< 天伦梦觉 在北加州的圣塔路西亚山脉 晦暗的耸立着像道墙般 分隔着平静的农村萨里纳 和蒙特瑞粗陋不堪的渔港 相隔约25公里 1917年 蒙特端 城市边界外 好大一笔存款 莎莉 你选对行业啦 Nice fat deposit. You're sure in the right business, Sally. 谢谢 早安 Thank you. Well, good morning. 存款 Deposit. 又一笔存款 Another nice deposit. -你和 莎莉 真是选对行了 -我赶时问 -You and Sally are in the right business. -I'm in a hurry, please. 嗨 凯特 Hi, Kate. 你清理好对面的房♥子了 Have you cleaned the house across the way? 我没时问 I haven't had time yet. 你应该先把那件事做完 You should always do that one first. 安 Anne! 过来 Come here. 过来 Come here. 你以前看过那边那个孩子吗 Did you ever see that kid out there before? 他昨晚好像有去酒吧 I think maybe he was in the bar last night. 叫 乔 过来 Send Joe in. 乔 Joe. 嗨 漂亮男孩 Hello, Pretty Boy. -凯特 找我吗 -对 你往窗外看看 -Call me, Kate? -Yeah. Take a look out the window. 从进去银行到出来 那个孩子一直跟踪我 There's a kid who's been following me all the way to the bank and back. 过来 你这小毛头 过来 Come here, you young squirt, come here. -你找我 You want me? -你丢石头做什么 What's the idea of throwing that stone huh? 丢石头违法吗 Any law against throwing stones? 想耍狠 给我过来 Oh, you're tough, huh? Come here! 你到底在这里鬼鬼祟祟做什么 What are you hanging around here for, anyway? Huh? -她愿意跟我说话吗 -凯特 -Would she talk to me? -Kate? 为什么 你要什么 What for? What do you want? Huh? 只是想跟她说话 Just wanna talk to her. -你想要什么 -没什么 -What do you want, you? -Nothing. 你住这附近 You live around here? -你住蒙特瑞 -萨里纳 -Huh? In Monterey? -Salinas. 你叫什么名字 What's your name? 不说话 听着 You're not talking, huh? Now, look... 你干嘛跟踪凯特 why are you following Kate around? 小毛头 想干什么 What's the idea, squirt? 跟着人家走又没有违法 Any law against following around the town... 夫人 你怎么称呼她 madam, whatever you call her? 我不知道有没有违法 但她不喜欢你这样 I don't know if there's any law against it, but she don't like it. 她也拥有那边那栋房♥子 不是吗 She owns that house over there too, don't she? 但你别想在这闲转 小毛头 你太年轻了 But don't you go hanging around there, squirt. You're too young. 现在快走吧 Now come on. Now beat it. 那是她的真名吗 Well, is that her real name? 啊 Huh? 凯特 是她的真名吗 Kate. Is that her real name? 当然 至少我所知如此 怎样 Sure, as far as I know. Why? 那她姓什么 Well, what's her last name? 这里没有人用姓的 孩子 为什么要问 Nobody's got any last name around here, kid. Why? 啊 Huh? 你跟她说 我恨她 Well, you tell her I hate her. 我早该直接过去 I should have gone right on in there. 我早该直接过去跟她说话的 Should have gone right on in there and talked to her. 卡尔昨晚没回家 老天 老爸会给他一顿好受的 Cal wasn't home all night. Boy, is he gonna catch it from Dad. -你知道班上女孩子都怎么叫他的 -怎么叫 -You know what girls in class call him? -No, what? -小偷 -哈哈哈 -The Prowler. -Ha-ha-ha. -我要告诉他 -艾伦 最好不要 -I'll tell him that. -You better not, Aron. -答应我你不会 -为什么不 -Promise me. -Why not? 拜托嘛 我不要你 Please don't. I don't want you... -嗨 卡尔 -嗨 -Hi, Cal. -Hi. 哈罗 卡尔 Hello, Cal. 很抱歉我刚才在说你 Excuse me for talking. 我们要去看老爸要买♥♥的那栋冰库 We're going down to see the icehouse that Dad's gonna buy. -你想去吗 -什么冰库 -Do you wanna come? -What icehouse? 他想买♥♥来冷冻蔬菜的那个 The one he's buying to freeze the vegetables with. 他从上礼拜起说不停地 谈着那个冰库 He's been talking about it every night for the last week. 老爸会在那儿吗 Dad gonna be there? 当然 他要买♥♥呀 Why, sure, he's gonna buy it. 那我不去 Well, I'll skip it. 卡尔 你总有一天会跟他见面的 You're gonna have to see him sometime, Cal. -走吧 -嗨 艾伦 -Come on. -Hey, Aron. -嗯 -你怎么不问我去了哪里 -Yeah? -Why don't you ask me where I've been? 你会说吗 Would you tell me? -不 -那我又何必问 -No. -Then what's the use of my asking? -老爸生我的气吗 -你整晚都没回家耶 -Is Dad mad at me? -Well, you were out all night. 