Alright, any questions?
没有 你解释得很清楚了 谢谢
– No, you were very thorough. – Oh, thanks.
– What was your name, Doctor? – Jonathan.
-你叫什么名字 医生? -乔纳森
-乔纳森·奥斯特 像那个搅拌机品牌 -乔纳森 非常感谢 谢谢
– Jonathan Oster. Like the blender. – Jonathan. I appreciate it. Thank you.
Lorey and I actually dated in high school.
就像一场旋风般的夏季浪漫 当时我读高三
It was kind of like a whirlwind summer romance. I was a senior.
我准备去上大学 一直跟他保持联♥系♥
I was getting ready to go to college and always kept in touch.
I’m going to meet her.
I can’t say enough, like, how supportive my husband has been.
不只是现在这样 以前也是这样
You know, like not just in these times, but other times before,
because I’ve been truly unlovable,
and, uh, he’s definitely reminded me that that wasn’t true.
他一直提醒我 说我很讨人喜欢
洛里认识我妈妈 在她去世前 他俩关系很好
Lorey knew my mom, and they were close before she passed away.
One last kiss on the belly.
I can’t wait to meet you.
我在努力不让自己晕过去 他们要把我赶出去
I’m like, don’t pass out. They’re cleaning me up off the floor.
I swear to God–
我不会晕的 我只是水喝多了
– I will not. I literally pounded water.
– You’re gonna be all right. – I know.
-你会没事的 -我知道
You’re gonna be all right.
– I’m not worried.
Ready to go.
准备好了吗?来吧 我们走
Ready? Come on, let’s go.
好的 走吧
Alright, yeah. Here we go.
-洛里 我们会送她回来的 -是的 现在吗?我的天啊
– Lorey, we’re going to take her back. – Yes. Right now? Oh my God.
-我很爱你 -我很爱你
– I love you so much. – I love you so much.
– You’re gonna be awesome. – Mm-hmm.
– I love you. – I love you too.
-我爱你 -我也爱你

Ready, set, go.
-我们准备好了会叫你 -好的
– We’ll call you as soon as we’re ready. – Sounds good.
Take care of him.
Take care of me, she said.
每天都有人做剖腹产 没什么大不了
People have C-sections every day. We’re just having one.
-准备好了吗? -好了 弗莱迪
– Ready? – Ready, Freddie.
嘿 手术很顺利 你还好吧?
Hey. Everything went fine. You okay?
-是的 非常感谢 -你确定?
– Yes, thank you so much. – You sure?
Thank you so much for everything.
有个好消息 我们在他的头上贴上电极后
There’s a little good news in that when they put the electrodes on top,
we can stimulate the spinal cord from top to bottom,
and some electricity is getting through,
which means that those cables are not severed.
I can’t tell you it means that he’s definitely going to get better,
but there’s definitely a connection between the brain, his feet and his hands.
这是好现象 他有一些运动机能 比如刺♥激♥
And that’s good. He’s got a little motor function, like stimulating.
所以我抱持谨慎乐观的态度 这意味着他能康复
So I’m certainly cautiously optimistic that that means he could recover.
Thank you so much for everything.
乔伊 你的妻子蒙娜丽莎来了
Joey. Your wife, Monalisa’s here, bud.
I’m here, Joey.
我在这里 乔伊
Yeah? He’s smiling.
对 他很好 他醒了
Yeah. He’s good, he’s waking up.
我能看出她有多辛苦 她一直提心吊胆的
I can see how tough it is for her. She’s been through the wringer.
他们是个大家庭 这个打击太大了
And as they have a big family, it’s just a lot.
So look, let’s see, you know?
Hopefully, there’s a–
他信仰上帝 他的上帝会好好照顾他的
He’s a religious guy, so his God will take good care of him.
患者的妈妈 你要加入我们吗?欢迎你加入
Mom, you want to join us? You’re welcome to.
我把好消息告诉她了 说我们成功缝合了腹腔
I told her the good news, that basically we were able to close the abdomen.
缝合得很好 组织看起来很健康
Came together nicely. The tissue looked healthy.
不需要再次做手术 不需要取出什么东西
There’s nothing that needs to be re-operated on, get removed.
拔掉呼吸管以后 我们会立刻让他下床
As soon as the breathing tube’s out, we’re gonna want him out of the bed.
我们希望 让他的身体运动越来越…正常
We want to try to get his body moving more and more… normally.
– Sounds good. – We’ll touch base soon.
-谢谢 -不客气
– Thank you. – You’re welcome.
The surgery went just great.
Your brother asked about you.
Your aunts and your uncles.
