得了 桑尼 那家伙在耍你玩呢
Oh, come on, Sonny. That guy’s busting your balls down there.
I wanna know.
I wanna know what you got going on down here.
我不懂 桑尼
I don’t understand, Sonny.
You wanna know about every half-assed scam that’ll amount to nothing?
That’s right.
I don’t mean any disrespect.
我的意思是 我知道你是大哥 而我微不足道
I mean, I know you’re a skipper and I’m a nobody,
but I can’t do that to Lefty.
听着 鸟人 小心我做了你
Listen to me, you cocksucker, I’ll eat your fucking balls for breakfast.
你明白吗? 你们每一个人
You understand me? Every fucking one of you.
这是性命攸关的事 不是什么该死的游戏
This is life or death. Not a fucking game, Donnie.
这是我说的这样 现在 你告诉我
This is my say-so. Now, you tell me.
我做不到 桑尼
I can’t do it, Sonny.
How about if I fucking whack you right here and now?
Do what you have to do, Sonny.
I can’t do that to Lefty.
-妈妈 帮帮我好吗? -你好?
-Mommy, I need some help. -Hello?
-Hey. -Hey.
-太紧了 -我来了 宝贝
-It’s too tight. -Here, sweetie.
-我在佛罗里达 -你在佛罗里达干嘛?
-I’m in Florida. -What are you doing in Florida?
我也不知道 算是钓海龟吧
I don’t know. I’m hunting for turtles.
你以为我在干什么? 我是在工作
What do you think I’m doing in Florida? Honey, I’m working.
今天只有12度 把外套给我穿上
It’s 12 degrees here. Excuse me, you’re wearing this coat!
年轻的小姐 你得把外套穿上
Young lady, you are wearing this coat.
-婊♥子♥ -你说什么?
-Bitch. -What did you call me?
-家里还好吧? -你刚才说什么?
-Is everything all right? -What did you…
我要是说不好又怎样? 会有什么不同吗?
What if I said no, Joe? Would it make any difference?
-恐怕不会? -那就别问了 过来 起来
-I guess not. -So don’t ask me. Come on, stand up.
约翰·伟恩死了 举国哀掉
“John Wayne dead. Nation mourns.”
How can John Wayne die?
The fucking Indians got him.
“Old-fashioned family man. Ruled with an iron hand.”
Look at that.
Let me talk to Kerry. I want to talk about the Communion.
拜托 她都不想参加了
My God, Joe. She doesn’t want to do it.
你说什么? 她不能说不去就不去
What do you mean? She ain’t got no choice.
-快把外套穿好 -把电♥话♥给她 玛吉
-You are wearing this coat! -Put her on the phone, Maggie.
我不知道几时再能给你电♥话♥ 她不知道怎么吃圣餐?
I don’t know when I can call again. Does she know not to bite the wafer?
我不知道 但是她已经决定了
I don’t know. She’s acting out or something.
-我下周回来一趟 -多谢
-I’ll be back next week. -Thank you.
Maggie, I promise I’ll get back for her Communion.
-你那件看来也不行 -别和你妹妹闹
-Yours doesn’t look any better. -Don’t start it with your sister.
-乔 我要出去了 -什么?
-Joe, I got to go. -What?
我爱你 真是的
I love you. Shit.
-给谁打电♥话♥? 里奇吗? -不是 桑尼说什么啦?
-Who’s that on the phone? Richie? -No. What did Sonny say?
-跟桑尼说酒吧的事啦? -没有 我还以为你说了
-You told Sonny about the club? -No, I thought you did.
-别提起就是了 打电♥话♥给里奇吧 -好的
-Just shut up about it. Call Richie. -All right.
Big guy like Santo Trafficante, he’s been around
since the Mustache Petes.
You gotta respect the man.
-唐尼 你弄到船了吗? -没 我正在想办法
-Donnie, you get that boat yet? -No, I’m working on it.
别说不行 你要想办法搞定
Don’t tell me no. You got to get that boat.
我已找过他们了 他手下人说他很喜欢船
I reached out already. His man says, “Lefty, he loves boats.”
I told him a 100-foot boat. I’m on the clothesline now.
我知道 我正在想办法
I told you, I’m working on it.
-你可别让我失望 -我让你失望过吗?
-Don’t disappoint me again, please. -Again? Since when did I disappoint you?
得了吧 这是什么?
Forget about it. What’s this?
你看 我们可以互相寄送
Look at that. Same thing we call each other.
对 我的朋友 我们的朋友 对
Friend of mine, friend of ours. Good.
它是双关语 你知道吗?
But there’s the double meaning. You get it?
-懂我的意思吗? -是的
-Know what I mean? -Yeah.
-做老板的会喜欢的 -是的
-A boss appreciates a thing like that. -Yeah.
-很有讽刺意味 -是的
-The irony of it. -Yeah, irony.
别提了 再放个小礼物进去
Forget about it. Put a beaner inside here,
then he knows these are men of men.
You see, if I work out the strategy right,
you got to hold up your end now.
