Mr. DiNorscio!
难道不是这样吗 哈力
Isn’t that the truth, Harry?
一边去吧 杰基 看看你自己
Come on, Jackie. Look at yourself.
You kidding me?
I’m not kidding you.
从你看我的眼神里 我就知道你想干什么了
I see the way you look at me. I know what’s on your mind.
You wanna suck on this instead for a while?
Mr. DiNorscio should be
held in contempt of court.
Remove the jury!
午餐时间 两小时
Lunch. Two hours.
杰基 杰基 你搞什么飞机啊伙计
Jackie, Jackie. What a fuckin’ job you’re doin; man.
-你把他们戳穿了 继续啊 -好啊
-You’re wearing ’em out. Keep it up. -All right.
-爱你 -本 本
-Love you, baby. -Ben. Ben.
Can you do me a favor?
I don’t think so.
为什么 我做了什么见鬼的事
Why? What the hell did I do?
Two ladies on the jury were looking at you
as if they wouldn’t pick you up with tongs.
我可不想我的当事人 因为你的行为举止受影响
I can’t let my client be affected by your behavior.
你♥他♥妈♥的要是不好好控制一下自己 你就自己单打独斗吧
You damn well better control yourself or you’re on your own.
好 好 我明白了
Okay, okay, I got it.
你能帮我我一把吗 本
Can you help me out, Ben?
What is it?
I wanna have lunch with the fellas.
Every day my marshals take me down to the holding cell.
严格的说 你还是个犯人 杰基
Technically, you’re still a prisoner, Jackie.
You think I don’t know that?
本 本 我早上已经问他们了
Ben, Ben. I asked them this morning
if I could have lunch with the fellas.
他们大数人跟我一起长大 到现在他们已经是我的家人了
I grew up with most of them. By now they’re family.
如果你的庭警不反对 我也不会反对
If it’s okay with your marshals, it’s okay with me.
-嘿 -嘿 杰基
-Hey! -Hey, Jackie.
You guys save any for me? Huh?
嗨 尼克
Hiya, Nick.
你在这里干嘛 你应该在楼下的监狱里吃
What are you doing here? You eat downstairs in the holding cell.
不 我的庭警说我可以和你们一起午餐
No, my marshal said it was okay if I ate with you guys.
Nobody cleared it with me.
我不知道我还得跟你请示的 尼克
I didn’t know it had to be cleared with you, Nick.
Now you know.
你知道 尼克 我不明白你为什么要为难我
You know, Nick, I don’t know why you’re giving me such a hard time.
-我爱这些家伙 -少跟我来这套 杰基
-I love these guys. -Stop with the love shit, Jackie.
你满嘴放屁 怎么了 因为我们住的不远
You’re so full of shit. What, because we’re from the same neighborhood?
你小时候我就不相信你 现在也不信
I didn’t trust you when you was a kid. I don’t trust you now.
你说什么混帐话 你这么说毫无道理可言
What the fuck are you talkin’ about? You got no reason to say that.
我毫无道理 去你♥妈♥的♥没道理
I got no reason? I got no fuckin’ reason?
我知道你为了出来活动 在这拍马屁
I see you up there kissin’ ass so you can walk.
你还会舔鸡♥吧♥ 伯曼不是同性恋 你才是
You’ll suck cock to walk. You’re the faggot, not Bellman.
现在 你干嘛不滚出去
Now, why don’t you get the fuck out of here?
怎么 我没说清楚吗
What, do I stutter?
-要咖啡 先生 -意大利火腿香肠
-Coffee, sir? -Salami on ham.
Agent Kerry…
you conducted many hours of surveillance…
on each one of these defendants…
-对吗 -对
-on trial here today, correct? -I did.
And did the F.B.I. Conclude…
that an organized crime family existed in northern New Jersey…
under the leadership of Nick Calabrese?
是的 是这样没错
Yes, that is correct.
And how did you determine that Calabrese was the boss?
Well, I was in a restaurant in Bloomfield on…
September 19 of last year.
It had a reputation as being a mob hangout.
Why did it have that reputation?
Because the food was good.
No interruptions.
谢谢 法官阁下 继续 先生
Thank you, Your Honor. Go on, sir.
我当时在酒吧 啊可以看到后面
I was at the bar. Uh, you could see a large,
private dining room at the back.