他很担 He was worried. 当然罗 Yeah, I bet. 你到底要不要去 Well, you gonna come or not? 好吧 我们晚赛时再见 Okay. I'll see you at supper. 他来了 He's coming. 他来了 He's coming. 你看 威尔 我从看过的文章得到灵感 You see, Will, I got the idea from an article I read. 他们从西伯利亚某处掘出一头乳齿象 They dug up a mastodon somewhere in Siberia. 在冰里埋藏了好几千年 肉质仍然完好 Been in the ice for thousands of years and the meat was still good. 乳齿象 Mastodon? 你有什么话要说 Well, what have you got to say for yourself? 这是我儿子 卡尔 This is my son, Cal. 你在他那个年纪一定认为 When you were his age, I imagine you thought it only right... 在外过夜之前 会先让你父亲知道 to let your father know before you stayed out all night. 至少在你终于回家时 该道个歉吧 Or at least to offer some kind of apology when you did come home. 唉 时代不同啦 Well, times change. 刚才说到 乳齿象是大象的一种 Well, as I was saying, a mastodon is a kind of elephant. 并没有在地球上活了多久 Hasn't lived on the Earth for a long while. -而肉质仍然鲜美 -群美得像猪排 -And the meat was still fresh? -Sweet as a pork chop. 你以前对这个都没这么有兴趣 You're more excited about this than you've been for a long time. 现在我有兴趣多了 对吧 Now, I seem to be, don't I? 看 威尔 我在这农场上 过着一成不变的生活 See, Will, I've been sort of in a rut out there in the ranch. -16 17年来 我与世隔绝 -我知道 -Sixteen, seventeen years, I've kept out of things. -I know. 但现在我却觉得 要是我能做点事 But now I feel that if I could only do something... 在我死之前 做点有进展的事情 some little thing for, before I die, some little thing for progress, uh... 或者做点对人有益的事 随你怎么说都行 for people, maybe. Call it anything you want. 或许能弥补我无所事事的这几年 I might make up for all the years I've been lying fallow. 所以我最近看了很多关于冷藏的书籍 So lately I've been reading up all I can about refrigeration. 我脑中不断盘旋着 只要温度够冷 And I can't get it out of my head that you can keep anything good... 就能保持一切完好的念头 就像那头乳齿象 as long as you can get it cold enough. Like that mastodon there. -午安 艾伯拉 -午安 崔斯克先生 -Good afternoon, Abra. -Good afternoon, Mr. Trask. -哈罗 汉米顿先生 -嗨 -Hello, Mr. Hamilton. -Hello. -嗨 儿子 -嗨 老爸 -Hello, son. -Hi, Dad. 我儿子 艾伦 认为 我这个想法不错 Now my son, uh, Aron, that is, thinks I may have a good idea here. 老爸把一颗莴苣包进蜡纸 Dad wrapped a head of lettuce in wax paper... 然复放进我们的冰库 过了三个礼拜 and kept it in our icebox for over three weeks... -拿出来复还是新鲜完好 对吧 -没错 儿子 -and it still came out fresh and good. Right? -Quite right, son. 老爸 我们四处看看行吗 Dad, is it all right if we look around? 当然 现在是属于我们的了 Course, Aron. Belongs to us now. 你知道冬天时 最大的蔬菜市场在哪里 Do you know where the biggest market for vegetables is in the winter? -哪里 -纽约市 -Where? -New York City. 蔬菜无法在那里生长 And they can't raise them there. 但我们可以把水果装到车厢里通过铁路运输 But the rail road had promised me those fruit cars. 卡尔 你难道没有话要跟我说 Don't you have anything to say to me, Cal? -有 -是时候了 说吧 -Yeah. -It's about time. Well? 我在蒙特瑞报纸上看到 Well, I read in the Monterey newspaper... 如果我们卷入战争 that if we get into this war... 就能以此发一笔财 there are gonna be some fortunes made. 但必须要是豆子和玉米那种东西 But you're gonna make them in beans and corn, and stuff like that. -并不需要这些冰块 -你说得完全对 -You don't need all this ice. -You're perfectly right. 豆类涨了3分 想获利润就种植豆子 Beans are up to 3 cents. You wanna make a profit, you plant beans. 豆子也不易坏 对吧 And they keep too, don't they? 但我并不特别想获利 卡尔 But I'm not particularly interested in making a profit, Cal. 听着 威尔 Look here, Will.

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
