That’s great. I’m so glad.
我在我的国家 从未见过这样的人道关怀
I’ve never seen such a humanity in my country.
-你俩都来自巴基斯坦? -是的
– Are you both from Pakistan? – Yes.
我来自世界的另一端 我的家人来自古巴
I’m from like the other end of the world. My family is from Cuba.
– Cuba? – Yeah.
-古巴? -对
But I think he’s got a good start in life.
他很幸运 拥有你们这么好的父母 不是每个孩子都那么幸运
He’s lucky to have two wonderful parents like you. Not every child is that lucky.
作为移♥民♥的孩子 我的父母来到美国时一无所有
As the kid of immigrants who came to this country with really nothing
because everything had been taken away,
I’m so grateful to my parents
是他们创造机会 让这种事成为可能
for the opportunities to make something like this possible.
My father died almost 20 years ago now of a heart attack.
我的是非观念 我服务他人的意识
My sense of what’s right, what’s wrong, what I’m called to be in serving others,
都直接源于他和我母亲 为我们树立的榜样
I can draw a direct line to the example he and my mother have both given us.
It’s very much rooted in the religious identity of who they are
and where meaning comes for us as a family.
现在回想起来 我会觉得 “哇 多么了不起的礼物”
And now I look back and think, “Wow, what gifts,
“多么棒的世界观” 不管它是否属于另一种文化或语言
what a way to understand the world,”
whether it’s a different culture or different language.
They’re so helpful to being a doctor.
How have you been feeling, love?
你最近感觉怎么样 亲爱的?
Good, good.
I tried the empanadas from Mama’s.
鸡肉法士达 真的很好吃
The chicken fajitas. It’s really good.
Who makes the best empanadas?
-洪都拉斯人 -洪都拉斯人?
– Honduras. – Honduras?
你懂的 洪都拉斯人?
Oh, you know, Honduras?
You saw me and you were like,
“这个洪都拉斯美女 我要娶她”
“Oh, this beautiful Honduran woman. I gotta marry her.”
Medic 99. I have a transfer going to Cohen’s Children.
急救车99 我们需要 送一位病人去科恩儿童医院
A one-year-old little girl.
I’ll call you back later, okay?
我再打给你 好吗?
…发高烧 没胃口 呕吐
…high temperature, no appetite, she vomited.
需要立即转运 这是一个代码三任务
Transport is immediate. This is a code 3.
It’s okay. Look, Mommy is right here.
没事的 你看 妈妈就在这里
我在这里 达琳
I’m right here, Darlyn.
Muy bien!
You’re doing a great job. Yay!
-你可以过来 -谢谢
– You can come over here. – Thank you.
And the bag we have it over there, right?

That’ll keep her busy.
好 听着 好吗?
Okay. Listen, okay?
嗨 我叫克里斯蒂娜
Hi, my name is Kristina.
Can you please tell me in Spanish
what happened to the baby, from the beginning?
She’s been sick since Monday.
She started to get red patches around her body.
现在又红又肿 很厉害
Now it’s really red and very inflamed.
她非常疼 疼得受不了
And it’s a lot of pain for her. She can’t even handle it.
我知道了 谢谢
I see. Gracias.
You shot yourself?
-不是 -那是怎么回事?
– No. – What happened?
是意外 我叔叔开枪打中了我
By accident, my uncle shot me.
他让我看他的枪 我站起来
He showed me his gun, I got up,
不知怎么的 他开枪打中了我的背部
and the next thing I know, he shot me in the back.
很不幸 他忘了枪膛中还有一颗子弹
He forgot about the last bullet in the chamber, unfortunately.
就是这样 我的人生改变了
And that was it. And my life changed.
他很内疚 但我原谅他
He had major guilt, but I forgave him.
What kind of gun was it?
It was a Beretta.
– Do you have guns? – I– He has one.
-你有枪吗? -他有一把
-你有吗? -我也有一把
– Do you have one? – I have one too.
听着 我决心要百分百恢复正常
Listen, I am set on 100% being back to normal.
It’s not an option to me to be crippled in any kind of way.