-懂我的意思吗? -是的
-You know what I’m saying? -Yeah, I know.
You got to hold up your end now. You know what I’m saying?
这个多少钱? 唐尼 你要吗?
How much is this? Donnie, you got something on you?
-你在干什么? -5元怎么样?
-What are you doing there? -How about here’s $5?
-你干的很棒 -什么?
-You’re doing an amazing job, you know. -What?
-我们都是这样想的 -是的 绝对是
-I mean, we all think so. -Yeah. Absolutely.
For crying out loud. Fuck.
-能问你一个问题吗? -什么问题?
-Can I ask you something? -What?
什么是”得了吧”? 什么意思?
What’s “forget about it”? What is that?
“得了吧” 就是说…
“Forget about it” is like
if you agree with someone.
象拉古是个大傻瓜 你就说得了吧
Like, “Raquel Welch is one great piece of ass.” “Forget about it.”
But then, if you disagree, like, “A Lincoln is better than a Cadillac?
“Forget about it.”
It’s also like if something is the greatest thing in the world.
这胡椒 得了吧 懂了吗?
Like “Minghia, those peppers! Forget about it!” You know?
It’s also like saying, “Go to hell,” too.
比如说 鲍利 你那东西只有一寸长
Like, “Paulie, you got a one-inch pecker.”
鲍利就可以说 得了吧
And Paulie says, “Forget about it.”
得了吧 鲍利 得了吧
Forget about it. “Paulie, forget about it.”
Sometimes it just means, forget about it.
好了 太感谢了 我懂了
All right. Thank you very much. I got it.
告诉你们 要是我还没给老左弄到船
Let me tell you something. I don’t get this boat for Lefty…
-什么? 又得了吧 -真♥他♥妈♥得了吧?
-Forget about it? -Fucking forget about it.
你知道那个行动吗? 叫什么来着?
You know that sting operation? What do you call it?
Where the agents dress up like Arabs and try to bribe congressmen?
-他们有条船在这儿 -什么?
-They got a boat down here. -What?
-“阿♥拉♥伯人贿赂号♥” -太好了 就是阿巴斯康号♥
-Abscam. -That’s right. It’s Abscam.
是吗? 我们能弄到它?
Yeah? Could we get it?
Forget about it.
Son of a bitch!
来吧 狗娘…
Come on, son of…
Fucking Donnie.
老左 你不会相信这些的
Hey, Lefty, you’re not gonna fucking believe this.
-你在给我开玩笑 是吗? -什么?
-You think this is some joke, huh? -What?
-你认为这很好玩? -你在说什么?
-You think this is funny, huh? -What are you talking about?
这太他妈冷了 为什么这里这么冷?
It’s fucking cold. Why is it so cold in here?
听我说 唐尼 我知道你知道 对吧
Hey, Donnie. Listen to me, Donnie. I know you know, all right?
And I know you know I know you know.
-对 -对
-Right. -Right.
What the fuck are you talking about?
我在说 我快他妈的冻死了 唐尼
I’m telling you, I’m freezing to my fucking death, Donnie.
是啊 这里简直就是格陵兰岛
Yeah, fucking Greenland in here.
这里没有按钮 按钮去哪儿了?
There’s no knob. Where’s the knob?
Thank you.
那么 你要找维修工吗? 他们有…
Well, did you call the maintenance guy? They gotta have a…
维修工 我可不要维修工 你怎么 疯了?
Maintenance. I’m not gonna call a maintenance guy. What are you, crazy?
谁知道维修工是不是一个特工? 来吧
Who knows a maintenance guy comes in, what if he’s an agent? Come on.
得了吧 他不是特工 他是他妈的清洁工
Come on, he’s not an agent. He’s a fucking janitor.
清洁工 进来 我不想让他碰
Janitor, come on. I don’t want him touching it.
放下你的手 谁知道他会在空调里装什么
Put his hands on it. Who knows what he puts in the goddamn air-conditioner.
这里 看这个 这里 看 我把它调高 来
Here, look at this. Here, look, look. I got it up to 120, here. Come on.
Ain’t no fucking… I’m not gonna have anyone going in here.
你知道什么? 那真是一个他妈的笑话
You know something? That’s a fucking practical joke.
-那就是那样的 -是个笑话?
-That’s what that is. -It’s a joke?
-是的 -在哪里? 我没听见笑话
-Yeah. -Where’s the joke? I don’t see the joke.
得了 你知道桑尼的幽默感 这他妈就是桑尼的杰作
Come on, you know Sonny’s sense of humor. It’s Sonny fucking around.
-你认为这是桑尼干的 -是的
-You think this is Sonny? -Yeah.
-桑尼? -是的
-Sonny? -Yeah.
桑尼这样对我? 不是黑桑 我告诉你
Sonny did this to me? This is not Sonny Black, my friend.
不 这是你 唐尼 你♥他♥妈♥个鸟人 是你吗?
No. This is you, Donnie. You fucking cocksucker, it’s you!
