– Thank you so much. – We’re always here to help.
-多谢了 -我们会随时帮忙的
再见 达琳!
Bye, Darlyn!
我在2009年 从中美洲的洪都拉斯来到美国
I came here in 2009 from Central America, Honduras.
2012年 我被卫生系统录用了
And in 2012, I got hired by the health system.
I’m getting to do my dream job.
在我的国家 女性很难获得机会
You know, in my country it’s really hard for them to give you a space as a female,
in that action with the ambulance and everything.
但在这里 我可以在救护车上工作
But here, I could actually work in the ambulance,
他们给我了一个角色 让我做自己喜欢的事
they actually give me a role I feel like, you know, to do my things.
她非常可爱 对吧?太可爱了
She was so sweet, right? So adorable.
-她让我想起了我表妹 -是吗?
– It reminds me of my cousin. – Yeah?
我有个患唐氏综合症的表妹 她很可爱
I have a cousin with Down syndrome, yeah. She’s very cute.
-她在这里长大还是在洪都拉斯? -在洪都拉斯 你看 她叫法比奥拉
– Raised here or in Honduras? – In Honduras. Look. Her name is Fabiola.
-噢!她真可爱 -这是我们小时候
– Oh! [giggles] She’s cute. – That’s us when we were kids.
-这是你?看你的头发! -这是我
– That’s you? Look at your hair! – That’s me.
-她真可爱 -对
– She’s adorable. – Yeah.
She was very adorable.
– Joe, you good?
乔 你还好吧?
-嗯 -告诉我什么时候
– Yeah. – Tell me when.
That’s good.
嘿 乔伊
Hey, Joey.
You’re my hero.
不 你是我的英雄
No, you’re my hero, man.
I can’t wait.
好吧 我不想让你失望…
Well, I don’t want you to be disappointed if your–
我认为手术结束后 你不会有好转
I don’t think you’re going to be better when this is done.
You’re gonna be the same… right away.
I’m gonna be better.
把护颈取下来 你这里会有好转
Get the collar off. You’ll be better up here.
This is so amazing.
我们还什么都没做呢 兄弟
We haven’t done anything yet, bro.
How do you do this?
It’s amazing.
让你意识到什么东西最重要 我猜
Makes you realize what’s important, I suppose.
Everything’s going to be fine. I believe that.
一切会很顺利的 我有信心
有很多人支持我们 感谢上帝
We have… a lot of support, thank God.
One, two, three.
He’s a survivor.
His mother passed away, he was seven years old.
He came to America, 10.
He’s a hustler.
Everything’s gonna work out.
This is the exit wound, the bullet.
它从右前颈射入 从左后方射出
It basically entered right anterior neck and exited posterior left.
乔今年40岁 有两个孩子 加上妻子 一大家子人
Joe’s 40, he has two kids, wife, like a big family.
我想他来自乌克兰 他全家都是乌克兰人
I think he’s from Ukraine. His whole family’s Ukrainian.
Obviously, this is pretty sad.
-我们要全力以赴 好吗? -大家好好干
– We’re gonna do the best we can, alright? – Let’s rock.
So let’s pray for this guy a little bit.
Deep breath.
And out.
Okay, let’s go.
好 开始
Stay on top of the bone over here.
就是这个椎面 第四和第五椎骨之间
Here’s the facet, right here between four and five.
This is the fracture.
All this mound of bone here, it’s all fractured bone.
I’m putting bone chips in now.
把那个磨碎 唐
Want to grind that up, Don? Just grind that up.
These here?
What the bullet did is it blew out the whole lamina,
which is the part of the back of the spine.
What we’re going to do is we’ll come in the back of the spine
把一些小螺丝钉进椎板 所以…
and basically drop little screws into the facet, so…
就像一个夹子将一切固定住 防止它们移♥动♥
And that’s almost like a clamp that holds everything together and prevents motion,
这样就可以取下护颈 让他能够走动
and that will allow us to take the collar off the mound to ambulate.
漂亮 对
Beautiful. Yeah.
I’ll take a screw.
这颗螺丝不错 兄弟
That’s a good screw, brother.
-看起来还行吧? -是的
– It looks good? – Yeah.
It’s possible he can get some function back.
他的脊髓没有被切断 也没有插入大块的碎骨
It’s not like he transected the cord or some big piece of bone pushing into it.
情况正好相反 只是子弹的力量
This is the opposite. It was just the force,
like the energy of that bullet hitting the spine
传导到脊髓上 对脊髓造成了冲击性损伤
that transmitted the cord, and he has a concussive injury to the spinal cord.
