无论有没有这件事 我都得这样
I’m the same man with or without this.
That isn’t so.
我早料到他会来找我的 他的三个手下在等着他
He’ll come looking for me. Three of his old bunch are waiting for him.
-那我们就更应该走了 -他们会跟着来的
-That’s why we ought to go. -They’ll just come after us.
Four of them… And we’d be all alone in the prairie.
-我们还有一个小时 -什么一小时
-We’ve got an hour. -What’s an hour?
跑一百英里吗 我们会永远也开不了店铺 艾米
We’d never be able to keep that store, Amy.
We’d have to run again as long as we live.
不 不会的 如果他们找不到我们
No, you wouldn’t. Not, if they didn’t know where to find us.
-我求求你了 我们走吧 -我不能
-Well, I’m begging you, please, let’s go. -I can’t.
别逞英雄 我不需要你做英雄
Don’t try to be a hero. You don’t have to be a hero, not for me.
我不是在逞英雄 如果你这样想 你就疯了
I’m not not trying to be a hero. If you think I like this, you’re crazy.
看 艾米 这是我的镇子 我有朋友在这儿
Look, Amy. This is my town. I’ve got friends here.
I’ll swear in deputies, and with a posse behind me,
maybe there won’t be trouble.
You know there’ll be trouble.
如果有 就在这儿有好了
Then, it’s better to have it here.
很抱歉 亲爱的 我明白你的感受
I’m sorry, honey. I know how you feel about it.
-是吗 -我当然明白 这有违你的宗教信仰
-Do you? -Of course I do. It’s against your religion.
-我当然明白你的感受 -但你还是一样要做
-Sure I know how you feel -But you’re doing it just the same.
哦 威尔 我们才结婚没几分钟
Oh, Will… We were married just a few minutes ago.
我们还有一辈子要过 难道这不意味着什么吗
We’ve got our whole lives ahead of us. Doesn’t that mean anything?
你知道我只有一个小时 却有很多事要干
You know I’ve only got an hour, and I’ve got lots to do.
Stay at the hotel until it’s over.
不 当这结束的时候 我不会在这儿等
No, I won’t be here when it’s over.
你要我等一小时 来知道自己是当妻子还是当寡妇
You’re asking me to wait an hour to find out if I’ll be a wife or a widow.
-太久了 我不会等的 -艾米
-It’s too long to wait. I won’t do it. -Amy…
如果你现在不和我走 我会一个人上火车
If you won’t go with me now, I’ll be on that train when it leaves here.
I’ve got to stay.
-很高兴你能来 珀斯 -是吗
-Glad you got hero, Percy. -Are you?
Have you forgotten that I passed sentence on Frank Miller?
你不应该回来 威尔 愚蠢
You shouldn’t have come back, Will. Stupid!
我认为我必须 必须留下
I figured I had to. I figured I had to stay.
-你认为错了 -我能召集10到12人的民兵
-You figured wrong. -I can deputise a posse, 10-12 guns.
-我的直觉告诉我不行 -为什么
-My intuition tells me otherwise. -Why?
没时间进行公民教育了 孩子
No time for a lesson in civics, my boy.
公元前5世纪时 雅典的市民们
In the 5th century BC the citizens of Athens,
遭受到暴君的暴♥政♥后 试图放逐他
having suffered under a tyrant, managed to banish him.
When he returned years later with an army of mercenary,
同样是那些市民 不仅打开城门欢迎他
those same citizens not only opened their gates for him,
but stood by while he executed members of the League of Government.
Similar thing happened eight years ago in a town called Indian Falls.
I escaped death only through
the intercess on of a lady of somewhat dubious reputation,
and the cost of a handsome ring which once belonged to my mother.
不幸的是 我没有更多的戒指了
Unfortunately, I have no more rings.
-你是法官 -在很多地方当过很多次法官
-You’re a judge. -Been a judge many times and many towns.
I hope to live to be a judge again.
I can’t tell you what to do.
Why must you be so stupid?
Have you forgotten what he’s done? That he’s crazy?
Don’t you rememher when he sat there and said:
“我不会被绞死的 我会回来杀了你的
“You’ll never hang me. I’ll come back I swear it.
凯恩 我发誓我会杀了你的 ”
I’ll kill you, Kane!”
给你 夫人 是去圣路易斯的票
Here you are, ma’am. This will take you to St. Louis.
Thank you.
也许你应该在别的地方等 也许在旅店
Maybe you’d rather wait somewhere else. Like at the hotel, maybe.
-好吧 谢谢 -我感到很抱歉 凯恩夫人
-All right thank you. -I’m sorry about all this, Mrs Kane.
你别担心 警长能照顾好他自己
Don’t you worry. The marshal’ll take care of himself.
Thank you very much.
嘿 跟五年前不一样了
Hey, that wasn’t here five years ago.
-那又怎么了 -没什么
-So what? -Nothing…yet.