我猜是上帝给了我这个挑战 并把我交到你的手上 所以…
I figure, God gave me this challenge and put me in your hands, so–
我不想让你失望 我讨厌让你失望
I just don’t wanna disappoint you. I hate disappointing.
-只要能做手术就行 -会做手术的
– As long as the surgery is happening. – It’s happening.
只要做手术 我就能站起来走路
If it’s happening, then I’m walking.
That’s just terrible.
I’m not a miracle worker.
I’m not gonna be able to give him his movement back.
I think he has that expectation.
枪击 四肢永久瘫痪的打击 是毁灭性的
Gunshots. Being a permanent quad is just devastating.
It’s just– your life’s just destroyed.
What the bullet did is it came in from the front like this,
它越过这个面 击碎了这个椎板 然后穿出去
it crossed this facet and then it blew out this lamina and then exited it,
and you can see that here.
子弹产生了大量能量 导致脊髓发生肿胀
What happens is so much energy’s generated from that bullet that the cord swelled.
Like it’s like a bruise.
最初我们不想为他做手术 因为他刚刚受了枪伤
First, we kind of like to not operate because he’d had a fresh gunshot.
但他想马上手术 然后去康复中心 所以我们决定实施后路融合术
He really wanted it now to go to rehab, so we decided on a posterior fusion.
很难 朗格医生会解决的
It’s tough, you know. And Doctor Langer’s gonna fix it.
我有信心 我们会成功的
I believe it. We’re gonna make it through it.
-会成功的 绝对会 -绝对会
– We will. A hundred percent. – Hundred percent.
Count your blessings.
Knock, knock.
-嗨 -你们好
– Hi. – Hello.
-嗨 麦肯齐 -嗨
– Hi, MacKenzie. – Hi.
I’m going to talk to you about something about your tracing.
你知道 由于胎儿发育迟缓 我们将对你进行引产
You know, you’re being induced because of the small baby,
但问题是 我们用了几剂引产药
but the problem is right now we give a couple of doses for induction,
which we call Cytotec.
宝宝只能承受两剂 继续使用会导致宝宝心率下降
The baby tolerated only two doses,
and after that, the baby having the heart rate drop.
每次你宫缩的时候 宝宝的心率都会下降
Every time you have a contraction, the baby’s heart rate drops.
In your situation, looking at this scenario,
we are going to proceed with a Cesarean section.
– Okay. – Um…
I know you want to have a normal delivery,
但现在事出有因 我们将很快开始 好吗?
but things happen for a reason right now, and we will go soon. Okay?
That’s why we never give you any medicine.
我们暂不用药 因为我们在观察
We hold the medicine because we’ve been watching,
and the baby is still showing me those stressing dips.
你明白我的意思吗? 你是护士 你应该明白
You know what I’m talking to you? You are a nurse, you know that.
如果你想看看 我可以让你看看监护仪
If you want me to show it, I can show you over on the monitor.
No, I looked at it while everyone was out.
不用 没人的时候我看过了
对 你很聪明
Yes. You’re smart.
The risks. What are the risks?
风险 有哪些风险?
感染的风险 出血的风险
Risk of infection, risk of bleeding,
risk of pulmonary embolism can happen also.
Chances of blood transfusion can happen.
In case of life and death situation,
你同意让我采取一切必要措施 抢救你和你的宝宝吗?
will you allow me to do whatever is necessary to save you and your baby?
Will you allow me to have a blood transfusion in case we have to?
-当然 -好的 亲爱的 会没事的 相信我
– Absolutely. – Okay, my love. It will be fine, trust me.
I do trust you.
– She fell asleep.
– Wow! – She fell asleep.
Yeah, I thought she would go to sleep in the ambulance.
对 我就知道她会在救护车里睡着
是的 她几天几夜没睡了
Yeah, and she hasn’t slept during the day or nights.

Yes. Mm-hmm.
This is the emergency department.
Want to help her register?
-嗨 这是孩子的妈妈吗? -对 这是妈妈
– Hi, is this Mom? – Yes, this is Mom.
I’m going to find you a blanket for the baby.
– Thank you. – Sure.
Hope everything goes well.
