别介意 他以前是爱尔兰人
Don’t mind him. He used to be an Irishman.
Ah, the Five Points.
杀手巷 碎砖大楼 地狱门
Murderers’ Alley. Brickbat Mansion. The Gates of Hell.
就是这个简陋的地方 看看这个可怜的孩子的脸
Here in this vile place. Look upon the face of this poor child.
She lives in squalor…
…in this godforsaken den of vice and misery behind me.
Every year the reformers came.
Every year the Points got worse…
…as if it liked being dirty.
-我要去哪里? -走! 牧师让你离开这里
-Where am I going to go? – The Reverend wants you out of here.
You can’t do this!
…to which these miserable creatures have fallen.
比尔也许你知道 我每天都到码头去
You may or may not know, Bill, that every day I go to the waterfront…
…with hot soup for the Irish as they come ashore.
It’s part of building a political base.
I’ve noticed you there. You may have noticed me.
确实如此 你肆意羞辱
Indeed I have. Throwing torrents of pavers and withering abuse…
对每个下船的人都 如果只有我有枪
…on everyone stepping off those boats. – Lf only I had the guns…
…I’d shoot each and every one of them before they set foot on American soil.
Mulberry Street…
…and Worth.
Cross and Orange and Little Water.
Each of the Five Points is a finger.
我一握紧手 它就变成了拳头
When I close my hand, it becomes a fist.
只要我愿意 我就把拳头对着你
And any time that I wish, I can turn it against you.
我明白 但我们谈的是两回事
I know, but we’re talking about different things.
我谈的是公民义务 我们对大众应负的责任
I’m talking about civic duty, responsibilities we owe to the people.
Schools and hospitals, sewers and utilities.
Street construction, repairs and sweeping.
营业执照 酒吧执照
Business licenses, saloon licenses…
圣米歇尔 总领天使 在作战中保佑我们
St. Michael, the archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protector against the snares and the wickedness of the devil.
街车 轮渡 垃圾处理
Street cars, ferries, rubbish disposal.
以及这座城市创造财富的能力 比尔
There’s a power of money to be made in this city, Bill.
有你的帮助 应该让人们明白
With your help, the people must be made to understand…
…that all these things are best kept within the Tammany family…
…which is why I’m proposing an alliance…
…between our two great organizations.
-你说的都是力气活 -没错 加强力量正是我们的精神
-You’re talking about muscle work. – That too. Muscle to match our spirit.
你手里有警♥察♥ 可以让他们去做
You own the crushers. Get them to do it.
警♥察♥? 不行!
The police? Oh, no. Jesus, no!
The appearance of the law must be upheld…
…especially while it’s being broken.
Give me the strength for what I must do.
Who are you?
-Hey! -No!
我问你 你是谁? 你在这里做什么?
I said, who are you? What are you doing here?
我只是喜欢来这里 这这样
I just like it down here is all.
搜搜他的身 吉米
See what’s in his pockets, Jimmy.
-听着 伙计们 我真的不想打架 -不想打架?
-Look, boys, I really don’t want a fight. -Don’t want a fight?
别担心 小子 不会打架的
Don’t worry, son, ain’t gonna be much a fight.
Don’t kill me.
Where’d you get that?
I told you I didn’t want a fight!
为什么? 看你身手多好啊
Why not? Look how good you done.
-你是牧师的儿子吗? -你离我远点 明白吗?
-You’re the Priest’s son, aren’t you? -You, get away from me, understand?
你不记得我了? 我就是那个想救你命的人
You don’t remember me, do you? I’s the one tried to help you.
-什么? -我就是那个想救你命的人…
-What? -I’s the one tried to help you…
…when the Natives took you.
-是你吗? -是的 我以为你被杀了
-Oh, that was you? -Yeah. I thought you was killed.
They just locked me up, you know that?
This long?
可我总是想方设法逃跑 他们就把我多关了些日子
Well, I kept trying to escape, you know. They add on time for that.
So, what are you doing back here?
I guess I missed the place.
Bowery Boys.
Get back here!
五点区 天堂广场
The Five Points, Paradise Square.
The streets here are always lively of an evening.
Who are the gangs around now?
The Daybreak Boys and the Swamp Angels.
They work the river, looting ships.
The frog Hollows shanghai sailors by the Bloody Angle.
