-我担♥保♥他 我可能会没命的 -他可能也会
-If I vouch for the guy, I could wind up dead. -So could he.
You’re not the only one out there risking your life, bud.
I’ll let you know.
I’ll get back to you.
He’ll let us know?
-晚上好 几位? -五位
-Good evening. How many? -Five.
我老婆说日本菜很流行 她从普拉达杂♥志♥上看到的
My wife says it’s very in, Japanese. She read about it in Parade magazine.
Very big now.
请坐 请脱鞋
Have seat. Take off shoes. Please.
-这是什么东西? -海鲜什么的
-What kind of food is this? -It’s fish.
-请脱鞋 -开玩笑吗?
-Please, take off shoes. -Are you kidding me?
那你把裤子脱了 这算什么嘛?
Take off your pants. What’s that?
I’m afraid it’s necessary.
-这是日本人的习俗 -是吗?
-It’s Japanese tradition. -Is that right?
-得了吧 我就不脱 -这恐怕不行
-Forget about it, I ain’t doing it. -I’m afraid it’s necessary.
Forget it, I ain’t taking my fucking shoes off.
-喂 唐尼 -怎么?
-Hey, Donnie. -What?
When in Rome…
尼克 谁赢了那场战争
Nicky, who won the fucking war?
战争? 什么战争?
War? What war?
我们赢的那场 你想再打一仗吗?
We did. Do you want to fight it again?
-脱下你的鞋 -我就不脱
-Take off your shoes. -I ain’t gonna do it.
-脱了吧 -就不
-Take your shoes off. -I ain’t taking my shoes off.
I want to eat sometime tonight.
Take off your shoes, or I’m gonna chop off your fucking feet.
桑尼 你要我♥干♥什么?
What do you want me to do?
You want me to take orders from a fucking Jap?
就因为我家人在冲绳被日本人杀害 我才在孤儿院长大
I grew up in an orphanage because my old man was killed in Okinawa.
You think I’m taking my shoes off for this fucking prick?
不 我绝不
No, I ain’t doing it.
I’m afraid it’s necessary.
听着 我这朋友是不会脱他的鞋子的 杉本先生
Listen, my friend’s not gonna take off his shoes there, Mr. Moto.
I’m afraid it’s necessary.
而且我们也不脱了 趁我没揍你请带我们入座
Neither are the rest of us. So give us a table before I smack you.
You must take off your shoes.
-你喜欢鞋? 你♥他♥妈♥的 -按住他
-You like shoes, you fuck? -Get him down!
You like shoes?
Let me get in there.
Slant-eyed motherfucker!
-好了 我们走 -你这杂种
-Come on. Let’s go. -Son of a bitch!
-揍他 唐尼 -笨猪
-Watch him, Donnie! -Stupid fuck!
唐尼 揍得他满地找牙 揍死他
Kick the shit out of him, Donnie! Kick him!
Use those fucking boots!
别动 你♥他♥妈♥的别动
Don’t you move, you fuck. Don’t you fucking move.
You like shoes, you fuck?
Slant-eyed motherfucker!
-好了 我们走吧 -狗♥娘♥养♥的
-Come on. Let’s go. -Son of a bitch!
小心 唐尼
Watch him, Donnie!
Stupid fuck!
揍他 揍死他 唐尼
Kick the shit out of him, Donnie! Kick him!
Mind your own business.
回家去 回去吧
Just go home! Go home!
回家去 你这贱♥货♥
Go home, you miserable bitch.
你在做什么? 桑尼准备开工了
What you doing? Sonny’s ready to start.
他还没开始 你想要他把尿撒在地板上?
He’s not done yet. You want him to piss all over the fucking floor?
雪茄 他们卖♥♥50元一盒
…not sharing the cigars. Up the block, they sell for $50 a box.
We could sell them for $25.
你先给你马子弄两 三盒 让她干啥她就会干啥
You give two or three of those to a broad, she’ll do anything you want.
那我给老婆点 她岂不是会做饭了
Give three Quaaludes to Brenda. Maybe she’d cook.
I doubt it.
I got a guy that’s in the middle of this load of Sergio Valentes.
A dime on the vig.
-你这月收了多少保护费? -10万
-So, what do you got on the street? -$100,000.
That should be $250,000 by the end of the year.
我能以低价拿到这些货 我能找人来运
I can get these real cheap and I got a guy who can move them.
Will you fucking stop that?
How else am I supposed to open this?
Open sesame!
A score’s a score.
你看这个 有一百对
Boss, look what I got here. It’s 100 pairs.
Sonny Red’s got $1 million a month with his trucks in Jersey.
