各个都是好手 现在你只有两个人
Every one a top gun. You ain’t got but two now.
没两个人了 哈威·派尔说他退出了 为什么
You ain’t got two. Harv Pell says he just quit. Why?
That’s between the two of us.
你要求得太高了 想想弗兰克·米勒是什么人
You’re asking an awful lot, considering the kind of man Frank is.
好了 我们都知道兰克·米勒是什么人
All right We all know what Miller’s like.
这就是我为什么来这儿 怎么样
That’s why I’m here. How about it?
米德 他来了 现在你就按我说的做
Mildred, he’s coming. Now you do like I told you.
我不在家 无论他说什么 我都不在家
I’m not home. No matter what he says, I’m not home.
山姆 他是你的朋友
Sam, he’s your friend.
别吵了 他马上就到了
Don’t argue with me. He’ll be here soon.
他不会相信的 他知道我在撒谎
He won’t believe me. He’ll know I’m lying.
You do like I tell you.
你好 富勒夫人 山姆在吗
Hello, Mrs Fuller. Is Sam in?
不不 他不在
No, he isn’t.
你知道他在哪儿吗 我有重要的事找他
Do you know where he is? It’s important to me, to find him.
我想他在教堂 威尔 他去了教堂
I think… He’s in church, Will. He’s gone to church.
-你没去 -我一会儿穿好了就去
-Without you? -I’m gonna go as soon as I dress.
谢谢你 富勒夫人 再见
Thank you, Mrs Fuller. Goodbye.
你想要什么 想要我被杀死吗
What do you want? Do you want me to get killed?
-你想当寡妇吗 那是你想要的 -不 山姆
-Do you want to be a widow? -No, Sam. No.
-什么事 吉米 -没什么 我来找你
-What’s the matter, Jimmy? -Nothin’. I’ve been lookin’ for you.
I wanna a gun.
当火车来的时候 我要和你在一起
I wanna be with you when that train comes in.
你 你还能拿枪吗
Can…can you handle a gun?
当然能 我以前不错的
Sure I can. I used to be good.
-真的 -你为什么
-Honest. -But why…
It ain’t just gettin’ even.
这是个机会 我需要它
It’s a chance. This is what I need.
求你了 凯恩 让我加入吧
Please, let me get in on this.
好吧 吉米 需要的时候我会叫你的
All right, Jimmy. I’ll call you if I need you.
Get yourself a drink meanwhile.
进来 山姆
Come in, Sam.
You’re leavin’ town?
-你要去哪儿 -还不知道
-Where are you going? -I don’t know yet.
That doesn’t make much sense.
-你害怕 对吗 害怕米勒 -不
-You’re afraid, huh? Afraid of Miller. -No.
你肯定是 否则你不会逃
Sure you are. You wouldn’t be runnin’.
有我在你身边 你不用担心 你知道的
You don’t have to worry as long as I’m around, you know that.
-我随时可以干掉米勒 -我相信
-I’ll take Milleron any time. -I believe you.
那为什么还要走 你和凯恩已经一刀两断了
Then why are you goin’? You’re cuttin’ out with Kane.
-哦 哈威 -你为什么要走
-Oh, Harvey… -Why are you goin’?
What difference does it make?
是因为凯恩 我知道是因为凯恩
I know it’s Kane!
It isn’t Kane.
I’m going to tell you something about you and your friend Kane.
你是个帅小子 你有着宽厚的肩膀
You’re a good-looking boy, you have big broad shoulders.
But he is a man.
做一个男人需要有更宽厚的肩膀 哈威
It takes more than broad shoulders to make a man, Harvey,
and you have a long way to go.
你知道吗 我想你永远也做不到
You know something? I don’t think you’ll ever make it.
让我来告诉你吧 你哪儿也去不了
Let me tell you something. You’re not goin’ anywhere.
你要和我呆在一起 就像以前一样
You’re stayin’ with me. It’s gonna be just like it was before.
你想知道我为什么要离开吗 那听着
You want to know why I’m leaving? Then listen.
Kane will be dead in half an hour.
And nobody’s going to do anything about it.
他死后 这个镇子也完蛋了 我能感觉得到
And when he dies, this town dies too. I can feel it.
在这个世界上我是孤身一人 我得活下去
I’m all alone in the world, I have to make a living.
所以我要去别的地方 这就是原因
So I’m going someplace else, that’s all.
还有你 我不喜欢任何人把手放在我身上
And as for you, I don’t like anybody to put his hands on me
unless I want him to.
我已经不喜欢你了 再也不了
And I don’t like you to…anymore.
