说吧 马克斯 什么
Come on, Max, what?
只是我都想不起 索耶有多久没这么兴奋了
It’s just hard to remember the last time Sawyer was excited about something.
这不是我们做事的原则 索耶
This is not how we do things, Sawyer.
We do not disappear for a week at a time…
…going to some strange place with a bunch of strangers.
系好安全带 告诉你多少次了
Put your belt on right. How many times do I have to tell you?
你打算给我闯祸 -这摩擦的不舒服
You’re making me a nag. -It rubs.
不管舒不舒服 总比撞上安全气囊好
It’s better than face-planting in an airbag.
哦 天啊 妈妈 想象力真好 -随你怎么说 行吗
Oh, my gosh, Mom. Nice image. -Well, whatever, okay?
任何事都会发生 你可能会溺水
Anything could’ve happened. You could’ve drowned…
或被剑鱼刺伤 感谢上帝
…or gotten stabbed by a swordfish, for heaven’s sakes.
就是这 -恩
That’s it? -Yeah.
这以前是污水处理厂 他们改建了 酷吧
You know, it used to be a sewage treatment plant before they converted it. Cool, huh?
快点 妈妈
Come on, Mom.
索耶 等等
Sawyer, wait!


走开 走开
Go. Shoo, shoo, shoo.
啊 你在干什么 离我远点
Oh! What are you doing? Leave me alone. Shoo.
救命 救命啊
Help! Help!

嗨 妈妈
Hi, Mom.
Where did you go?
So these are our nurse sharks.
那些是石斑鱼 翻车鱼 红鲈鱼
There are our groupers, and moonfish, and sheepshead.
嗨 索耶
Hey, Sawyer.
哦 嗨 弗吉尼亚
Oh, hey, Virginia.
这些是水獭 他们不是病了 就是受伤了
And these are our river otters. All of them are either sick or injured.
但只要他们一好转些 就会把他们放生
But as soon as they get better, we’ll return them to the wild.
他们很可爱 是吗
They’re cute, huh?
但你要是把手指放那 他们会立刻咬过来
But if you put your finger there, they can bite it right off.
I’ll bear that in mind.
嗨 索耶 -嗨 丽贝卡
Hey, Sawyer. -Hey, Rebecca.
She looks after the fish.
And this is the tide pool.
有海星 贝壳 海胆
There’s a starfish, and conch and a sea urchin.
这个是佛瑞德 我们的海参
And this is Fred, our sea slug.
You can touch him if you want.
恩 不用了 -确定
That’s okay. I’m good. -You sure?
恩 -好的
Mm-hm. -Okay.

And this is the dolphin pool.
恩 我什么都没有看见
Hmm. I’m not seeing anything.
Just wait a sec.
That’s Panama.
她很老了 而且聋了 不能捕鱼了
She’s pretty old and deaf, and can’t catch fish…
因为他们是靠声波捕鱼的 就住在这了
…because they echolocate, you know. So she lives here.
那是克丽丝塔 她被一条船给撞了
And that’s Krista. She was just run over by a boat.
她康复时 我们就可以送她回家了
So when she heals, we can send her home.
很棒 是吗 -恩
Neat, huh? -Yes.
And that’s Winter.
欢迎光临 我叫里德 -嗨 我叫洛伦
Welcome. I’m Reed. -Hi, I’m Lorraine.
We’ve heard so much about you.
I wish I could say the same about you.
那是我的儿子 克雷
That’s my son, Clay…
那边的菲比和卡特 是海豚专家
…and Phoebe, and Kat, there. Dolphin specialists.