门是开着的 两个
The doors were open, and two very…
well, heavyset gentlemen in tuxedoes stood by the door.
In the dining room, you could see a birthday party was going on.
How did you know it was a birthday party?
They were all wearing paper hats
and they had those things
那种 你只要吹口气 他们就伸直了
that when you blow on them they uncurl and go
-他们是孩子吗 -不是 先生
-These were children? -No, sir.
不是 先生 他们是成年人
No, sir. These were grown men.
Go on.
Well, at the head of a horseshoe table sat, uh, Mr. Calabrese.
我看到的 所有意大利的男人
And as I observed, all these Italian
males lined up to kiss his ring.
在我看来很明显 他们十分尊重
It was obvious to me that they were paying respects…
卡拉布雷斯先生 因为他是老大
to Mr. Calabrese as being the boss.
这简直就像是电影里的 在明显不过了
It was like out of the movies. There was no other conclusion.
谢谢 特工凯瑞
Thank you, Agent Kerry.
-克兰狄斯先生 -没有问题了 法官大人
-Mr. Klandis? -No questions, Your Honor.
Mr. Novardis?
对这个证人 我没有问题 法官大人
I have nothing for this witness, Your Honor.
-再没什么问题了吗 -我想问他一些问题
-There are no further questions. -I’d like to ask him something.
-狄诺西尔先生 -谢谢 法官大人
-Mr. DiNorscio. -Thank you, Your Honor.
凯瑞先生 有些事让我很奇怪
Mr. Kerry, I was wondering about something.
Could you tell all of us how you knew that those men
in that restaurant was Italian?
那 是 啊
Well, it Uh.
你知道 我猜
I…You know, I guess that
嘿 我看着他们像意大利人
Hey, they all looked Italian to me.
-哇 -你知道的…
-Wow. -You know…
用那样手势 互相拍背 亲吻 所有这些
with the hand gestures and the back slapping and the kissing and everything.
Did they teach you that in F.B.I. School that that’s how Italians act?
不 不 这不属于我们训练范围 不属于
No. No, that’s not part of our training. No.
-你会说意大利语吗 -不会
-You speak Italian? -No.
Could you hear them talking in Italian?
没有 我离得很远
No, I was too far away.
看 我不明白这个
See, I-I’m not understanding this.
You’re saying from the back slapping and the kissing,
you knew that they were Italian?
-那是个意大利饭店 -他们都是黑头发吗
-Well, it was an Italian restaurant. -Did they all have black hair?
啊对 对 我记得是 对
Uh, yeah, yeah. From what I can remember, yeah.
他们可能会是西班牙人 希腊人 犹太人吗
Could they have been Spanish, Greek, Jewish?
尼克卡拉布雷斯坐在桌子主人席上就不是了 不是
Not with Nick Calabrese at the head of the table, no.
You saying Nick only eats with Italians?
没有 我没这么说
No, I’m not saying that.
What if I told you I went into a restaurant…
and there was nothing but Irish guys there?
然后你问 你怎么知道他们是爱尔兰人
And you says, “How’d you know they were Irish?”
然后我回答 因为他们都醉了 还吐得满地都是
And I says, “‘Cause they were all drunk, vomiting all over the floor.”
反对 法官阁下 误导证人
Objection, Your Honor. Badgering the witness.
-狄诺西尔先生 -没事 没关系 法官
-Mr. DiNorscio. -No, it’s all right, Judge.
睢狄诺西尔先生 如果走起路来像鸭子 看起来像鸭子
Look, Mr. DiNorscio. If it walks like a duck, looks like a duck…
叫起来像鸭子 八成就是个鸭子
quacks like a duck, chances are it’s a duck.
说话像个王八蛋 长得像王八蛋
If it talks like an asshole, looks likes an asshole…
chances are it’s an asshole.
反对 不能容忍♥这种行为
Objection. This behavior cannot be tolerated.
狄诺西尔先生 因为你对法庭的藐视
Mr. DiNorscio, I am fining you $5,000
for contempt of court.
我认为就是这样 法官阁下 我藐视这个法庭
That’s what I got, Your Honor. I got contempt for this court.
您应该在他说意大利的鬼话前 就叫他打住
You should’ve stopped him before with all the Italian shit.
You are now fined 10,000.
