好吧 格温 把图像接过来
All right, Gwen, put me back on with him.
好的 我告诉你 他就在你面前
Well, I’m trying to tell you, you are back on.
也许我并不是又蠢又丑 指挥官
Perhaps I’m not as stupid as I am ugly, Commander!
I gave you the “kill” gesture.
没 你给了”我们完了”的手势 我那时是表示同意
Yeah. No, you gave me the “we’re dead” signal. I was agreeing with you.
-就像我知道去哪里松开按钮一样 -嘿 伙计们
-Like I know where the hold button is. -Hey, you guys.
There’s a red thingy
-在向那个绿色的物体靠近 -什么
-moving toward the green thingy. -What?
Red thingy moving toward the green thingy.
我想 我们就是那个绿色物体
I think we’re the green thingy.
有个小礼物 指挥官
A little present for you, Commander.
我们快离开离开这里 快转弯 快 快
We got to get out of here! Move the ship! Turn it! Move it! Go!
噢 不
Oh, no!
噢 我的天
Oh, my God!
汤米 我们走
Tommy, Tommy, let’s go!
-离开这里 -贾森 我该怎么办
-Get us out of here! -Jason, what do I do?
-快走 走 快 -我怎么办
-Let’s go! Go, go, go! -What do I do?
他们也转弯了 他们过来了
They’re turning. They’re coming!
Thrust ahead, full!
Fire at will.
-快点啊 汤米 -贾森 我已经最快了
-Go faster, Tommy! -I’m going as fast as I can, Jason!
She’s still behind us!
Well, press “turbo. ”
像我常说的那样 启动涡轮 好没
I’ve always said, “Press the turbo, ” right?
-噢 在这里 在这了 -好了 按住它别松开
-It’s right here! Right here! -Well, press it and hold it down!
The enemy is matching velocity.
-敌人在加速 -我已经听到了
-Enemy is matching velocity. -We heard it the first time!
噢 天哪 我在复述电脑的话
Gosh, I’m doing it. I’m repeating the darn computer.
嘿 伙计们 听着
Hi, guys. Listen,
电脑在告诉我 发动机已经承受不了了
they’re telling me the generators won’t take it.
飞船要散架啦 仅供参考
The ship is breaking apart and all that. Just FYI.
-我们必须停下来 -停下来就完了
-We’ve got to stop! -We stop and we die.
-汤米 按住涡轮按钮啊 -你不能让涡轮停下啊
-Tommy, just hold that thing down! -You cannot hold the turbo down!
-涡轮按钮是短暂加速用的 -噢 你是知道的
-It’s for quick boosts! -Like you know!
我记得那声音 那是个不祥的声音
I remember that sound. That’s a bad sound.
等等 我们也许能在那片云那边甩掉他们
Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! We might be able to lose them in this cloud here.
-我不认为那是片云 -玛西撒 那是什么
-I don’t think that’s a cloud. -Mathesar, what is it?
This is the Tothian minefield left standing from the great war of 12185.
啊 天哪
Oh, God!
Could you possibly try not to hit every single one?
对不起 它在向我们飘过来 我想一定是有磁性
Sorry, man, they’re drifting towards us. I think they’re magnetic!
还前进吗 先生
Continue forward, sir?
耐心点 上尉
Patience, Lieutenant.
-我们必须停下来 -我们快过去了
-We’ve got to stop! -We’re almost through this.
-怎样 你还好吗 -还好
-You okay? You all right? -Yeah.
大家都好吗 汤米在哪儿
Everybody all right? Where’s Tommy?
-汤米 你还好吗 -噢 老兄
-Tommy! You all right? -Oh, man!
不好 我的胳膊骨折了 别碰 别碰我胳膊
No, my arm is broke. Don’t touch it! Don’t touch it!
-我带他去医务室 -谢谢 玛西撒
-I’ll take him to medical quarters. -Thanks, Mathesar.
亚历 你去哪儿
Alex, where are you going?
To see if there’s a pub!
Forward thruster shaft, 87% damage.
Aft vector guards, 96% damage.
32 34 40区结构性破裂
Structural breaches in quadrants 32, 34, 40…
-发动机怎么样 -前进推动轴87%损坏
-What about the engines? -Forward thruster shaft, 87% damage.
电脑 发动机怎么样了 我们没动力了
Computer, what about the engines? Why don’t we have power?
