴虐的一国之主。

  • despot: [‘despɒt] n. 暴君,专制君主,独裁者
  • despotism: [‘despətɪz(ə)m] n. 独裁,专制,独裁政治


despot (DES put) From the Greek word for “master,” this noun implies just that—a ruler, generally an oppressive ruler. If you want a different sense, as in “a benevolent despot,” you have to add the qualifying adjective.

  • George Orwell’s novel 1984 gives us the picture of complete despotism; citizens are controlled partly through force and partly through mind control.
  • Perhaps the fact that Mr. Parnell reports to an overbearing boss helps make him a petty tyrant, a despot to his wife and children.

——摘自《Fiske WordPower: The Most Effective System for Building a Vocabulary That Gets Results Fast》


暴君(DES put)这个名词来自希腊语中“主人”的意思,意思是统治者,通常是压迫性的统治者。如果你想要一个不同的意思,比如“一个仁慈的暴君”,你必须加上限定形容词。

  • 乔治·奥威尔的小说《1984》给我们描绘了一幅完全专制的画面;公民部分是通过武力控制的,部分是通过精神控制的
  • 也许帕内尔先生向一个专横的老板报告的事实有助于让他成为一个小暴君,一个对妻子和孩子的暴君
