
vt. 蒙蔽;欺骗;遮眼



hoodwink 欺诈,欺骗


单词解释: “Hoodwink” 是一个动词,意为欺骗、愚弄或蒙蔽某人,以使其相信虚假的事情或被迷惑。

以下是包含单词 “hoodwink” 的短语及其中文解释:

  1. Hoodwink the public: 愚弄公众
  2. Hoodwink someone into believing: 欺骗某人相信
  3. Hoodwink the jury: 欺骗陪审团
  4. Hoodwink the audience: 愚弄观众
  5. Hoodwink the authorities: 欺骗当局
  6. Hoodwink with false information: 用虚假信息愚弄
  7. Hoodwink the media: 欺骗媒体
  8. Hoodwink the investors: 欺骗投资者
  9. Hoodwink through deception: 通过欺骗愚弄
  10. Hoodwink through lies: 通过谎言欺骗
  11. Hoodwink through manipulation: 通过操纵欺骗
  12. Hoodwink for personal gain: 为个人利益欺骗
  13. Hoodwink for financial gain: 为经济利益欺骗
  14. Hoodwink for political purposes: 出于政治目的欺骗
  15. Hoodwink for monetary benefits: 为金钱利益欺骗
  16. Hoodwink through false promises: 通过虚假承诺欺骗
  17. Hoodwink by creating confusion: 通过制造混乱愚弄
  18. Hoodwink by distorting facts: 通过扭曲事实欺骗
  19. Hoodwink with fabricated stories: 用虚构故事欺骗
  20. Hoodwink by feigning innocence: 通过假装无辜愚弄
  21. Hoodwink with a hidden agenda: 用隐秘动机愚弄
  22. Hoodwink through misinformation: 通过错误信息欺骗
  23. Hoodwink for personal advantage: 为个人利益欺骗
  24. Hoodwink by using false evidence: 通过虚假证据欺骗
  25. Hoodwink for financial profit: 为财务利润欺骗
  26. Hoodwink with clever tricks: 用巧妙把戏欺骗
  27. Hoodwink for ulterior motives: 出于别有用心欺骗
  28. Hoodwink through deception and lies: 通过欺骗和谎言愚弄
  29. Hoodwink through a fake identity: 通过虚假身份欺骗
  30. Hoodwink for their personal gain: 为他们个人利益欺骗
  31. Hoodwink through a clever ruse: 通过巧妙策略欺骗
  32. Hoodwink with a counterfeit product: 用假冒产品欺骗
  33. Hoodwink through artful deception: 通过狡猾的欺骗愚弄
  34. Hoodwink for financial advantage: 为经济利益欺骗
  35. Hoodwink through manipulation of information: 通过操纵信息愚弄
  36. Hoodwink by playing mind games: 通过心理战术欺骗
  37. Hoodwink with a fraudulent scheme: 用欺诈计划欺骗
  38. Hoodwink for personal interests: 为个人利益欺骗
  39. Hoodwink for self-serving purposes: 出于自私目的欺骗
一个人,一本书,一部电影,还是一段音乐 ♪ ♩ ♫ ♬ 在世界的某个角落, 总有什么能触动你的心灵; 在世界的某个角落, 总有和你一样的人。
