What was wanting was a friendly psychiatrist.
What’s that?
When you say you want to “raspberry” this man,
你想要表达的是什么意思 我不太懂你们的行话
I’m not sure of your vernacular. What do you mean?
“树莓”啊 这简单 就是弄残他
Raspberry ripple, cripple.
You want to cripple someone?
是的 说对了 为什么要这样做呢
Yep, that’s right. And why is that?
医生 因为我害怕他会给我的老板
Because, Doctor, I’m afraid he may not be inclined
to provide a favourable evaluation of my employer.
And who’s your employer?
Ronnie Kray.
还有问题吗 医生
Is there hope, Doctor?
抱歉 请稍等一会
Excuse me a moment.
不着急 您慢慢来
Take your time.
Ronald Kray possesses possibly the soundest mind I’ve seen
我从事精神病治疗26年来 他可能是最好的一个
in 26 years of psychiatric practice.
依我看 让他留在精神病院里是对公共资源的浪费
In my view, to keep him here would be a waste of public resources.
A lifetime’s integrity down the toilet.
女王会一直存在 上帝会拯救我们其他人
The Queen would survive, but God save the rest of us.
Mr Kray.
I hope you know what you’re doing.
是的 我知道我在做什么我要回伦敦去 去拿
Yeah, I know what I’m doing. I’m going back to London, gonna take the…
Your brother has no real idea who or what he is.
Nor does he trust his own senses.
I’ve never seen a man so desperately in need of reassurance.
我们都很喜欢这种时不时的小夸奖 不是吗
We all like a nice little compliment now and again, don’t we?
你的哥哥暴♥力♥武断 精神错乱
Your brother is arbitrary, violent and psychopathic,
probably paranoid schizophrenic.
我要告诉你的是 他已经精神失常了
What I’m trying to tell you is that he’s off his fucking rocker.
It’s called Stemetil.
You need to give it to your brother twice a day
or there’s going to be serious trouble.
嗨 弗兰西丝 车到门口了
Oi, Frances, the car’s outside.

你真是光彩照人 弗兰西丝你就像一个东区明星
You’ve got glamour, Frances. You’re like an East End starlet.
East End harlot’s more like it.
她穿着裤子 妈妈她一点也不像妓♥女♥
They’re trousers, Mum. She doesn’t look like a harlot.
What she’s wearing doesn’t matter.
当人们看见她和罗吉·科雷在一块 就会认为她是个荡♥妇♥
When people see her with Reggie Kray, they’ll think she’s a tart.
Why would you say that?
他是黑社会 弗兰西丝 科雷哥俩都是黑社会
He’s a gangster, Frances. The Krays are gangsters.
-哦 我觉得他是个很体贴的人 -噢 老天
-Well, I think he’s sweet. -Oh, God!
并且我还要亲他 你听到了吗
And I’m going to kiss him. Do you hear me?
你好 你好
Hello. Hello.
You look lovely.
So do you.
你好 这是大帕特
Hello. This is Big Pat.
你好 大帕特 罗吉
Hello, Big Pat. Reggie.
-怎么样 还好吗 伙计 美女 -很高兴见到你
-How you doing? You all right, mate? Miss. -Nice to see you.
大帕特 把那些小混混赶出去
Big Pat’s here to keep riff-raff out.
那么 你会让我们进去吗 哥们儿
So how come you’re letting us in, then, mate?
Have a good night.
-谢谢 -谢谢 兄弟
-Thank you. -Thanks, mate. Cheers.
哦 你好 出了点麻烦事 接电♥话♥
Oh, hello, here’s trouble. Hold the phone.
-噢 是你 最近还好吗 猛♥男♥ -一直都好 老板
-Oi, you. How you doing, big man? -You all right, boss?
-还好吗 -是的 挺好的
-Are you well? -Yeah, I’m fine.
-最近守规矩吗 -一直都是 我是个好孩子
-You behaving yourself? -Always. I’m a teddy bear, me.
放轻松 如果他找你麻烦的话 来跟我说
Go easy. If he gives you any trouble, come and speak to me. Come on.
-你还好吗 美女 -是的 我很好 她很好
-You all right, ma’am? -Yeah, I’m good. She’s good.
-你好 罗吉 -你好
-Hello, Reg. -Hello.
罗吉 你好 科雷先生
Reg, you all right? Mr Kray.
Everyone here knows you.
是的 这儿是我的 我的夜♥总♥会♥
Yeah, well, I own it, it’s my club.
-你是指这儿是你的地盘 -不 我是这儿的老板
-You mean it’s your local? -No, I own the place. It’s mine.
我来过这儿十次 但从来不知道你是这儿的老板
I’ve been by here 10 times, I never knew it was yours.
嗯 如果你能少说几句 就会少不少麻烦
Well, you can get away with a lot in life if you keep your mouth shut.
噢 这是泰德 等我一下
Ooh, that’s Teddy. Hang on a second.
