
[verb] move swiftly and lightly
[动词] 迅速轻快地移动


Flit 是一个与小站(微信公众号:田间小站)推送过的 Flirt 十分形近的单词,可以一并联想记忆。

该词常用搭配 flit from A to B 或 flit between A and B 表示“掠过、飞过、闪过”或“轻快地从一处到另一处”,强调迅速轻快地移动,既包括在两地间来回穿梭且不作长时间停留,也可以指鸟、蝙蝠等飞来飞去,很快从一个地方飞到另一个地方,以及引申指表情、念头等在脸上或脑海里一闪而过,比如:

  • 岁月飞逝。
    Time flitted by.
  • 他频繁跳槽。
    He flits from one job to another.
  • 他脸上掠过一丝惊慌。
    A look of panic flitted across his face.

在苏格兰方言中, flit 还被用来表示“迁移、迁居、搬家”,比如:

  • 我父母每次迁居,我都得换学校。
    I had to change schools every time my parents flitted.

而在英式口语中, flit 则可用作名词表示为躲债而暗中“迁移、迁居、搬家”,比如小站曾在 熟词僻义 | moonlight 是瞒着老板偷偷做什么? 中提到过的:

  • 晚上/半夜潜逃
    do a moonlight/midnight flit


In these lengthened vigils, his brain often reeled, and visions seemed to flit before him; perhaps seen doubtfully, and by a faint light of their own, in the remote dimness of the chamber, or more vividly and close beside him, within the looking-glass.
出自美国浪漫主义作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑(Nathaniel Hawthorne)于1850年出版的长篇小说《红字》(The Scarlet Letter: A Romance)。


  • That arrangement suited many workers, who preferred the stability of permanent employment to the alternative of flitting between short-term contracts, which they would also find difficult to organise.
  • Patients might flit their eyes back and forth, following a therapist’s finger or stare at bursts of light on alternating sides of a screen.


flit” 这个词的中文解释是 “快速飞舞,迅速移动”。

以下是包含 “flit” 这个词的50个短语,每个短语都附有中文解释:

  1. flit around – 四处飞舞
  2. flit from place to place – 从地方到地方飞舞
  3. flit between tasks – 在任务间快速移动
  4. flit across the sky – 在天空中快速飞过
  5. flit through the garden – 在花园里快速飞舞
  6. flit in and out – 进进出出
  7. flit like a butterfly – 像蝴蝶一样快速飞舞
  8. flit from one idea to another – 从一个想法飞快转到另一个
  9. flit between topics – 在话题间快速切换
  10. flit along the coastline – 沿海岸线快速移动
  11. flit from flower to flower – 从花朵到花朵快速移动
  12. flit across the stage – 在舞台上快速穿行
  13. flit through the pages – 快速翻阅页面
  14. flit between social events – 在社交活动间快速移动
  15. flit like a hummingbird – 像蜂鸟一样快速飞舞
  16. flit through the forest – 在森林里快速移动
  17. flit in and out of conversations – 在谈话中进进出出
  18. flit between thoughts – 在思想间快速切换
  19. flit from one task to another – 从一个任务到另一个任务快速移动
  20. flit around the room – 在房间里飞快移动
  21. flit among the crowd – 在人群中快速穿行
  22. flit between different options – 在不同选项间快速切换
  23. flit along the riverbank – 沿河岸快速移动
  24. flit in and out of focus – 在焦点内外快速切换
  25. flit like a dragonfly – 像蜻蜓一样快速飞舞
  26. flit through the city streets – 在城市街道中快速穿行
  27. flit between responsibilities – 在责任间快速移动
  28. flit between different projects – 在不同项目间快速切换
  29. flit around the garden – 在花园中飞快移动
  30. flit among the clouds – 在云间飞快移动
  31. flit from place to place like a breeze – 像微风一样从地方到地方飘过
  32. flit between interests – 在兴趣间快速切换
  33. flit through the meadow – 在草地中快速移动
  34. flit around like a bird – 像鸟儿一样飞快移动
  35. flit between conversations – 在谈话间快速切换
  36. flit in and out of view – 在视野内外快速进出
  37. flit like a dart – 像飞镖一样快速移动
  38. flit through the corridors – 在走廊中快速穿行
  39. flit between different topics – 在不同话题间快速切换
  40. flit like a moth – 像蛾子一样快速飞舞
  41. flit through the day – 在一天中快速穿行
  42. flit between moods – 在情绪间快速切换
  43. flit around the kitchen – 在厨房中飞快移动
  44. flit like a feather – 像羽毛一样飞快移动
  45. flit through the crowd – 在人群中快速穿行
  46. flit between experiences – 在经历间快速切换
  47. flit from one place to another – 从一个地方到另一个地方飞快移动
  48. flit along the path – 沿路径快速移动
  49. flit between options – 在选项间快速切换
  50. flit like a whirlwind – 像旋风一样快速移动


flitter: move quickly in an apparently random or purposeless manner
flicker: make small, quick movements; flutter rapidly
flutter: (of a bird or other winged creature) fly unsteadily or hover by flapping the wings quickly and lightly

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
