…left and right legs without any abrasion…
You feel me touching here?
我们有一名16岁的伤者 摩托车事故 没有失去意识
We got a 16-year-old, motorcycle accident, no loss of consciousness.
Blood pressure level?
-110和88 -谢谢
– 110 over 88. – Thank you.
-在右臂肘窝测得20 -马奎尔医生 你想输液吗?
And we got 20 in the right AC. Dr. Maguire, do you want fluids?
Anything on your left side hurts?
背部没有错位 没有变形 没有擦伤
No step offs, no deformities, no abrasions on the back.
Quick chest x-ray.
急救车85前往布鲁克林区 布希维克大道与格罗夫街路口
Medic 85 for a 9-year-old in the borough of Brooklyn,
Bushwick Avenue and Grove St.
外周伤 患者被栏杆刺穿
Peripheral wound. Patient was impaled by a fence.
伤者母亲要求送到科恩儿童医院 目前纽约消防局在现场
Mother is requesting Cohen Children’s. FDNY is on scene at this time.
– No LOC as far as we know? – No LOC.
-据我们所知 没有失去意识吧? -没有失去意识
你在翻栏杆? 你为什么要翻金属栏杆?
You were climbing the fence? Why were you climbing a metal fence?
– To show my mom.
Alright, okay.
So, Doctor…
I’d say about five-and-a-half inches.
好 伙计 你需要缝针
Buddy, you’re going to need some stitches.
Transport, Donald.
转运队 唐纳德
告诉他们 我们在等手术室 而且缺少麻醉剂
Let them know that we’re waiting on an OR, and the lack of anesthesia.
把孩子送过来吧 直接送到急诊室
Just bring us the child, right to the ER.
Based on the information that we got and the imaging that we see,
it looks like there’s a battery that’s stuck in the food pipe, the esophagus.
-我们要做个硬质食道镜 -好
– Doing rigid esophagus scope. – Okay.
Very high-risk.
– How bad it look? – It looks horrible.
-看起来有多糟? -非常糟
I’m just gonna go for it here.
– Okay. – Got it?
-好了 -取出来了?
-是的 -谢谢
– Yeah. – Thank you.
(科恩儿童医疗中心 诺斯韦尔健康)
给我一点时间 等一下
Give me one second. Hold on.
Let me see if I can do a three-way with somebody.
– Can I use your phone to call Tomasita? – Yeah.
让我打给我姑妈 因为她跟他在一起
Let me call my aunt, she’s the one that’s with him.
-也是她打给他们的 -好 她会说英语吗?
– She’s the one that called them too. – Okay. Does she speak English?
不会 她说西班牙语 但让我把她接进来
No, she speaks Spanish, but let me put her on the phone.
-喂 托马西塔? -是我
– Hello, Tomasita? – Yes.
-托马西塔 告诉我是怎么回事? -他摔倒了
– Tomasita, tell me exactly what happened? – He fell down.
They think he fell from the bed.
Is he still on the floor?
Um, yeah, he’s still on the floor because he doesn’t allow anybody to touch him.
对 他还在地上 因为他不让任何人碰他
好的 薇琪
Alright, Vicky.
– Oh my God. – You okay?
-天啊 -你还好吧?
不好 我想过去
No, I want to go.
-在布鲁克林? -是的
– It’s in Brooklyn? – Yeah.
Alright, I’ll meet you up there.
好 我们上面见
他说他左边髋部疼 但我跟他儿子谈过…
He’s complaining of left hip pain, but I spoke to his son…
How are you?
– How are you? – All good, honey.
– Little sad, but we’re getting through it. – No, take it easy.
-有点难过 但我们会渡过难关的 -不 别担心
他不喜欢医院 一说要去医院他就…
He doesn’t like hospitals and he’s like, “Mmm.”
叔叔 我们去医院 好吗?
Uncle, we’re going to go to the hospital, okay?
Uncle, don’t grab on to anything.
叔叔 不要抓住东西不放
如果你抓住东西不放 你又在移♥动♥ 我们都会摔倒
Because if you grab onto something and you move, we’ll all likely fall.
看看有多少级台阶 一路下去 好的
See how many steps. All the way down? Okay.
Can we get the stretcher ready?
A little slower.
One more– Three.
You like it when they carry you.
– No…
Sure, right away.
我们帮你测血压 好吗?
We’re going to take your blood pressure.
Do you feel any pain right now?
-全身都疼 -全身都疼?
– My whole body. – Your whole body?
乔瓦尼 我们已经上救护车了
Giovanni, we’re already inside the ambulance.
