Home 历史电影 敦刻尔克(1958)



If I don’t get any more by Monday I’ll ration you. No more doubles.
别这样 阿尔弗雷德 你可以得到一些在旁边
Come off it, Alfred. You can get some on the side. I can’t live without Scotch.
What are you kicking about?
You could always turn a little petrol into a little whiskey.
Wouldn’t you?
It’s a lovely war.
How many buckles have you turned out this week?
200多 我想知道 军队必须有皮带扣
200 gross, I should wonder. The army’s gotta have buckles.
Especially if it’s caught with its pants down.
不过 我想 总得有人去做
Still, I suppose somebody’s gotta make ’em.
感谢我们的明星 我们没有穿他们 – 查尔斯
Thank our stars we’re not wearing ’em. – Charles.
给我们一点 先生
Give us another pint, guvnor.
Well, one does what one can.
他们把它做为后备职业 我没有
They made it a reserved occupation, I didn’t.
不管怎样 我会再做什么吗?
Anyway, would I have done any more
sitting on my backside in France for six months? Would I?
一个新生儿 200公斤的皮带扣
A new baby, 200 gross of buckles,
unlimited petrol, and all the whiskey you want.
你处境幸运 不是吗 霍尔顿?
You’re sitting pretty, aren’t you, Holden?
是的 这是一场可爱的战争
Yes, it is a lovely war.
如果你在我的位置上 你不会吗?不是每个人吗?不是每个人吗?
Wouldn’t you if you were in my place? Wouldn’t everybody? Doesn’t everybody?
无论如何 战争是个该死的骗子 – 我有点厌倦了
The war’s a blasted phoney anyway. – I’m a bit tired of that.
厌倦了什么? – 这个虚张声势的战争业务
Tired of what? – This phoney war business.
不是吗? – 不 不是
Isn’t it? – No, it’s not.
我出院10天后 乘一只敞舱船离开了法拉群岛
I’ve come out of hospital after ten days in an open boat off the Faroes.
我厌烦了陆上干轻松工作的家伙 到外面去!
I’m sick of blokes with softjobs ashore. Come outside!
Now don’t be silly.
我失去了两根手指 但是我会带你出来揍你
I’ve lost two fingers, but I’ll take you out and knock your block off.
别紧张 没有必要
Take it easy. No need for that.
对不起 我很抱歉
I’m sorry, I apologise.
如果你坚持 我会在外面 – 那没什么好处
I’ll come outside, if you insist. – That won’t do any good.
这不是他的错 这是我们大家的错
It’s not his fault. It’s the fault of all of us.
你们让我恶心 你们所有人
You make me sick, all of you.
对你来说 这可能是一场假战争 但并不是所有在海上的小伙子们
It may be a phoney war to you but it’s not to all the boys at sea.
It never has been.
查尔斯 我们最好回家
Charles, we better be getting home.
晚安 霍尔顿先生
Good night, Mr.. Holden.
You treat this whole thing as a personal issue.
那几乎是一场战斗 可怜的霍尔顿会得到它的
That was nearly a fight. Poor Holden would’ve got it.
霍尔顿去见鬼 他让我恶心
To blazes with Holden. He makes me sick.
他更像是在这个国家 到处都是一样的
He’s like a lot more in this country. It’s the same everywhere.
is this supposed to be a war effort?
You’re getting to be a bit of a pain in the neck about this war effort.
You don’t see it any more than anyone.
众议院的辩论 它把我们带到哪里了?
This debate in the House, where’s it got us?
Chamberlain is settled in as comfortably as ever,
patting us on the head saying everything will be all right
so little squirts like Holden can sit on their fat subcontracts
and make more money than in peacetime.
如果我们输掉这场战争 值得吗?
What’ll it be worth if we lose this war?
We haven lost it.
不要告诉我下一步 当我们几乎被击败时 我们总是处于最佳状态
Don’t tell me next we’re always at our best when we’re nearly beaten
和诸如此类的废话 如果你问我 我们就快挨打了
and all that bilge. If you ask me, we are nearly beaten.
查尔斯 看在上帝的份上 做个人类吧
Charles, for goodness sake, be human.
I know you feel we’re making a mess,
but it’s not the fault of people like Holden.
他们正在尽最大努力 做他们被告知的事
They’re doing their best and doing what they’re told.
他抱怨他的妻子一点 这没什么大不了的
He fusses about his wife a bit. Nothing much wrong with that.
不用把自己撕成碎片 查尔斯
No use tearing yourself to pieces, Charles.
是的 但我们都是这样的傻瓜
Yes, but we’re all being such fools.
Poor old Charles.