-哈威 你不认为凯恩正在找你吗 -是啊
Harvey, don’t you think Kane will be looking for you right now?
-你真的看着不管 -如果你是我 你会怎么办
-You’re really sore at him. -Wouldn’t you be if you wore me?
如果我是你 我会的
I suppose…if I wore you.
I’ll be back in a while.
-再见 威尔 -再见
-Goodbye, Will -Goodbye.
-你认为我让你失望了 对吗 -不
-You think I’m letting you down? -No.
瞧 这只是一个西部中心肮脏的小镇
Look, this is just a dirty little village in the middle of nowhere.
这儿发生的事都无关紧要 走吧
Nothing that happens here is really important. Get out.
There isn’t time.
真可惜 祝你好运
What a waste. Good luck.
-你干吗不到教堂去 -你干吗不去
-Why ain’t you in church? -Why ain’t you?
-你能为我做些事吗 -当然
Will you do somethin’ for me? -Sure!
去找安德森 豪和富勒
Go find Anderson, Howe and Fuller,
and tell them I want them here.
-好的 -然后找哈威·派尔
Right. -Then find Harv Pell!
用不着 我来了
Don’t have to do that. I’m right here.
-你去哪儿了 -忙着呢
-Where have you been? -Busy.
你知道干什么 -当然
You know what’s doing? -Sure.
Come on! We’ve got lots to do.
等一下 这已经不是你的工作了 你知道
Hold up a second. This ain’t really your job, you know.
-每个人都这样对我说 -有意思 听一下好吗
-That’s what everybody keeps telling me. -Just listen a second.
-好吧 我在听着 -这是我所看到的
-All right, I’m listening. -This is the way I see it.
如果你走了 而新警长明天才到
If you’d gone with the new marshal not due till tomorrow,
应该由我负责 对吗
I’d be in charge, right?
如果有麻烦时 我有足够能力处理好
If I’m good enough to hold down the job when there’s trouble,
how come the city fathers didn’t trust me with it permanently?
-我不知道 -不知道
-I don’t know. -Don’t you?
-不 -有趣 我想你有很多办法的
-No. -I figure you carry a lot of weight.
也许他们没有问我 也许他们觉得你太年轻
Maybe they didn’t ask me. Maybe they figured you were too young.
You think I’m too young too?
有时候你确实是这样的 来吧
You sure act like it sometimes. Come on.
It’s very simple,
威尔 你只要告诉那些老家伙我是新警长
Will You just tell the old boys that I’m the new marshal.
明天他们告诉另一个家伙 这工作有人干了
Tomorrow they can tell the other fellow that the job’s filled.
-你说真的 对吗 -当然
-You really mean it, don’t you? -Sure.
-但我不能这样做 -为什么
-But I can’t do it. -Why not?
如果你不知道 我告诉你也没用
If you don’t know, it’s no use me tellin’ you.
You mean you won’t do it?
-你自己去干吧 -好吧
-Have it your way. -All right
真♥相♥是 你可能一开始就反对我
The truth is, you probably talked against me from the start.
我和海伦·拉米兹在一起让你生气 对吗
You’ve been sore about me and Helen Ramirez right along, ain’t you?
你和海伦·拉米兹 我
You and Helen Ramirez? I…
碰巧我不知道 这和我没关系
It so happened that I didn’t know
and it doesn’t mean anything to me, you ought to know that.
是啊 你们一年多前就分手了
Yeah, you’ve been washed up for more than a year.
你结了婚 但你还是不能容忍♥任何人取代你
You get married, only, you can’t stand anybody taking your place there…
-尤其是我 -你
-especially me. -You’re…
我没时间 哈威
I haven’t got time, Harv.
好吧 那我们就直说了吧
Okay, let’s get down to business.
你想要我帮忙 你得答应我一件事
You want me to stick, you put a word in for me.
我确实想要你帮忙 但不是做交易 随你的便
Sure I want you to stick, but I’m not buying it. It’s gotta be up to you.
I thought you’d grown up by now.
I thought your disposition might’ve sweetened up a little down in Abeline.
I guess we’re both wrong.
What’s so funny?
Did you really think you could put that over on Kane?
-为什么不能 -你什么时候才能成熟点
-Why not? -When are you going to grow up?
-我已经厌倦了这些话 -那就成熟点吧
-I’m getting tired of that kind of talk. -Then grow up.
Cut it out!
-好吧 -他为什么那样做
-All right -Why should he have gone for it?
当弗兰克·米勒来了 他会很需要我的
He needs me plenty when Frank Miller gets here.
-可能吧 -他应该早让我当警长的
-That’s possible. -He should’ve had me made marshal.
-他只是生我们的气 生你和我的气 -是吗
-He’s just sore. Sore about you and me. -Is he?
-你告诉他的 -当然
-You told him? -Sure.
You’re a fool.
为什么 你不想他知道
Why? Didn’t you want him to know?