Hey, how’s it going?
嘿 最近还好吗?
薇琪 我用英语跟你说
– Vicky. – Uh-huh.
– I’m going to talk to you in English. – Okay.

We’ve been noticing that he is getting depressed.
他不吃东西 不想洗澡
He’s not eating. He doesn’t want to take showers.
All these are symptoms of depression.
So kind of like failure to thrive.
他说过什么话吗? 比如“我不想活了” 或者只是…
Has he made any comments? Like, “I don’t want to live,” or just–
– Yes. – He has made those comments?
-是的 -他说过那些话?
-是的 -好吧
– Yes. – Okay, all right.
到了医院我会告诉护士的 好吗?
I’ll tell the nurses that when we get there, okay?
Yeah, that would be great.
好的 那就太好了
这是我最担心的 他已经94岁了
Because that’s my main concern. I think that he’s 94.

It’s his beginning of dementia and depression.
好 准备好了
Okay, ready.
虽然疾控中心的指南说不用戴口罩 但我们出了医院都会戴
Even though CDC guidelines now say no masks, outside the hospital we mask.
I usually bring a buck knife with me wherever I go.
-这是关键 -不要伤到自己
– That’s the key. – Don’t hurt yourself.
有了折叠刀 我不需要口罩
I don’t need a mask when I have my buck knife.
-小心点 不要… -这玩意儿怎么折起来?
– Careful. Don’t– – How do you close this freaking thing?
– How about– Would you stop? – Here.
-能不能别弄了? -这里
-别弄了! -我没弄了
– Stop! – I’m stopping.
– Careful.
作为一名外科医生 有时候最好稳妥为上
You know, sometimes as a surgeon, it’s just better to play safe.
但更重要的是 为了治好情况危急的患者
But ultimately, in order to heal someone with a dangerous problem,
你必须尽最大努力 走出自己的舒适圈
you have to stretch yourself and get out of your comfort zone.
You know, a little anxiety, and a little pressure,
little… that’s what gets you to make decisions
你才能下定决心改变 让自己变得更好
to change and to make yourself better.
有时候为了挽救病人的生命 你得迎难而上 承担风险
Sometimes to save the patient’s life, against the odds, you have to take risks.
干得好 朗格
Good work, Langer.
嗨 宝贝
Hi, baby.
You gotta text me this stuff. You know that.
这种事你得给我发短♥信♥ 你是知道的
-发短♥信♥?我给你打电♥话♥了 -我知道 但我的工作不是接电♥话♥
– Text you? I called you. – I know, but I don’t work on calling.
好吧 下次我会发短♥信♥给你 这是我妻子
Okay, I’ll text you next time. This is my wife.
-嗨!我是布列塔尼 -嗨!我是南希
– Hi! I’m Brittany. – Hi! I’m Nancy.
-我是一名注册护士 -很高兴认识你 对不起
– One of the registered nurses. – Nice to meet you. I’m so sorry.
I just apologize for everything.
南希 每次都是我道歉
Nancy, I always apologize.
– Just made a general apology… – Whatever going forward.
今后不管发生什么事 他已经道歉了
Whatever happens going forward, he’s already apologized.
我得走了 爱你
I gotta go. Love you.
-我只想确认他在那里 -嗯
– I wanted to make sure he’s there. – Yes.
这里是病灶 就在这里
So there’s the lesion, right there.
I started seeing the posturing of the face.
Grimacing in particular.
Just started all coming together that he’s having different seizures,
even the staring spells and–
要想消除癫痫 真正有效的方法是去除肿瘤
The tried and true way of ridding seizures is get rid of the tumor,
就算不能全都去除 也要尽可能多地去除
and get as much as you can, if not all of it.
对于自闭症 动这里没用
Autism, it can’t be helped by having this there,
尤其是如果他是痴笑性癫痫 这会影响整个大脑
and if he’s having gelastic seizures, it really affects the brain globally.
所以要想尽最大可能 恢复他的认知功能
– So if you want him at his maximum… – Yes.
…cognitive functioning, you gotta get rid of this.
The goal is basically to come in somewhere around here
and just start decompressing this from inside.
我们可以沿着这些狭窄的通道 到达那里 不必穿过大脑
We can go down these narrow corridors and not go through the brain to get there.
These operations are ones that are very rare,
可以说 正是这种手术 让我们从事神经外科 驱使我们
and, in some ways, they are what makes us go into neurosurgery, what drives us
让我们如此努力地工作 因为技术上具有挑战性
and what makes us work so hard, because it’s both technically challenging,
