嘿 谁要说出去 你还是他
Hey… Who did the walking out anyway, you or him?
出去 哈威
Get out, Harvey.
-我可能正要出去 -那么出去
-I might just do that. -Then do it!
-你不是说真的 -试试看
-You don’t mean that. -Try me.
当弗兰克·米勒到了这里 你会说出不同的话
You’re gonna talk different when Frank gets here.
当你试着解释凯恩的事时 你可能需要有人在一旁
You might want somebody around, when you try to explain about Kane.
-我能照顾自己 -当然
-I can take care of myself. -Sure.
我听说当他来找你时 你就不那么漂亮了
I’ve heard that you might not be so pretty when he gets through with you.
-我不会回来了 -很好
-I won’t be back. -Good.
Come in.
我刚看见哈威 没事吧
I just saw Harvey. Is everything allright?
I think I have to talk with Mr Weaver.
-你要外出 -是的
-You’re getting out? -Yes.
You want me to give Kane a hand?
-不 -好吧
-No. -All right
May I wait here for the noon train?
我说 我可以在大厅里等到正午吗
I said, may I wait in the lobby until noon?
-当然 女士 -谢谢
-Sure, lady. -Thank you.
-你是凯恩夫人 对吗 -是的
-You’re Mrs Kane, ain’t you? -Yes.
-你准备搭正午的火车离开吗 -是的
-You’re leaving on the noon train… -Yes.
but your husband ain’t.
-不 为什么 -没什么 但很有意思
-No, why? -No reason, but it’s mighty interesting.
Now me, I wouldn’t leave this town at noon
for all the tea in China.
不 先生 会有好东西让我大开眼界的
No, sir. It’s going to be quite a sight to see.
My eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord
#He’s trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored
He has loosed the fruitful lightening of His terrible swift sword
His truth is marching home
荣光 荣光 哈利路亚
Glory, glory, halleluja
荣光 荣光 哈利路亚
Glory, glory, halleluja
荣光 荣光
Glory, glory
哈利路亚 他的真理在前进
#Halleluja His truth is marching home
He has sonded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat
He is shifting out the hearts of men before His judgement seat
-威尔 我刚听说 -你好
-Will, I just heard… -Hello.
你可以依靠我的 你知道的 对吗
You can count on me, you know that, don’t you?
-我相信可以 -你清理了这个镇子
-I was figuring I could. -You cleaned this town up.
You made it fit for women and kids to live in.
Miller or nobody else’ll never drag it down again.
-我希望人们也这样想 -难道还有其它的想法吗
-I hoped people’d feel that way. -What other way is there?
-你招集了多少人 -一个都还没有
-How many men you got Lined up? -None yet.
看来你还得加紧 伙计 我十分钟后回来
Well, you better get going, man. I’ll be back in 10 minutes.
-他在哪儿 -他从后门进来 一个谨慎的人
-Where is he? -He’s coming up the back way. A careful man.
进来 威佛先生 -你好 拉米兹夫人
-Come in, Mr Weaver. -Hello, Mrs Ramires.
-你好 请坐 -谢谢
-Hello. Sit down, please. -Thanks.
有什么麻烦吗 拉米兹夫人 -没有
Is there anything wrong, Mrs Ramirez? -No.
Why did you send for me?
我要离开这个镇子 我想把店铺卖♥♥掉
I’m leaving town. I want to sell the store.
-你想买♥♥吗 -你要多少钱
-You want to buy me out? -Well, how much did you want?
2000 我想这很公平
Two thousand. I think that’s fair.
是很公平 好的 但我一下子凑不了那么多钱
It’s fair allright, but I couldn’t raise that much now.
-你可以凑多少 -哦 1000美圆
-How much can you raise? -Oh… 1000 dollars.
好的 剩余的你可以6个月内给山姆
All right you can pay Sam the rest in six months.
-他会把钱给我 成交吗 -好的 夫人
-He’ll get it to me. A deal? -Yes, ma’am.
好吧 威佛先生 谢谢你
All right, Mr Weaver. Thank you.
拉米兹夫人 我想感谢你所做的一切 我是说
Mrs Ramirez, I want to thank you for everything, I mean…
你第一个找我做交易 资助我开商店
When you first put the deal to me about staking me in the store,
and being a silent partner,
你知道 我妻子以为
you know, my wife thought…
哦 我想说的是
Err… What I really mean to say is that
you’ve been real decent to me right along,
同时 我想让你知道我一直对你很诚实
and I want you to know that I’ve been honest with you.
我知道 威佛先生 再见
I know you have, MrWeaver. Goodbye.