Our text today is from Malachi, chapter four.
“看哪 来临的日子
“For, behold, the day cometh,
that shall burn as an oven;
所有的骄傲 赞美和所有的
and all the proud, yea, and all…”
对不起 牧师 我不想打断你的礼拜
I’m sorry, parson, I don’t want to disturb the services…
你已经打断了 你不常来教堂 警长
You already have. You don’t come to this church very often, marshal,
今天你结婚 也没有看见你适当地在这儿举♥行♥婚礼
and today you didn’t see fit to be married here.
What can be so important to bring you here now?
I need help.
没错 我不常来教堂 这可能不好
It’s true, I haven’t been a churchgoing man, and maybe that’s a bad thing.
我没有在这举♥行♥婚礼 因为我妻子是贵格教♥徒♥
I didn’t get married here today because my wife is a Quaker,
但我来这里求助 是因为这里有人
but I came here for help because there are people here.
对不起 警长 你说吧
I’m sorry, marshal Say what you have to say.
你们中有些人也许已经听说了 如果没有
Maybe some of you already know it but if you don’t…
It looks like Frank Miller is coming back on a noon train.
I need all the specialdeputies I can get.
好啊 那我们还等什么
Well, what are we waiting for?
Let’s go.
等一会儿 等等
Hold it a minute, hold it!
在我们参与进去之前 恐怕不会那么愉快
Before we rush out into something that isn’t so pleasant,
let’s make sure we know what this is all about.
What I want to know is this: ain’t it true
that Kane ain’t no longer a marshal?
And that there’s personal trouble with Kane and Miller?
好啦 好啦 安静 各位
All right, all right! Quiet, everybody!
如果有不同意见 每个人都可以说出来
If there’s a difference of opinion, let everybody have a say.
但我们应该像成年人一样干 让孩子们都出去先
But let’s do it like grown-up people, and get the kids out of the building.
Anything on the train?
据我所知 火车很准时 先生
It’s on time as far as I know, sir.
It don’t really matter
if there’s anything personal between Miller and Kane.
We all know who Miller is, and what Miller is.
-别浪费时间了 -好了 科依
-We’re wasting time. -All right Coy!
我们都知道米勒是什么人 我们赶走了他一次
We all know who Miller is and we put him away once.
And who saved him from hanging? The politicians up north.
我说 他们惹的麻烦让他们自己去解决
I say, this is their mess. Let them take care of it.
-弗莱尔 -好吧 我说
-Fryer? -Well, I say this:
We’ve been paying good money for a marshal and deputies.
The first time there’s any trouble,
we’re supposed to take care of it ourselves.
What have we been paying for all this time?
我们不是治安官 那不是我们的工作
We’re not peace officers, and this ain’t our job!
我早就说过 我们需要更多的副警长
I’ve been saying right along, we ought to have more deputies.
如果早这样做 就不会有这个麻烦了
If we did, we wouldn’t be facing this now.
等一等 等一等 各位 安静
Just a minute, just a minute! Everybody, quiet!
保持秩序 你举手了 先生
Keep it orderly. You had your hand up.
I can’t believe I’ve heard some of the things said here.
You ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
是的 我们是花钱请了他
We paid this man,
and he was the best marshal we ever had.
所以这不是他的麻烦 是我们大家的
It ain’t his trouble, it’s ours.
如果我们不采取行动 就会有更多的麻烦
If we don’t do what’s right, we’re gonna have more trouble.
我们只有一件事要做 你们都知道是什么
There ain’t but one thing to do, and you all know what that is.
-继续 基比 -这件事一开始就错了
-Go ahead, Kibbee. -This thing has been handled wrong.
Those three killers walking the streets bold as brass
你干吗不早逮捕他们 警长把他们扔进监狱里去
Why didn’t you put them in jail where they ought to be?
Then we’d only have Miller to worry about.
我没有任何理由逮捕他们 他们什么也没干
I haven’t anything to arrest them for. They haven’t done anything.
There’s no law against them sitting on a bench at the depot.
我再也听不下去了 你们是怎么了
I can’t listen to any more of this. What’s the matter with you people?
Don’t you Remember when a decent
woman couldn’t walk down the street in broad daylight?
When this wasn’t a fit place to bring up a child?
你们怎么能坐在这儿 说着这些废话
How can you sit and talk, and talk, and talk like this?
What are we getting so excited about?
How do we know Miller’s on that train any way?
非常肯定 而且时间越来越短了
We can be pretty sure he’s on it. Time’s getting short.