‘屁帘帮’一度强盛 现在成为’花♥花♥公♥子♥帮’一部分
The Shirt Tails was rough, but they’ve become a bunch of dandies…
…在杀手街盘踞 穿得象中国人
…Iolling around Murderers’ Alley, looking like Chinamen.
Hell-Cat Maggie, she tried to open her own grog shop.
可惜酒全被她自己喝完了 结果被人赶到大街上
She drunk her own liquor and got throwed on the street.
-真漂亮 -现从事各种非法勾当
-Beautiful. -Now she’s on the lay for anything.
还有搅屎棍帮 不知道从哪个国家的角落来的
The Plug Uglies are from deep in the old country.
Got their own language no one understands.
他们喜欢找警♥察♥的茬 还有破烂街的’夜行人帮’
They love to fight the cops. The Night Walkers of Ragpicker’s Row.
They work on their backs and kill with their hands.
他们如此卑鄙 只有搅屎棍帮愿意与他们搭腔 可天知道他们在说什么?
They’re so scurvy only the Plug Uglies talk to them. But who understands them?
The Slaughter Housers and the Broadway Twisters.
都是一群赌棍 以及四十小盗
They’re a fine bunch of bingo boys. And the Little forty Thieves.
I used to run with them…
…till they got took over by Bendrick the Cockroach.
Bendrick carries a germ.
他订了个规矩 谁敢离开帮派就给谁放血
If you try to leave the gang, he hacks up blood on you.
The lime-juicers are nothing but a bunch of rapacious grab-ups.
The True Blue Americans say they’re a gang…
…but all they do is stand on corners damning England.
如果你相信英国佬任何一句话 你就是个傻瓜
If you believe one word the British say, you’re a fool.
Do any of them got the sand of the Dead Rabbits?
You don’t say that name.
这个名字已经死去 和你的… 这些都被取缔了
That name died with your… They been outlawed.
我被关押期间 中国佬告诉我…
In the blockhouse, the Chinks told me…
…本地帮每年都在庆祝胜利 是不是真的?
…that the Natives celebrate their victory every year. Is that true?
确实如此 算是件大事
Aye, that they do. It’s quite the affair.
屠夫亲自邀请过你 你不去
The Butcher himself’s got to invite you, or you don’t go.
你怎么走的路 约翰尼
Look where you’re going, Johnny.
You look stunned and poorly, sir.
Quite a pair of conversationists, aren’t you?
不对 我们都是思想家
Maybe not, but we’re deep thinkers.
先生们 我留你们继续享受上帝的恩惠和关怀
Well, gentlemen, I leave you in the grace and favor of the Lord.
珍妮 最棒的妙手空空
Jenny, the finest bludget in all the Points.
She is a prim-looking stargazer.
But I’d check my pockets if I was you…
…because I do believe she lifted your timepiece.
Well, I let her take it.
I let her take things all the time.
-是吗? -是的
-Is that right? -Yeah.
We always liked a good fire in the Points.
通常可以顺手牵羊 如果警♥察♥来了 还有好戏可看
You could pick up a little swag. And if the cops came, you really got a show.
The Municipal Police fought the Metropolitan Police.
The Metropolitan Police, they fought the street gangs.
快点 伙计们 要赶在’黑杰克’之前
Hurry up, men, before the Black Joke get there!
还有37个业余消防队 也彼此缠斗不休
There were 37 amateur fire brigades, and they all fought each other.
黑杰克正在路上 特威德 他们会把你们打惨的
The Black Joke are on their way, Tweed, and they’ll beat the shite out of you.
好了 小伙子们
Okay, boys, get the hose out!
It’s the Black Joke!
去挡住他们 小伙子们
Go get them, boys!
Give those Bowery Boys hell!
快点 别被人全拿走了 滚出去 你们这帮浑蛋
-Quick, before there’s nothing left. -Go back to the Bowery, you bums!
快制止他们 天啊他们把东西全拿跑了
Stop them. For God’s sake, they’re taking everything!
以后再遇到麻烦夫人 先找坦慕尼
In your next time of trouble, call on Tammany first.
可还为时未晚 你们还可以挽救我的房♥子
But it’s not too late. You can still save my house.
Let’s go.
I thought you said you was hungry.
尽可能多拿些! 快走吧!
Grab what you can, Johnny. Let’s get out of here.