你想徒手去抓他 不是吗?
You’d like to get at him with your bare hands, wouldn’t you?
就我所能看到的 这就是我们所拥有的
As far as I can see that’s all we’ve got.
Our bare hands.
They’re flags left over from the last war.
They just bring ’em out every 20 years.
Says a lot for the popularity of our fathers.
你是对的 塔比 那可能是你同父异母的姐姐
You’re right there, Tubby. That could be your half-sister,
except she’s too good-looking.
She’s as ugly as Punch’s sore-eyed dog.
喂 嘿!
Oi, oi!
It seems strange having to leave prepared positions.
You think we’d have to wait for Jerry to appear.
我们要到达德里河 那是防守位置
We’re going up to the river Dijle to hold a defensive position.
We sit up on a hill by the French to connect up with the Belgians,
like closing a door.
我们就在门口 嗯? – 是啊 没错
And we’re the door, eh? – Yeah, that’s right.
At least so the major said.
Yeah? Supposing someone puts their foot in the bloody door?
That is the end of the communiqu? Any questions?
比利时前锋破了吗 先生?
Has the Belgian front broken, sir?
is it true they’ve attacked in force on either side of Sedan?
德国坦克在布鲁塞尔之外? – 先生们 一次一个 请
German tanks outside Brussels? – Gentlemen, one at a time, please.
The situation is fluid in the highest degree.
The main fighting has not yet begun.
The information that I’ve given you is…
命令撤退吗 先生? – 撤退?
Orders to fall back, sir? – Fall back?
告诉其他中士 – 是的先生
Tell the other sergeant. – Yes, sir.
先生 我们回来了
We’re pulling back, sir.
走吧 我们正在拉回来
Get moving, we’re pulling back.
把它包起来 我们拉回来
Pack it up, we’re pulling back.
为什么? – 问流血的将军 我不知道
Why? – Ask the bleeding generals. I dunno.
They’re still the other side of the river.
我不知道 我们必须在19:00之前离开这里 开始行动!
I don’t know. We’ve got to be out of here by 19:00 hours. Get moving!
对不起 先生们 我没有更多的要说
I am sorry, gentlemen. I have nothing further to say.
据报道 加来受到严重的攻击
It has been reported that Calais has been heavily attacked.
Is it true Boulogne has fallen?
Let the first car get on the bridge.
Blast! He’s twigged it.
Let him have it! Now!
对!同你的装备一起行动! – 来吧 小伙子们!
Right! Get your gear together and run! – Come on, boys!
好的 大家好吗? – 是的 先生
OK, all of you? – Yes, sir.
要让他们一点 我们回到单位去吧
That should hold ’em for a bit. Let’s get back to the unit.
加倍快速 降低重心
Double up and quick. Keep low.
先生 前方观察哨没有人
There’s nobody in the forward observation post, sir.
一定有 – 不 先生
There must be. – No, sir.
先生 没有人在壕沟里
Nobody in the trenches either, sir.
Looks empty.
The Vehicles are there.
这是C公♥司♥的第二辆货车 昨晚传送走了
That’s C Company’s second truck. Transmission went last night.
布朗式轻机♥枪♥也在 没有人在那里
That Bren’s U/S, too. There’s nobody there.
没有人 先生
There’s nobody there, sir.
Get the stuff off as quickly as you can.
非常好 先生 来吧 小伙子 把他们捡起来
Very good, sir. Come on, lads, pick ’em up.
真是怪事 我不知道发生了什么事
That’s a rum go. I wonder what’s happened.
部门昨晚撤出 – 去哪儿?
Division pulled out last night. – Where to?
西部 先生 专家说 集中在阿♥拉♥斯和伦斯之间
West, sir. Concentrating between Arras and Lens, the major said.
告诉我等你 先生
Told me to wait for you, sir.
Look out! Get to cover!
你没事吧 塔比? – 是的 我没事
You all right, Tubby? – Yeah, I am all right.
What about the others?
迈克在哪里? – 我想 他躲在那里
Where’s Mike? – He ducked down over there, I think.
来吧 让我们有你!迈克 你在哪里?
Come on, let’s have you! Mike, where are you?
在这里 – 你没事吧?
Down here. – You all right?
我当然没事 – 那你在干什么?
Of course I’m all right. – What are you doing down there then?
I’m trying to get out of this bloody hedge.
Everybody OK?
这么快就回来了 – 是啊 公♥司♥在哪里?
That was quick. – Yeah. Where’s the company?
大家都去哪了? – 拿出 一切都过去了
Where is everybody? – Pulled out. Everything gone.
是的 但在哪里?
Yeah, but where?