Okay, we’re giving a shot in your thigh for the bleeding.
-他们都是专家 亲爱的 -我知道
– You got the pros here, love. – Oh, I know.
– Whoa, that’s a cute cry!
哇 好可爱的哭声!
– Can you hear that? – Airway’s intact.
-你听到了吗? -呼吸道畅通
是的 太好了
Yes, woo-hoo.
– Dad, do you want to cut the cord? – Yes.
-爸爸 你想剪断脐带吗? -是的
-老天 天啊 -真不容易
– Oh my God. Oh, my goodness. – It’s tough.
Oh, it is tough.
-好了 做得好 -天啊
– There you go. Well done. – Oh my goodness.
-他已经剪了? -是的
– Did he cut it? – Yes.
老天 我们还没庆祝呢!
Oh my God, we didn’t celebrate!
– She has– – We just did.
The dream is on the table, lover.
梦想就在台子上 亲爱的
困难的部分已经结束了 现在我们只需要养大一个孩子
All the hard parts are over. Now we just have to raise a child.
天啊 好的!
Oh my goodness. Yes!
轻点 帮她保暖
Easy. You keep her warm.
你看 让她暖和舒适
Look at that. Keep her nice and warm.
Oh, she’s gonna be so good.
How was that?
It’s perfect.
她现在出来了 她要回家了
She’s on the outside now. She’s going to come home.
她有一栋房♥子 有一个小婴儿床
She’s got a house, she’s got a little crib.
She’ll sleep right next to us.
谢谢你 阿什医生
Thank you, Dr. Ash.
You’re welcome.
Thank you so much.
全世界只有为数不多的几座城市 拥有这种感人肺腑的力量
There are few cities in the world that have this kind of emotional power.
You have these extremes of humanity
that are very unique to New York versus anywhere else in the United States.
世界各地的人们 带着不同的文化
People from all over the world, different cultures,
在这里汇聚一堂 使得在纽约从事医疗工作
all coming together, that makes being a health care worker in New York
one of the most challenging things.
这里的医疗系统很复杂 但是很管用
The system, it’s complicated, but it somehow works.
就是这里 我就是在这栋房♥子里长大的
This is it. We are here at the house that I grew up in.
嗨 妈妈 你还好吧?
Hola, mami. C¨®mo est¨¢s?
How are you? All good?
…all those trees out there.
You’re gonna be the best mommy.
I’ve loved him half my life.
你一直是这样说的 你的高中男友
That’s what you were telling me. Your high school boyfriend.
(急诊 救护车)
他动来动去的 因为他听到了你的声音
He’s moving a lot because he hears your voice.
“嗨 爸爸” 你好吗 亲爱的?
“Hi, papi.” C¨®mo est¨¢, mi amor?
I know you told me not to worry, but…
我知道你让我别担心 但是…
我一直不停地胡思乱想 我太难了
I keep thinking and thinking and thinking. It’s not easy for me.
I’m glad you’re coming here.
I love you.
Hey, Joe. How you doing?
嘿 乔 你怎么样了?
I’m almost, I would say, 85 percent of the body I can feel.
Oh. You’re the type of guy, personality-wise,
that finds the best in things.
但我觉得你这辈子 会发生很多对你有帮助的事
But I think a lot’s going to happen in your lifetime that’s going to help.
大卫 我会努力克服障碍 完全康复的
David, I’m going to kick ass and recover fully.
告诉你 这会是一个了不起的故事
It’s going to be one of those stories, I’m telling you.
I’ll get it.
转运队 唐纳德
Transport, Donald.
Gun violence in New York City reaches another high.
Ten shootings in just 24 hours.
People who live in these communities say they’re fed up.
他们忍♥无可忍♥了 他们想知道政♥府♥正在采取什么措施
They cannot stand it, and they want to know what’s being done.
女士 我听不清你说什么 抱歉 你说枪击?
Ma’am, I really can’t hear you. I’m sorry, did you say gunshot?
有严重出血吗? 我这就派急救人员来帮你
Is there any serious bleeding? I’m sending paramedics to help you now.
不要挂断电♥话♥ 我会告诉你接下来怎么做
Stay on the line. I’ll tell you exactly what to do next.
