That’s a Tiffany fucking diamond.
老左 那是我老婆的钻戒
Left, that is my wife’s fucking diamond ring.
可惜是A货的 老左
It’s a fugazy, Left.
You took away your wife’s ring?
听着 你带着戒指去第47大道去问问
Look, you bring that ring to any kike on 47th Street,
he’s gonna tell you that that is primo.
You took away your wife’s ring to go bet on the Giants?
听着 你已经不想要它了 把它还给我 好吧?
Hey, look, you don’t want it. Give it back to me, okay?
-老左 给我 -8000元
-Hey, Left, come on… -$8,000.
Let me talk to this fucking guy for a second.
就半秒 可以吧?
Just give me half a second, would you?
Why don’t you go to the bar and have a drink?
我跟他谈几句 去吧
Let me talk to the guy for a minute. Come on.
Hey, I got a fucking black belt, pal. So you…

他会宰了你 懂吗?
This guy is going to fucking kill you. You understand what I’m saying?
We got about two minutes to figure a way out of this thing.
-对不起 -对不起? 你给我住嘴
-I’m sorry. -You’re sorry? Shut the fuck up.
-说对不起有屁用 -我不想死
-Sorry ain’t gonna do it. -I don’t want to die.
-你开的什么车? -保时捷
-What kind of car do you drive? -A Porsche.
Give me the keys.
All right.
-现在它是谁的? -是老左的
-Whose car is it now? -It’s Lefty’s.
它归老左了 对
Lefty’s stuff. All right, good.
伙计 拿去喝一杯
That’s for the fucking drinks, pal.
你干嘛给他钱 唐? 聪明人不会这样的
Why’d you pay for that drink, Don? A wise guy never pays for a drink.
-我不知道 -总是别人买♥♥单?
-I didn’t know that. -Always on the arm.
All right.
You scared that guy, though.
That cracks me up.
我一共做过26个人 可他们居然怕的是你
I got 26 fucking hits under my belt, and you’re the one he’s scared of.
-靠边 -什么?
-Pull over. -What?
靠边 我要拿些东西
Pull over. I’ve got to do something.
-这里吗? -是的 这里 靠边
-Right here? -Yeah. Right here, pull over.
好吧 我有点冷了
All right. I’m cool.
来 帮一下我 把这个拉出来 拉
Come on, give me a hand with this. Pull this out, pull it.
You’re taking the whole fucking thing apart.
You didn’t hear nothing under the dash?
-我什么都没听到 -是这儿
-No, I didn’t hear a fucking thing. -There it is.
I can go right up the back.
What the fuck are you doing down there?
-这里有点问题 -你认为有窃听器吗?
-Just feeling around here. -You think I got a wire in my car?
-干 -当我是傻瓜吗?
-Fuck! -You think I’m fucking stupid?
我说过吗? 我说了你有窃听器的吗?
Did I say that? Did I say you got a wire?
Say it to my face, if you’re gonna do this.
算了 不过你得向我道歉
Nothing for nothing, but I think you owe me an apology.
这倒不是问题 问题是我掉了把螺丝刀在里
Ain’t the question. I lost a screwdriver here.
-什么? -螺丝刀掉下去了
-You lost a what? -The screwdriver fell down there.
天啊 你掉把螺丝刀掉在我音响里面?
Come on. You lost a screwdriver in my fucking stereo?
你记得把它取出来 就在下面
You’ll find it again. It’s down there.
-你喜欢凯迪拉克Deville? -得了吧
-So you like the DeVille? -Forget about it.
我有个凯迪拉克Fleetwood Brougham
Yeah. I got the Fleetwood Brougham.
-是吗? 有丝织坐垫的吗? -得了吧
-Is that right? With the velour? -Forget about it.
-结婚了吗? -没
-Are you married? -No.
-我有个女友在加州 -真好
-I got a girl out there in California. -That’s good.
She should stay in California.
Keep your eye out for your balls.
-对 说得对 -我一向是对的
-Yeah, you’re right. -I’m always right.
聪明人总是对的 什么时候都是
A wise guy’s always right. Even when he’s wrong, he’s right.
All the way up the line,
跑腿的先做头目 然后做心腹 最后做老大
connected guy to wise guy to skipper to boss.
-是的 我懂 -你懂?
-Yeah, I know that. -You know?
-是啊 -你懂什么?
-Yeah. -What do you know?
It’s kind of like the army, like a chain of command.