我们能干什么? 去停车场收费?
What do I get? Steak knives and parking meters.
应该去抢辆油车 现在油值钱
We ought to hijack an oil tanker. There’s a lot of money in oil.
You know something?
我有个佛罗里达的朋友 他说那里很有市场
There’s a guy I know down in Florida. He says it’s wide open down there.
-在佛罗里达的哪里? -佛罗里达的海边
-Where in Florida? -Florida. The beach.
The whole economy’s moving down there. They call it the Sun Belt.
经济不好 我们就赚不到大钱?
The economy’s got to be good for us to make any real money.
You don’t think they got their own wise guys in Florida?
佛罗里达和亚利桑那 因为能源危机
Florida and Arizona because of the energy crisis.
I heard a whole conversation on the Long John Neville Show.
而在这里 数千人去追逐那些蝇头小利
Problem up here, you got 3,000 wise guys all chasing the same fucking nickel.
你是从佛罗里达来的吧? 唐尼
You’re from down there, Florida, Donnie?
Lot of parking meters down in Florida.
You guys think this is funny?
现在是我当家 我得给上面交代
I’m the skipper now. I gotta answer!
每月要给鲁斯提五万块 我受够了
$50,000 a month, I kick up to Rusty. Every month!
One day, I’m gonna die.
我要死在这间房♥子里 和你们一起
I’m gonna be here in this same room with all these same fucking guys
talking about the same fucking scams
that never amount to nothing!
That’s how I’ll know that I’ve been sent to fucking hell.
乔 再给这些混混喝一点 他们反正也就好这口
Joe, give these humps another drink. It’s all they’re good for.
I tell you right now,
we better start earning or somebody’s gonna get clipped.
唐尼 你干嘛会提起去佛州呢?
Why did you inject that, Donnie, with Florida?
你在说什么? 我什么都没提
What are you talking about? I didn’t inject nothing.
是你提出的 别跟我说没有
You injected that. Don’t tell me no.
我了解你 你说话都是有目的的
I know you. You don’t say nothing unless there’s a reason for it.
现在 这个佛罗里达的家伙是谁?
Now, who is this fucking guy in Florida?
谁也不是 只是一个我住在哪里的时候认识的人
Nobody. He’s a guy I knew when I lived down there, that’s all.
You vouch for this guy?
算了吧 我只是随便说说
Hey, come on. That was bullshitting around.
随便说说? 你认为黑桑只是说废话?
Bullshitting around? What, you think Sonny Black is just bullshitting around?
我知道什么? 我不知道 你说你知道他不是?
What do I know? I don’t… You know… You think he wasn’t?
好了 听我说 唐尼 我都不知道我要对谁发誓
Yeah, well… Listen to me, Donnie, I don’t know what to swear on.
对我死去的父亲 我爱的妈妈还是我的孩子
My dead father, my mother who I love, my children.
我向你发誓 唐尼 有些事是你不知道的
I swear to you, Donnie, something is going on you don’t know about.
-我和他说了点话 -能说会道的家伙
-I was making conversation with the guy. -Mr. Smart Conversation,
you tell me what happens
if Sonny Black decides he wants to go to Florida?
Who said he’s going to go to Florida?
唐尼 你别以为你能瞒得了我
Donnie, don’t think you can pull the wool over my eyes.
I see you siding up to Sonny Black.
With my eyes, I’m looking at you. You’re doing it.
-得了吧 -我没有讨好桑尼
-Come on. -I ain’t siding up to Sonny Black.
他要去了佛州 出什么事你得负责
He goes to Florida, you’re responsible.
我也要负责 因为我要代表你
And I’m responsible because I represent you.
老左 好了 我只是随便说说
Come on. I was just bullshitting around.
Sonny Black is one big, fat, fucking snake in the…
-草原 草原上的蛇 -现在还不能这样说
-Grass. Snake in the grass. -You can’t say that now.
现在是他当家 别乱讲他
Sonny Black is a skipper. You don’t open your mouth about him.
老左 是里奇的电♥话♥ 他说
Lefty, this fucking guy Richie calls me up. He says,
“I’m getting hassled by a couple of half-assed wise guys.”
他被那些家伙烦得不行了 所以想找人跟他合伙
He’s looking for a partner to give him a little peace of mind.
-他有一家夜♥总♥会♥ -夜♥总♥会♥?
-He’s got this nightclub to run down there. -A nightclub?
对 一家单身酒吧 靠海边
Got a singles bar. It’s near the beach.
I got two grenades in my house.
I’d blow up all Mulberry Street before I’d give you up. You understand?
I don’t know what I would do if you did something wrong.
