

[verb] look steadily and intently, especially in admiration, surprise, or thought
[动词] (尤指在钦佩、惊讶或沉思中)目不转睛地注视


看见 gaze 一词,眼尖的老铁们可能会联想起小站之前推送过的包含 gaze 的 gazette 来,或者回想起小站(微信公众号:田间小站)在 译海纵横 | 一起去爬山吗?拍照的那种 一文中提到许渊冲老先生将杜甫的《望岳》的标题译为“Gazing on Mount Tai”。

具体来说, gaze 一词可能源自斯堪的纳维亚语,含义比较简单,即主要作动词表示“注视、凝视、盯着看”,多指在钦佩、惊讶、沉思或好奇中长时间目不转睛地注视,比如:

  • 那个沉默寡言的女孩靠着船上的护栏,凝望大海。
    The reticent girl leaned on the ship’s rail and gazed out to sea.
  • 艾希利说话时,斯嘉丽一脸崇拜地注视着他。他令她动心,让她着迷。
    Scarlett gazed admiringly at Ashley as he spoke. He drew and enthralled her.

用作名词时, gaze 除了自然表示“注视、凝视”外,还常用搭配 in the public gaze 表示“受人瞩目、受公众关注”,比如:

  • 当他与她凝视的目光相遇时,他并未意识到这个积习难改的调情老手是如此变幻无常。
    When he met her gaze, he didn’t realize that the incorrigible flirt was so fickle.
  • 没有比皮特和朱莉更受人瞩目的分居夫妇了。
    You won’t find an estranged couple more in the public gaze than Pitt and Jolie.

而出现在文学理论、社会学、精神分析学等中时, gaze 则表示“凝视、视角”,即自我和他者之间的镜映关系,或者说他人看待自己的眼光折射之后,构成了人自己的再现。比如在女性主义理论中,男性凝视或者说男性视角(the male gaze)是说如在电影中女人受到男性观众的凝视,因而女性演员会以受到这种父权式期待的方式(如温柔、性感)来展现自己。


Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you.

出自弗里德里希·威廉·尼采(Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche,1844年10月15日—1900年8月25日),德国哲学家、语言学家、文化评论家、诗人、作曲家、思想家。尼采被认为是西方现代哲学的开创者,他的著作对于宗教、道德、现代文化、哲学、以及科学等领域提出了广泛的批判和讨论。


  • But gazing across the battered economies of the rich world it is time to declare that the fight against financial chaos and deflation is won.
  • Though the subway trains in Moscow are celebrated for their punctuality, this particular train was running late, giving me longer than usual to gaze at the scenery around me.



  1. 目视、凝视(Look at intently):
    • Gaze at the stars: 凝视星星
    • Gaze into someone’s eyes: 凝视某人的眼睛
    • Gaze out of the window: 凝视窗外
    • Gaze at a painting: 凝视一幅画
    • Gaze at a beautiful landscape: 凝视美丽的风景
  2. 凝视(Look with fixed attention):
    • Gaze in wonder: 惊叹地凝视
    • Gaze in awe: 敬畏地凝视
    • Gaze in admiration: 钦佩地凝视
    • Gaze in fascination: 兴奋地凝视
    • Gaze in concentration: 专注地凝视
  3. 深思熟虑地注视(Look at something for a long time in a thoughtful or contemplative way):
    • Gaze into the distance: 凝视远方
    • Gaze off into the horizon: 凝视地平线
    • Gaze at a sunset: 凝视日落
    • Gaze at a fire: 凝视篝火
    • Gaze at a sleeping baby: 凝视熟睡的婴儿
  4. 专注地注视(Look with intense or fixed attention):
    • Gaze intently at a puzzle: 专注地凝视一个谜题
    • Gaze fixedly at a painting: 专注地凝视一幅画
    • Gaze unwaveringly at the stage: 专注地凝视舞台
  5. 表达某种情感的凝视(Conveying a certain emotion through looking):
    • Gaze lovingly into someone’s eyes: 深情地凝视某人的眼睛
    • Gaze longingly at a distant object: 渴望地凝视远处的物体
    • Gaze skeptically at a questionable claim: 怀疑地凝视一个可疑的说法




  1. Cast a gaze: 投以凝视
  2. Meet someone’s gaze: 对上某人的目光
  3. Hold someone’s gaze: 保持某人的目光
  4. Lock gazes: 目光交锁
  5. Gaze into the distance: 凝视远方
  6. Gaze at the stars: 凝视星空
  7. Gaze out the window: 凝视窗外
  8. Gaze upon something/someone: 凝视某物/某人
  9. Gaze intently: 专注凝视
  10. Gaze with wonder: 带着惊奇凝视
  11. Gaze dreamily: 梦幻般地凝视
  12. Gaze longingly: 渴望地凝视
  13. Gaze lovingly: 爱意地凝视
  14. Gaze in awe: 惊叹地凝视
  15. Gaze with admiration: 钦佩地凝视
  16. Gaze with curiosity: 好奇地凝视
  17. Gaze with suspicion: 怀疑地凝视
  18. Gaze with understanding: 理解地凝视
  19. Gaze off into the distance: 凝视远方
  20. Gaze deep into someone’s eyes: 深情地凝视某人的眼睛
  21. Gaze fixedly: 专注地凝视
  22. Gaze wistfully: 依依不舍地凝视
  23. Gaze with a hint of sadness: 带着一丝悲伤地凝视
  24. Gaze in amazement: 惊讶地凝视
  25. Gaze with anticipation: 期待地凝视
  26. Gaze with longing: 渴望地凝视
  27. Gaze in disbelief: 难以置信地凝视
  28. Gaze with a smile: 带着微笑凝视
  29. Gaze with a furrowed brow: 皱眉凝视
  30. Gaze with a sense of wonder: 惊奇地凝视


peer: look keenly or with difficulty at someone or something
gape: stare with one’s mouth open wide in amazement or wonder
goggle: look with wide open eyes, typically in amazement

一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
