My father’s family name being Pirrip, and my Christian name Phillip,
我的父亲姓匹里普 我的名字叫菲利普
my infant tongue could make of both names
nothing longer or more explicit than Pip.
So I called myself Pip, and came to be called Pip.
Keep still or I’ll cut your throat.
别动小鬼 要不我一刀捅了你
No, sir, no…
不 不要…
Tell us your name. Quick.
好 你叫什么 快说
Pip. Pip, sir.
Show us where you live. Point out the place.
There, sir. There.
Now, where’s your mother? There, sir.
你妈妈呢? 在那儿
No, sir. There, sir.
不 在那儿
Also Georgiana. That’s my mother.
“亡妻乔治亚娜” 这是我妈
Ah. Is that your father along with your mother?
Yes, sir, him, too. Late of this parish.
是的 他是本地人

Who d’you live with? Supposing you’re let to live which I ain’t decided yet.
你跟谁过? 没准儿我让你留条小命
With my sister, sir. Mrs. Joe Gargery, wife of Joe Gargery the blacksmith.
和我姐姐乔嘎吉瑞太太 村里铁匠的老婆
Blacksmith, eh?
Now look here, do you know what a file is?
Yes, sir.
You know what wittles is? Yes, sir. Food, sir.
填肚子的呢? 知道 吃的
Then you get me a file and wittles or I’ll have your heart and liver out.
给我去拿锉刀吃的 否则我要你的心肝
If you’ll kindly let me keep upright, sir,
如果你对我无恶意 相互信任
perhaps I shouldn’t be sick and perhaps I could attend more.
Bring that file and them wittles to me here tomorrow morning, early.
Yes, sir. Don’t say a word of having seen me.
好的 说什么也不许你跟别人说看到过我
No, sir. If you do,
我不会说的 要说了
your heart and liver will be tore out and roasted and ate.
There’s a young man hid with me,
and in comparison with him, I’m an angel!
That young man has a secret way of getting at a boy, and at his liver.
A boy may lock his door, may be warm in bed,
哪怕你把门锁上 躲在被窝里
but that young man will,
softly creep his way to him and tear him open!
Say heaven strike you dead if you don’t.
Heaven strike me dead if I don’t.
Now you know what you’ve promised, young man.
好 记住你可赌了咒
Get off home. Good night, sir.
快回去吧 再见
Hello, Joe.

Mrs. Joe’s been out a dozen times looking for you, Pip.
She’s out again now, making it a baker’s dozen.
Is she? And she’s got Tickler with her, Pip.
是吗? 是啊 她还拿着根藤条
She got up, she made a grab at Tickler and she rampaged out, Pip.
她还拿着根藤条 怒气冲冲的
She rampaged out. If I find Pip…
她怒气冲冲的 如果我找到匹普…
She’s a-coming. Get behind the door, old chap, and get the towel betwixt you.
当心她来了 快躲在门后头去 伙计
You young monkey!
Now then, where have you been?
Only the churchyard. Churchyard, indeed.
我去上了一趟坟 上了一趟坟
You’d have been there long ago if it hadn’t been for me.
It’s bad enough being a blacksmith’s wife without being your mother.
做个铁匠老婆害得我就够苦的了 还要为你劳神
Churchyard, indeed!
去坟地 真的吗
You’ll have me in there on the rampage with my poor heart.
Get to the table. Both of you.