-再见 拉米兹夫人 祝你好运 -谢谢
Goodbye, Mrs Ramirez. And good luck to you. -Thank you.
-威尔 -艾米 你改变主意了
-Will… -Amy. You’ve changed your mind.
I thought you’d changed yours.
不 威尔 我买♥♥了自己的票
No, Will, I have my ticket.
I see.
打扫一下19号♥房♥ 米勒夫人很挑剔
Clean number 19. Mrs Miller is very particular.
-海伦·拉米兹在吗 -我想在的
-Is Helen Ramirez in? -I guess so.
我想你能自己找到 对吗
Think you can find it allright?
Come in.
你在看什么 你以为我变了
What are you looking at? You think I have changed?
你想干什么 想要我帮你
What do you want? You want me to help you?
想让我请求弗兰克放你走 想让我为你求情
You want me to ask Frank to let you go? You want me to beg for you?
我不会做的 我不会为你动一根小指头
I would not do it. I would not lift a finger for you.
我本想来告诉你他来了 我早该猜到你已经知道了
I came to tell you he was coming. I should’ve figured you know about it.
I know about it.
我想你应该离开镇子 因为我可能无法
You ought to get out of town or I might not be able to…well..
-什么事都可能发生 -我不怕他
-Anything can happen. -I’m not afraid of him.
我知道你不怕 但你 你知道他是什么人
I know you’re not but you…you know how he is.
I know how he is.
Maybe he doesn’t know.
-他可能收到信 -那又怎么样
-He’s probably got letters. -What about it?
Nothing in life is free.
我准备离开 我现在要收拾东西了
I’m getting out. I’m packing now.
That’s good.
-保重 -会的 谢谢
-Take care. -Thank you.
-再见 海伦 -凯恩
-Goodbye, Helen. -Kane…
如果你聪明点的话 你也应该离开
If you’re smart, you will get out, too.
-我不能 -我知道
-I can’t. -I know.
-我可以问你一些事吗 -当然
-May I ask you something? -Sure.
-拉米兹小姐是谁 -拉米兹夫人
-Who is Miss Ramirez? -Mrs Ramirez?
She used to be a friend of your husband’s a while back.
Before that she was a friend of Frank Miller’s.
我明白了 谢谢
I see. Thank you.
-你不喜欢我丈夫 是吗 -是的
-You don’t Like my husband, do you? -No.
-为什么 -很多原因
-Why? -Lots of reasons.
当弗兰克·米勒在这的时候 这总是很忙
This place was always busy when Frank Miller was around.
I’m not the only one.
A plenty of people think he’s got a comeuppance coming.
你问我 夫人 我才告诉你的
You asked me, ma’am, so I’m telling you.
-我想我得去弄些酒来 -你非得去吗
-I’ll go and get some liquor. -You have to have it?
-是的 -如果你去了
-Yeah. -If you’re going after that…
-我说我要去弄些酒来 -离凯恩远点
-I said I was going for liquor. -Keep away from Kane.
当然 我可以等
嘿 哈威 你的星星哪儿去了
Hello, Harv. Where’s the tin star?
-我交回去 退出了 -聪明
-I turned it in and quit. -Smart move.
I didn’t ask for your opinion.
嗨 本 你好吗
Hey, Ben! How are you?
嘿 瞧谁在这里
Hey, look who’s here!
-你好吗 本 -来一瓶
-How are you, Ben? -Give me a bottle.
-好久不见了 本 -是啊
-It’s been a long time, Ben. -Yeah.
是的 弗兰克怎么样
Yes, sir. How’s Frank?
-他没有发牢骚 -今晚镇子里会很热闹 是吗
-He’s not complaining. -It’ll be a hot time in the old town tonight, eh?
I wouldn’t be surprised.
弗兰克下了火车不用几分钟 凯恩就得死了
Kane’s dead by minutes after Frank gets off the train.
It’s not much time.
那正是弗兰克需要的 因为我
That’s all Frank’ll need, because…
你戴着警徽和枪 警长 你不应该这样做
You carry a badge and a gun, marshal You ain’t no call to do that.
You’re right
I guess you all know why I am here.
我需要副手 有多少要多少
I need deputies. I take all I can get.
你到这里来招集人手 你疯了
You must be crazy comin’ in here to raise a posse.
弗兰克在这屋里有朋友 你应该知道
Frank’s got friends in this room. You ought to know that.
当初我们消灭这帮家伙时 你们中有些人是副警长
Some of you wore special deputies when we broke this bunch.
I need you again…now.
现在不一样了 当初你有六个可靠的副手
Things wore different then. You had six steady deputies to start off with.