They all said, be strong,
that you’re gonna pull through this.
是的 他坐在轮椅上 他只是白班团队
Yeah, he’s sitting in chair A. He’s just a patient
that was seen by the earlier team during the day,
不幸的是 他现在仍然困在这里
and now he’s still, unfortunately, stuck here.
我们不知道拿他怎么办 他无家可归有段时间了
We don’t know what to do with him. He’s been homeless for some time,
但大部分收♥容♥所♥都不收留 坐轮椅或者依靠助行器的人
but most of the shelters won’t take you with a wheelchair or a walker.
有的地方很严格 连拄拐杖的人都不收留
Some are pretty strict. They won’t even allow a cane.
The patient has no choice in any of it.
希望我们能为这位先生 找到某种形式的帮助
So hopefully, we can find some type of help for this gentleman.
嗨 库珀先生
Hi, Mr. Cooper.
你好 库珀先生?嗨 我是马克里医生
Hello. Mr. Cooper? Hi, it’s Dr. Macri.
你想怎么做? 你想去43街的这个地址吗?
What do you want to do? You want to go to this address on 43rd?
Go back to the shelter.
Which shelter is this? We can’t find it.
It’s on 49th and 3rd Ave.
那过去一个月 你都睡在哪里?
So for the last month, where have you been sleeping?
街上 小姐
On the streets, miss.
街上 你现在有什么地方不舒服吗?
On the streets. Do you feel like there’s something wrong now?
-是的 -你不舒服吗?
– Yes. – You don’t feel good?
没什么不舒服 我只想离开这里去收♥容♥所♥
Yeah, I’m feeling good. Just wanna get out of here, wanna go to the shelter.
好的 你只想回收♥容♥所♥?
Okay. You just wanna go back to your shelter?
随便哪个收♥容♥所♥ 只要不睡大街就行
– Any shelter. – Okay.
Anything off the streets.
我要打电♥话♥给他妈妈 了解一下他的情况
I’m going to try to call his mom so I can get some information from her.
所以你绝对不会收留他 他没跟你一起住已经…
So you definitely can’t take him in, and he hasn’t lived with you for…
我明白了 那是在他被车撞伤以后?
Oh, I see. And that was after being struck by the car?
He had a spinal cord injury?
嗨 为了帮你寻找收♥容♥所♥ 我得了解一下你的病史
Hi. I got to get a little more history for you for the shelter.
你必须坐轮椅 对吧?
You definitely need the wheelchair, right?
– Did you have surgery to your back?
I had surgery on my neck.
做过手术?好的 什么部位?
You did? Okay. Where was that?
-脊髓旁边 这边 -脊髓?
– By my spinal cord, this way. – In the spinal cord?
Can you get undressed for us so that we can make–
– If you help me out. – Are we gonna help you out? Yeah, sure.
我们有运动裤给他吗? 运动裤和运动衫?
Do we have sweatpants for him? Like sweatpants and a sweatshirt?
如果找不到收♥容♥所♥ 我们只能送他去莱诺克斯山
I think he’ll have to go to Lenox if we don’t find a shelter.
我们不能让他这个样子去 他们不会喜欢的 对吧?
I mean, we can’t send him like that. They won’t like us, will they?
先生 我来帮你脱掉衣服
Sir, I’m gonna come help you out to undress.
帮你穿上病人服 好吗? 换件衣服 我去拿 好吗?
Put you in a gown, okay? Some clothes, I got for you, alright?
好的 多谢了 伙计
Alright, thank you so much, man.
这很不幸 但在这样一个 人口稠密拥挤的城市
It’s unfortunate, but in a city this populated and this congested,
there is a huge health inequity.
作为一名急诊科医生 你会见到各个阶层的人
As an emergency medicine physician, you get to see those layers.
I see everything from people that have a great quality of life,
to people that are struggling every single day.
You know, I get frustrated now more not at the patient,
but at the system that doesn’t support them.
重要的是让他这样的人 能够进入精神健康诊所
It’s important so that people like him can get into a mental health clinic,
can get the right resources.
如果脊髓受伤 你能够获得适当的康复
If you have a spinal cord injury, get the right rehab.
差距是显而易见的 我认为疫情更是加大了这种差距
Disparities are clear, you know,
and I think the pandemic just enhanced them even more.
He is getting the best rest though.
等我一下 让我跟他聊聊
Just give me one second. I’m just going to talk to him.
你好 亲爱的
– Hello, love. – Hello, I miss you.
嗨 亲爱的
– How are you? -Good and you?
我还好 你呢?
我很好 你怎么样?你感觉如何?
All good.