Was that great guns, Joe? Yes, there’s another convict off.
干嘛放炮 乔? 大概又逃了个囚犯
What does that mean? Oh, escaped, escaped.
什么? 乔 噢 逃跑
There was one escaped last night. They fired a warning of him.
昨晚有个囚犯逃跑了 他们放炮报♥警♥
This must be a second one.
Where does the firing come from? Ask no questions, you’ll be told no lies!
从哪儿放的炮? 小鬼 你有完没完
Mrs. Joe, I should like to know, if you wouldn’t much mind,
我想知道 你不介意告诉我
where the firing comes from. From the hulks, of course.
从哪里放的吧 从牢船放的
Oh, hulks. And, please, what’s hulks?
牢船 什么是牢船?
That’s the way with him. Answer him one question and he’ll ask a dozen.
你回答他一句他 就要问上十句
Hulks are prison ships, right across the marshes.
牢船是关囚犯的 停在洼地对面
I wonder who’s put in prison ships and why they’re put in there.
牢船里关的是些什么样的人 为什么被关的
People are put into prison ships because they murder, forge and rob,
牢船里关的那些人 不是杀了人就是抢了东西
and do all sorts of bad things.
And they always start by asking too many questions.
好了 已说得够多的啦
Now get on with your supper and get off to bed.
A boy may be warm in bed, he may pull the clothes over his head,
哪怕你躲在被窝里 盖着你的头
but that young man will softly creep his way to him and tear him open!
他还是会悄悄地爬到你的身边来 掏出你的心肝
Wake up, Mrs. Joe!
起床 乔
Wake up!
Mrs. Joe, wake up.
乔 起床
You’re a thief, Pip.
你是小偷 匹普
You’re a wicked thief, Pip.
你是小偷 匹普
You’ll be sent the hulks.
A boy with somebody else’s brandy!
With somebody else’s file. With somebody else’s pork pie.
拿了别人的锉刀 拿了别人的肉馅饼
Stop him!
Hello, young thief.
你好 小小偷
I couldn’t help it, sir.
You brought no one with you? No, sir.
没有人跟着你来吧? 没有人 没有
No one followed you? No, sir.
没有跟别人说吧? 没有
What’s in the bottle, boy? Brandy.
瓶子里是什么? 白兰地
I think you’ve got the ague, sir.
I’m much of your opinion, boy.
这话你说着了 孩子
I’m glad you enjoy it. Hm?
还吃得惯吗 嗯?
I said, I’m glad you enjoy it. Thank you, boy, I do.
我说你还吃得惯吗 我饿了 谢谢
Aren’t you going to leave any of it for him?
Him? Who’s him? The young man you spoke of.
他? 哪个他? 跟你藏一块的
Oh, him. He don’t want no food.
噢 他不需要
He looked as if he did.
Looked? When?
会看到? 什么时候?
Just now. Where?
刚才 在哪?
Over there.
Did you notice anything about him?
He had a big scar on his face.
No. Not here? Yes, there.
不 不在这? 是的 在这
Give us hold of that file, boy.
把锉刀给我 孩子
If you’re not wanting me, sir,
您要用不着我的话 我走了
we have company for dinner
and my sister will be up early. Thank you, boy. Thank you.
我不在 我的姐姐会生气 谢谢你 孩子
This boy ought to be truly grateful, ma’am, for this princely dinner.
真得感谢这孩子 太太 这么丰盛的宴会
Do you hear Uncle Pumblechook? Be grateful.
朋伯丘克大叔言重了 不必感谢
Why are the young never grateful? Naturally vicious.
现在的孩子哪有听话的? 孩子们都变坏了
True, true. Now, to finish with…
这话太对了 不谈这个啦…
I want you all to taste a delicious gift from Uncle Pumblechook.
来尝尝馅饼吧 这是朋伯丘克大叔带来的
It’s a pie. A savory pork pie.
A savory pork pie!
Let’s have a cut of this pie, Mrs. Joe, and we’ll try to do it justice.
有美味的肉馅饼 定要饱餐一顿
Clean plates. Cold.
I always say a bit of savory pork pie
will lay atop of anything you may care to mention and do no harm.
What’s the matter? Nothing, sir.
孩子 怎么了? 没什么
I should think not. Enjoying yourself with your elders and betters,
我不认为 与你的长者在一起
improving yourself with their conversation.
与他们的交谈 可改进你自己
Now then, son. Where do you think you’re off to?
喂 孩子 你想去哪里?
Oh, excuse me, but I’m on a chase in the name of the King.
对不起 女士们先生们 我以国王的名义在抓人
I want the blacksmith. And what might you want him for?
我需要铁匠 你能要他干什么 祈祷?
Missus, speaking for myself I should reply,
太太 在替我说了 看来我应该回答
for the honor of his fine wife’s acquaintance.
Speaking for the King I answer, a little job done.
为国王回答 只做一点小事
Blacksmith, we’ve had an accident with these.
They’re wanted for immediate service.
Will you throw your eye over them?
