

[verb] (of time) pass or go by
[动词] (指时间)流逝或过去


Elapse 是一个与常见单词 lapse 既容易相互混淆,又同源的单词,两者都源自于拉丁语 labi (滑动、滑落、下沉、坠落;衰落、走向毁灭)。

其中, elapse 由前缀 e- (加强)+词根 laps (滑、滑走)+ e 构成,原本用来表示某物似乎悄无声息或没有察觉地滑动或滑行。

等到了17世纪40年代起, elapse 则开始主要用来表示时间“流逝、过去”,常作正式用语使用,也是侧重指时间在某一特定时间段内不知不觉地逝去,比如:

  • 他大学毕业都八年了,但还没有找到一个高薪工作。
    Eight years had elapsed since he left college and still he hadn’t found a lucrative job.
  • 一晃就是十二年过去了。他皱眉的样子依然很容易让人想起他的父亲。
    Twelve years had elapsed in a flash. The way he frowned was still strongly reminiscent of his father.


The charm of adventure sweetens that sensation, the glow of pride warms it; but then the throb of fear disturbs it; and fear with me became predominant when half-an-hour elapsed and still I was alone.

出自英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特(Charlotte Brontë)创作的具有自传色彩的长篇小说《简·爱》(Jane Eyre)。


  • Now, with your eyes closed, count several times, hitting the lap button each time you believe ten seconds have elapsed.
  • Then the physicians must ensure that less than three hours have elapsed since the stroke’s onset. Otherwise the risk of bleeding into the brain is too great.


时间流逝(Passage of Time):

  1. Time elapses – 时间流逝
  2. Minutes elapse – 分钟流逝
  3. Hours elapse – 小时流逝
  4. Days elapse – 天数流逝
  5. Weeks elapse – 周数流逝
  6. Months elapse – 月份流逝
  7. Years elapse – 年份流逝
  8. Time slowly elapses – 时间慢慢流逝
  9. Time quickly elapses – 时间快速流逝
  10. Time rapidly elapses – 时间迅速流逝

等待与耗时(Waiting and Duration):

  1. Time elapses while waiting – 在等待时时间流逝
  2. Minutes elapse during the meeting – 会议期间分钟流逝
  3. Hours elapse during the journey – 旅途中小时流逝
  4. Days elapse on vacation – 度假期间天数流逝
  5. Weeks elapse during the project – 项目期间周数流逝
  6. Months elapse during the planning process – 计划过程中月份流逝
  7. Years elapse while pursuing a degree – 追求学位时年份流逝
  8. Time elapses slowly during a boring lecture – 无聊的讲座中时间流逝缓慢
  9. Time elapses quickly when having fun – 玩得开心时时间流逝迅速
  10. Time elapses rapidly when under pressure – 在压力下时间流逝迅猛

变化与进展(Change and Progress):

  1. Time elapses, things change – 时间流逝,事物变化
  2. Years elapse, technology advances – 年份流逝,科技进步
  3. Time elapses, relationships evolve – 时间流逝,关系发展
  4. Months elapse, skills improve – 月份流逝,技能提高
  5. Time elapses, memories fade – 时间流逝,记忆褪色
  6. Time elapses, wounds heal – 时间流逝,伤口愈合
  7. Years elapse, dreams come true – 年份流逝,梦想成真
  8. Time elapses, seasons change – 时间流逝,季节更迭
  9. Months elapse, projects reach completion – 月份流逝,项目完成
  10. Time elapses, knowledge accumulates – 时间流逝,知识积累


pass: (of time or a point in time) elapse; go by
wear on: (of a period of time) pass, especially slowly or tediously
expire: (of a period of time) come to an end

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