军队? 一点都不像军队
The army? It ain’t nothing like the army.
The army is some guy you don’t know
要你干掉另一帮你不了解的家伙 这才是军队
sends you out to whack some other guy you don’t know. Army.
-明天跟我去看看吗? -好 好的
-You want to check in with me tomorrow? -Yeah, all right.
I don’t know how the fuck you knew that ring was a fugazy.
-明天见 -好 再见
-I’ll see you tomorrow. -Yeah, so long.
珠宝商唐是个好商人 但不会赚大钱
Don the Jeweler is a good earner. He ain’t a leech.
他很本份 只是个珠宝商
He keeps to himself. He’s a jewel guy.
-他从哪儿来的 基利? -佛罗里达
-Where’s he from, Jilly? -Florida.
-佛罗里达 -是个珠宝商
-Florida. -He’s a jewel guy.
-具体是哪里? 是海边吗? -不 不是海边
-But Florida where? The beach? -No, not the beach.
I don’t know.
Wherever the fuck the Dodgers have spring training.
He’s a stand-up guy?
我只是认识他 老左 又没和他上过床
I said I knew him, Left. I didn’t say I fucked him.
你 过来
Hey, you. Come here!
Come here.
你说什么 基利? 什么事?
What do you say, Jilly? How you doing?
我朋友老左问起你 别丢我的脸 知道?
My friend Lefty’s asking about you. Don’t embarrass me, capisce?
我不会的 你知道的 基利
I wouldn’t do that to you. You know that, Jilly.
对 不然的话我们就把你给做了
Because if you do, one of us is gonna whack you out.
That’s not good.
基利 坐回去吧
All right, Jilly. Go back to your bath.
-保重 孩子 -你也保重
-Take care, kid. -Good to see you.
好了 我介绍你时
When I introduce you, I’m gonna say,
“This is a friend of mine.” That means you’re a connected guy.
If I said instead, “This is a friend of ours,”
that would mean you’re a made guy.
我的朋友 我们的朋友
Yeah, “friend of mine.” “Friend of ours.”
那我怎称呼你呢? 我们的朋友? 还是…
What do I call you? “Friend of ours,” or…
You keep your mouth shut about me.
懂了吗? 唐
Know what I’m saying? Hey, Don.
You got a couple of fazools?
-我有点事情 急用 -了解
-I got some things I got to take care of. -Yeah.
需要多少 一百?
What do you want? $100?
What are you doing?
A wise guy don’t carry his money in a wallet.
他会把钱卷起来 像这样
A wise guy carries money in a roll. Like this. See?
正面朝外 就这样 走吧
Beaner on the outside. Like that. Come on.
That mustache.
去剃了吧 那是不允许的
You got to get rid of that mustache, ’cause that’s against the rules.
去买♥♥条裤子 别跟牛仔似的
And get a pair of pants, will you? This ain’t a fucking rodeo.
要穿得像我一样 这是我家
Dress like I dress. This is my family.
-比我自己家更像我家 -这样可以吗?
-More even than my own family. -Is that right?
-我没有家 -你没有家?
-I don’t got a family. -You don’t got a family?
我是孤儿 我在孤儿院长大的
No, I’m an orphan. I grew up in an orphanage.
别担心 没事 就把它当自己家
Ain’t the question, even if you had a family.
你觉得它是你家 它就是你的家了
If this is your family, then this is your family.
-懂我意思吗? -懂
-You know what I’m saying? -Yeah.
I’m freezing my balls off.
What do we got to be standing outside all day in the cold for?
-我们当标志杆 -南极的标志杆
-Got to show the flag. -The flag of fucking Antarctica.
-你们去哪儿? -老左
-What’s going on? -Hey, Lefty.
-左兄 忙啥呢? -这是唐尼 我的朋友
-Lefty, what do you say? -This is Donnie, a friend of mine.
How you doing?
The good news is my dick is now a popsicle.
-桑尼 -桑尼 你好
-Hi, Sonny. -Hey, Sonny, how you doing?
Sonny Red.
-这人是谁? -这是唐尼 是我的朋友
-Who’s this guy? -This is Donnie, a friend of mine.
Just stand there and look dangerous, friend.
他看上去很危险 真的吗?
He does look dangerous, don’t he?
这周钱交了吗? 但愿如此
You gonna make this week’s vig? I hope so.
因为我不想亲自来找你 听到了吗?
‘Cause I don’t want to have to come looking for you. You hear me?