我不想许诺什么 免得他失望
I don’t wanna promise, in case he’ll be disappointed.
Take a picture of that.
不过 你知道 他中了枪
But, you know, he’s got a shot.
Thanks, everybody.
这让人不好受 他有两个孩子 太让人难过了
It’s not easy. He has two kids. It’s just so fucking sad.

-嘿 -嘿 兄弟 你好吗?
– Hey. – Hey, brother, how are you doing?
你不想聊聊吗? 给兄弟一个拥抱 你知道我爱你
You don’t wanna talk? Give brother a hug. You know I love you.
-你是个好兄弟 你知道吧? -你是个好兄弟
– You’re a good brother, you know that? – You’re a good brother.
我可以叫你兄弟吗? 白人可以叫黑人兄弟吗?
Can I call you a brother? Can a white guy call a Black guy brother?
可以 我们有同一个天父 上帝不分黑白
Yeah, we got the same Father in Heaven. There’s no color with God.
I know, but we’re not in Heaven.
我知道 但这里不是天堂
对 我们在这里 这里是地狱
No, we’re down here. This is hell down here.
嗨 各位 大家好
Hi, guys. How are you?
So we’re going to help to take the next step for Josh now.
我希望已经消肿了 可以缝合他的腹部了
So I’m hopeful that the swelling is down, and we can get his belly closed,
which is an important step for him in terms of his recovery and his care.
他真是命大 最初他中枪的时候
He’s really lucky to be alive. Originally when he was shot,
we were worried that he might not have brain function
因为他伤得很重 而且心跳骤停
because of how sick he was and how he coded.
整个周末 他不断醒来 不断做些事
Throughout the weekend, he keeps waking up, he keeps doing stuff.
So it seems like he’s really there.
好 看看是什么情况
Let’s see what we got.
似乎没有出血了 这里面有三分之一的血
Looks like there’s no bleeding. And this is full of a third of the blood.
We’re gonna try to drain out the blood.
The great news is it doesn’t seem to be bleeding right now.
-好 看起来不错 -要洗洗吗?
– Okay, that looks good. – You wanna wash?
我们正在缝合 我们在关闭腹腔
We’re closing here. We want to close the belly wall.
一定要小心 我们可不想缝到肠子
You have to be careful. We don’t wanna catch the intestines in our stitches.
难以想象 摧毁一条生命只需要两秒钟
It’s amazing. In two seconds, a life gets shattered,
为了把他抢救回来 我们却要用好几周的时间
and it takes us weeks and hours of work to try to get back to where you were.
虽然我为这个团队感到自豪 你还是会想
So as proud as I am of the team, a part of you thinks,
“我们为什么需要这个团队? 为什么会这样?”
“Why do we need a team like this? Why’s it happening here?”
我年轻时刚当上外科医生时 觉得干这行很刺♥激♥
When I started out as a young surgeon, this was exciting.
You would come running in to see a trauma,
帮忙照顾病人 见到血 年轻时觉得这一切很刺♥激♥
and help take care of somebody, and blood. And it’s so exciting as a young person.
现在当医生当久了 你会看到悲剧的一面
Now, as the years you go through, you see the tragedy of it,
and I see more of that.
This is an especially American form of tragedy.
其他国家的人不会去想 这个周末有多少孩子
The rest of the world doesn’t think about the number of their kids,
teens that are gonna be shot this weekend.
We all have our problems,
but having access to guns makes those problems lethal.
Are those non-stick?
你穿这个没问题 穿着吧
You’re good with these on. You can leave those on.
Oh, yay!
好 我们会帮你做好一切准备
Alright. So we’re gonna get you all ready.
我们会把遮布搭起来 做好一切准备
We’re gonna get the drapes up, gonna be ready for everything.
-你叫什么名字? -我叫洛里
– What’s your name? – I’m Lorey.
洛里 你会在最后一刻进来 你会坐在我们旁边
Lorey, you’ll come in at the last minute. You’ll sit up by us at the top.
这是抗酸剂 喝了它 就当是你期待已久的龙舌兰酒
This is an antacid. Take it down like tequila you’ve been waiting for.
-我知道 -要喝了
– I know, right? – Coming.
-你一饮而尽 -她是专业人士
– Oh, you did that good. – She’s a pro.
我们在后面见 我去准备器械了
– See you there. I’ll go set up. – Okay.
说是龙舌兰酒 其实味道更像野格利口酒
We say tequila, but it’s more like J?germeister in taste.
好了 有问题想问吗?