The beryllium sphere has fractured under stress.
It’s fractured.
Can it be repaired?
计算机 能修好吗
Computer, can it be repaired?
铍金球损坏 无法修复
Damage to beryllium sphere irreparable.
New source of beryllium must be secured.
We need another one.
你弄坏了飞船 你把该死的飞船弄坏了
You broke the ship. You broke the bloody ship!
计算机 船上有备用的铍金球吗
Computer, is there a replacement beryllium sphere on board?
计算机 船上有备用的铍金球吗
Computer, is there a replacement beryllium sphere on board?
没有 没有备用的
Negative. No reserve beryllium sphere exists on board.
No, we have no extra beryllium sphere on board.
You know, that is really getting annoying!
Look, I have one job on this lousy ship.
虽然有点傻 但我还是要做 明白吗
It’s stupid, but I’m gonna do it, okay?
当然 没问题
Sure, no problem.
万分抱歉 我们让你们失望了
A thousand apologies. We have failed you.
How have you failed us?
我们看过你们在更危急的 情况下都能转危为安
We have seen you victorious in much more desperate situations.
是我们的错 是飞船的错
The fault must lie with us, with the ship.
不 玛西撒 不是你的错 也不是飞船的错
No, Mathesar, it is not your fault, and it’s not the ship’s fault.
是 是 是 我的错
It’s my fault. We screwed…
我们 我们并不像你们想像的那样
We are not the people you think we are.
I don’t understand.
在你们的星球上 有没有电视节目
Didn’t you make any TV shows on your planet?
有戏剧 电影吗
Any theater? Films?
The historical documents of your culture. Yes, in fact,
是 实际上 我们已经 开始学习你们记录历史了
we have begun to document our history from your example.
不 不是历史记录片
No, not historical documents.
我的意思是 那些并不全是记录片
They’re not all historical documents.
I mean, surely you don’t think that Gilligan’s Island is a…
Those poor people.
噢 兄弟
Oh, brother.
We’re screwed.
Is there no one on your planet who behaves in a way
that’s contrary to reality?
You are speaking of…
-欺骗 谎言 -欺骗 谎言
-Deception, lies. -Deception, lies.
We have only recently become aware of this concept
in our dealings with Sarris.
萨理斯经常嘴上这么说 做起来又是另一回事
Often, Sarris will say one thing and do another.
许诺我们以仁慈 却施以毁灭
Promise us mercy, but deliver destruction.
It is a concept we are beginning to learn at some great cost.
But if you are saying that any of you could have traits in common with Sarris…
指挥官 我们在附近的星球上发现了铍金
Hey, Commander, listen. We found some beryllium on a nearby planet.
我们也许能到那里 只要我们改装一下我们的太阳能模型
And we might be able to get there if we reconfigure the solar matrix
in parallel for endothermic propulsion.
What do you think?
-我们试试吧 -好的
-We’ll do that! -All right!
这就对了 来吧 拥抱一下 来啊
That’s right again. That’s… Come on, group hug. Come on.
拉扎罗斯博士 但愿我没有违约
Dr. Lazarus, I hope I am not breaching protocol,
but I am so very humbled to stand in your presence.
I have studied your missions extensively.
虽然 我是个赛米亚人
Though I am Thermian,
I have lived my life by your philosophy,
by the code of the Mak’tar.
很好 真是太好了
Good, that’s very nice.
上帝作证 拉扎罗斯博士
By Grabthar’s hammer, Dr. Lazarus…
别这样 我没开玩笑
Don’t do that. I’m not kidding.
抱歉 先生 我只是
I’m sorry, sir, I was only…
Just don’t.
是的 先生
Yes, sir.
永不放弃 永不妥协
Never give up. Never surrender.
拉扎罗斯博士 这是你要的表面对照转换器
Dr. Lazarus? Here is your surface mapper.
I have programmed it to the coordinates of a beryllium sphere
of sufficient density.
祝好运 先生
Good luck on your mission, sir.
你干的很好 汤米
You’re doing good, Tommy.
我改主意了 我要回去
I changed my mind. I want to go back.
你搞得一团糟 现在你想回去了
After the fuss you made about getting left behind?
是的 当我认为我是你们的一员的时候 我是这么想的
Yeah, but that’s when I thought I was the crewman that stays on the ship
呆在飞船上 外面有什么在等着我 这让我很苦恼
and something is up there then it kills me.