那是海子 我孙女
And that’s Hazel, my granddaughter.
她多大了 -她只是个小孩
How old is she? She’s just a kid.
Dolphins stay with their moms for years, though.
Sawyer’s her mom now.
其实 我们都是她的妈妈
Well, actually, we’re all her mom.
索耶 我不知道该说什么 -我会补课 写作文的
Sawyer, I don’t know what to say. -I’ll do extra classes, write an essay.
他们要我做的事 我都会做 -我相信你
I’ll do anything. -I believe you.
我了解了 我意思是 这很不可思议
I get this. I mean, it’s… It’s amazing.
我会和道尔先生解释的 -太棒了
I’ll talk to Mr. Doyle. -Yes!
完全同意 同意 谢谢 谢谢
That’s a yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.
You’re welcome.
海子 我妈同意了 -太棒了
Hazel, she said yes. -Yes.
嗨 我叫克雷 -嗨
Hi. I’m Clay. Hi.
洛伦 -很高兴见到你
Lorraine. -Nice to meet you.
我不知道他瞒着你 真的很抱歉
I had no idea you didn’t know. I’m really sorry about that.
没事 这不是你的错
It’s okay. It’s certainly not your fault.
他是个很棒的孩子 你知道吗
He’s a great kid, you know?
他和温特有心灵感应 很神奇
I mean, he has a connection with Winter that’s amazing.
I’ve never seen anything like it.
恩 是个好消息 也许下次是和人类
Well, that’s good news. Maybe humans are next.
I have to scoot.
好的 欢迎任何时候回来
Sure. Come back any time.
回家见 -再见 妈妈
See you at home, pal. -Bye, Mom.
好高兴见到你 海子 -我也是
So nice to meet you, Hazel. -You too.
What are you looking at?
不 我不能
No, I can’t.
如果我对他那样 对其他孩子就不公平
If I do that for him, how is that fair to the other kids…
…whose summers I’m ruining?
恩 那正是我的重点
Well, that’s exactly my point.
索耶正享受着 他生命中最美好的暑假
Sawyer is having the best summer of his entire life.
And he is willing to do whatever it takes.
他会写报告 写作文 做拼贴画
He could give a report, write an essay, make a collage.
The experience he is having is so much richer…
…than anything you could teach him in this classroom.
I’m a very good teacher.
我不是这个意思 道尔先生
I didn’t mean it that way, Mr. Doyle.
听着 我一开始也不赞同这事
Look, I wasn’t happy about it at first either.
但是我看到了一些 作为母亲 老师
But I am seeing something that a mother, a teacher…
…dreams of seeing:
A turned-on kid.
他非常的投入 而不是玩游戏
He is so engaged, and it’s not with a Game Boy.
有着生命 善良 美丽的意义存在
It’s with something that is alive and beautiful and real.
如果他想要学分的话 他必须上课
He wants credit for the class, he has to be in the class.
I’m sorry.
You should be.
早上好 妈妈 -嗨 孩子
Morning, Mom. Hi, son.
谢谢 谢谢你 -不用
Thank you! Thank you. You’re welcome.
Let’s make sure it fits.
Your mom seems really nice.
恩 她很好
Yeah, she’s cool.
你♥爸♥爸也是 -恩
Your dad is too. -Yeah.
温特 停下 -停下
Winter, stop it. -Cut it out.
What’s with her?
I don’t know.
抓紧点 温特
Help me grab… Winter!
温特 -温特
Winter! -Winter!
温特 帮帮我们
Winter! Help us!
爸爸 菲比
Dad! Phoebe!
Dr. Clay!
海子 -爸爸
Hazel? Dad!
等等 抓住她 -什么
Wait, hold it! -What?
She’s trying to swim.
过来 孩子们 过来 过来
Come over here, guys. Come here, come here.
她摆动地像条蛇 或其他什么
She’s wiggling around like a snake or something.
好孩子 温特 继续游
Good girl, Winter. Way to go.
再见 妈妈 -再见 亲爱的
Bye, Mom. -Bye, hon.
哇 天啊 太酷了
Whoa! Oh, my goodness, that is so cool.
温特 看这些东西
Winter, look at all this stuff.
Look at all these things Sawyer brought you.
He brought you so many toys. I know.
这个对他们来说 就是巧克力奶昔
It’s like a chocolate milkshake for them.