近来如何 都还好吗 很高兴见到你 还好吧
How you doing? You all right? Good to see you. You good?
-家里怎么样 -好着呢
-How’s the family? -Excellent.
-怎么了 -这些人看着让人有些害怕
-What? -Those men look frightening.
没事的 他们是东区的拳击手 他们还是挺可爱的
No, no, they’re just East End boxers. They’re lovely.
他们在这喝酒 我会给他们免单
I let ’em drink in here for free, you know.
罗吉 那是琼·考林斯
Reggie, that’s Joan Collins.
是 也许是吧
Yeah, might be, yeah.
前几天晚上 芭芭拉·温莎还在这来着
We had that Barbara Windsor in here the other night.
-真的吗 -实际上她来这儿的次数还不少呢
-Really? -She comes in quite a bit, actually.
她很喜欢这儿 嗯 这是我的经营方式
She loves it. And, uh, that’s my formula.
What I like to do is I like to mix celebrities with a few,
也就几个 东区恶棍们聚在一起
just a few, East End villains.
那些赌徒 他们都喜欢这样 这个经营方式对生意很有帮助
The punters, they love it. It’s really good for business.
Would you like a seat?
打扰了 罗吉 能不能耽误你一小会儿
Excuse me, Reg. Have you, uh, got a moment?
不 我没时间 我现在很忙 行吧
No, I don’t, actually. I’m busy. All right?
嗯 有很重要的事 罗吉
Nah, it’s important, Reg.
当然 和这位女士在一起也很重要 所以
This is important as well, so…
-罗吉 -那好吧
-Reg. -All right.
弗兰西丝 你介意我
Frances, would you mind if I, um…
离开一小会儿 去处理一些生意上的事吗
if I take care of some business just for a moment?
-不 当然不介意 -不好意思 我很快就回来
No, of course not. -Excuse me. Be back in a minute.
你陪她坐在这儿 到底什么事
You sit with her. What is it?
-他来了 -什么
-It’s back here. -What?
-你好 罗吉 -你好 伙计
-Hello, Reg. -All right, mate?
说真的 如果你不知道 你真不知道
In fact, if you don’t know, you don’t fucking know.
你明白我的意思吗 罗吉
You know what I mean? Reggie.
最近怎么样 罗吉
How are you, Reg?
我很好 没什么好抱怨的 谁要听这些废话
I’m all right. I can’t complain. Who’d fucking listen?
-要说什么事 快说吧 -坐下吧 罗吉 坐下说
-What’s the palaver? Go on. -Sit down, Reg. Sit down, please.
All right.
你对我们参与核心生意有疑问 那些药丸生意
You had a question about our take in the purple heart business. Pill game.
-继续说 -现在杰克自己来解释
-Go on. -Jack here would like to explain himself.
Go on.
说吧 杰克 把你跟我讲的那些话都告诉罗吉
Go on, Jack. Tell Reggie what you told me.
是这样的 罗吉
Well, Reg…
-什么 -我 嗯
-Yeah? -I, uh…
事情是这样的 一般情况下 我的账户
The thing is, under normal circumstances, my accounts…
你要一整晚都啰嗦这些该死的话 伙计 我忙着呢
Are you going to take all fucking night, mate? ‘Cause I’ve got things to do.
说吧 杰克 快告诉他
Tell him, Jack. Go on, spit it out.
我借了几点钱 好吧
I borrowed a few quid off the top. Right. All right.
-我私下里卖♥♥一些药 -嗯 让人惊讶
-I sold a few pills on the side. -Yeah, there’s a surprise.
Things have been a bit tight at home
and I was just trying to keep the wife happy.
Trying to keep the wife happy.
这就是你让我来这儿的原因 来听这些废话
Is this why you brought me in here, for this? This nonsense?
这是很重要的生意 罗吉
It’s important business, Reg.
这些废话很重要 是吗
It’s important, is it? Yeah?
你应该了解这些事 好吧 我们来处理这桩生意吧
You should know about this. All right, let’s deal with this business.
明天 你回去继续工作 并且把欠的每一分该死的钱都还上
Tomorrow, you come back to work, and you pay back every fucking penny.
我正要这么说 好 行了吧 我们处理完了吗
I was going to suggest that. Good. Right. Are we done?
Everybody happy?
好了 就这样吧 我可以回去做我自己的事了吧
All right, then, can I get back to my fucking evening?
谢谢你 非常谢谢你 艾比 回见
Thank you. Thank you very much, Albie. Cheers.
-抱歉浪费你的时间了 杰克 -谢谢
-Sorry for wasting your time, Jack. -Thanks.
Thanks for coming in.
你过来 伙计
Here you go, mate.
你这该死的狗♥娘♥养♥的家伙 明白了吗
You fucking little thieving cunt. You understand?
I heard me. Yeah?
下一次我会要了你的小命 你个懦夫
Next time I’ll finish you off, you little slag.
-把他赶出去 该死的 -去你的
-Get him out of here. Fuck him off. -Fuck!
